Agencies and Organizations Submit Proposed Plans for Building QCVN in the Second Quarter Annually

Recently, the Ministry of Science and Technology issued Circular 26/2019/TT-BKHCN detailing the construction, appraisal, and promulgation of technical regulations.

Agencies and organizations submit proposals for QCVN construction plans in the second quarter of each year, Circular 26/2019/TT-BKHCN Circular 26/2019/TT-BKHCN

Agencies and organizations submit proposals for QCVN construction plans in the second quarter of each year (Illustrative photo)

In Article 5 of Circular 26/2019/TT-BKHCN it stipulates the sequence and procedures for approving QCVN construction plans as follows:

Regarding the content of the QCVN construction plan, it includes: the name of the QCVN that needs to be constructed, arranged by technical standards in specialized fields; type of technical standard; name of the drafting organization; implementation time; estimated budget and funding source.

Preparation, approval, implementation, and adjustment of the QCVN construction plan are as follows:

- Drafting of QCVN construction plan

- In the second quarter of each year, based on the demand for new construction, amendments, supplements, or replacements of QCVN, relevant agencies, organizations, and individuals shall send written proposals for the next year's QCVN construction plan to the ministry or ministerial-level agencies along with the QCVN construction project for consideration and compilation.- Based on the specific state management requirements in the field of technical standards assigned by the Government of Vietnam, ministries and ministerial-level agencies shall compile and prioritize the proposed plans for constructing, amending, supplementing, or replacing QCVNs.- Ministries and ministerial-level agencies organize the consideration of QCVN construction projects, with the participation of representatives of relevant agencies and organizations, and draft the next year's QCVN construction plan. The QCVN construction plan proposals comply with the Template specified in Appendix I promulgated with this Circular; the QCVN construction project follows the Template specified in Appendix II promulgated with this Circular;

- Solicitation of opinions and completion of the draft QCVN construction plan

- Ministries and ministerial-level agencies send the draft plan to the Ministry of Science and Technology, other ministries and central authorities, relevant agencies, organizations, and individuals to solicit opinions, and simultaneously announce the opinion solicitation on the electronic portal or official magazines and publications of the ministry or ministerial-level agency in charge of preparing and approving the plan. The opinion solicitation period is at least 30 (thirty) days from the date the draft is sent out for opinions.- Ministries and ministerial-level agencies to compile and process feedback to complete the annual QCVN construction plan draft;

- Approval of the QCVN construction plan

- The consideration and approval of the QCVN construction plan are carried out in the fourth quarter of the year preceding the plan year, combined with the consideration and approval of the scientific and technological plan, following the general guidance on the annual scientific and technological plan of the Ministry of Science and Technology.- Ministries and ministerial-level agencies consider and approve the QCVN construction plan after obtaining comments from the Ministry of Science and Technology to ensure the system's uniformity and coherence; notify relevant agencies and organizations, the Notification and Inquiry Point of National TBT (Vietnam TBT Office) and make public on the official publications or electronic portal of the ministry or ministerial-level agency in charge of preparing and approving the plan within no more than 30 (thirty) days from the date the plan is approved;

- Implementation of the QCVN construction plan

Ministries and ministerial-level agencies organize the implementation of the approved plan; periodically every 06 (six) months or unexpectedly as required, notify the situation and results of the QCVN construction plan implementation to the Ministry of Science and Technology for compilation and reporting to the Government of Vietnam, the receiving agency, which is the Directorate for Standards, Metrology, and Quality, 08 Hoang Quoc Viet Road, Hanoi city;

- Adjustment and supplementation of the QCVN construction plan

- The QCVN construction plan is adjusted, supplemented, or removed from the plan by written request from relevant agencies, organizations, and individuals. The adjusted, supplemented plan's content includes the progress, subject, QCVN content, and implementation funding.- Proposals for adjusting and supplementing the QCVN construction plan must be made before October 01 each year. The sequence and procedures for adjusting and supplementing the QCVN construction plan comply with the provisions of points b and c of this Clause.

Note: In the case of urgent state management requirements, the annual plan adjustment and supplementation are carried out according to the decisions of the Minister, the Head of the ministerial-level agency in charge of preparing and approving the plan.

See further details at Circular 26/2019/TT-BKHCN, effective from August 01, 2020.

Le Vy


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