Official Telegram on urgent response to No. 3 Typhoon in 2024 of the Ministry of Construction of Vietnam

Official Telegram on urgent response to No. 3 Typhoon in 2024 of the Ministry of Construction of Vietnam
Quế Anh

Recently, the Ministry of Construction of Vietnam issued an Official Telegram on urgent response to No. 3 Typhoon in 2024

Official Telegram on urgent response to No. 3 Typhoon in 2024 of the Ministry of Construction of Vietnam (Internet image)

On September 4, 2024, the Ministry of Construction of Vietnam urgently issued Official Telegram 01/CD-BXD regarding the urgent response to No. 3 Typhoon in 2024.

Official Telegram on urgent response to No. 3 Typhoon in 2024 of the Ministry of Construction of Vietnam

Following the directive of the Prime Minister of the Government of Vietnam in Official Telegram 86/CD-TTg dated September 3, 2024, directing ministries, sectors, and localities to urgently implement the response to No. 3 Typhoon of 2024.

To proactively prevent, combat, and effectively respond to minimize the damages caused by No. 3 Typhoon, the Ministry of Construction requests the People's Committees of the mentioned provinces and cities to implement the following contents:

Seriously implement the contents of Document No. 1675/BXD-GD dated April 22, 2024, of the Ministry of Construction regarding natural disaster prevention to ensure the safety of people, housing, and construction works during the stormy season of 2024, focusing on directing the following tasks:

- Require residents to implement natural disaster prevention measures locally according to the 04 guidance documents that have been posted on the Ministry of Construction's electronic information portal;

- Urgently review response solutions to natural disasters in areas affected by natural disasters such as rising sea levels, large waves, landslides, and areas at risk of deep flooding; warn and proactively relocate people to safe places in flood-prone areas, areas with rising sea levels due to strong storms, mountain areas at risk of landslides and flash floods, and areas for flood drainage downstream of reservoirs;

- For technical infrastructure works: urgently review and inspect the drainage system in urban areas to ensure against flooding during rains and floods; inspect safety measures for key technical infrastructure works, and ensure safety against collapsing for urban green trees; ensure the safe supply of electricity and clean water to flooded areas;

- For exploited and used works: require residents, managers, and users to reinforce and tie down to ensure safety; inspect, review and prepare repair and reinforcement measures for works using corrugated iron roofs, fibro cement roofs, plastic ceilings, gypsum ceilings, glass doors, billboards, and water tanks on high;

- For construction works under construction: organize inspections to ensure the safety for people, equipment, works, and nearby buildings, especially ensuring the safety of tower cranes, cargo lifts, and other high-rise equipment;

- For column, pole, and tower structures in telecommunications, television, power transmission projects, and marine traffic control systems: require investors, managers, and users to inspect and dismantle unsafe hanging devices and components, and plan the relocation of affected households to safe places when necessary;

- For reservoir works: review and inspect the operation procedures of reservoirs to ensure the safety of downstream areas.

Simultaneously, units under the Ministry of Construction of Vietnam, based on their functions and assigned tasks, are responsible for organizing, arranging personnel, means, and tools to cooperate with localities affected by No. 3 Typhoon in implementing response measures and mitigating the consequences of natural disasters upon request or proposal from the localities.


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