Vietnam: 07 groups of professions that are prohibited in exporting labor from January 01, 2022

Recently, the National Assembly of Vietnam has issued the Law on Vietnamese Guest Workers.

07 nhóm công việc bị nghiêm cấm xuất khẩu lao động kể từ 01/01/2022

According to Clause 12 Article 7 of the Law on Vietnamese Guest Workers 2020, it is prohibited to work abroad or bring Vietnamese workers to work abroad in any of following professions:

1. Massage staffs in restaurants, hotels or amusement parks;

2. Professions that require regular contact with explosives, toxic substances in metal (copper, lead, mercury, silver, zinc) works; manganese, dioxide, mercury;

3. Professions that require contact with exposed radiation sources or professions that include extraction of radioactive ores;

4. Manufacturing and packaging professions that require regular contact with nitric acid, sodium sulfate, disulfur of carbons, pesticides, herbicides, rodenticides, antiseptic and highly toxic insecticide;

5. Professions that include hunting dangerous beasts, crocodiles or sharks;

6. Professions that require regular stay in hypoxide or high pressure environment (underground or seabed);

7. Professions that include shrouding, cremating or bone collecting.

Besides, this Law also specifies areas that are prohibited when working abroad or bringing Vietnamese workers to work abroad, including:

- Active combat zones or potential active combat zones;

- Radioactive areas;

- Contaminated areas;

- Areas with particularly dangerous epidemic(s).

Previously, the Decree No. 126/2007/NĐ-CP of Vietnam’s Government, zones, business lines, and jobs prohibited to work abroad include: zones with hostilities or threat of hostilities, the affected-by-radioactivity zones, the contaminated areas, the having-particularly-dangerous epidemic disease zones; areas where the State shall receive labor and ban foreign workers from working; the occupations and extremely hard, harmful and dangerous works not in accordance with the constitution of Vietnamese; works affecting fine customs of Vietnam on the prohibited list provided attached to this Decree. However, this regulation has expired since May 20, 2020, therefore, the Law on Vietnamese Guest Workers 2020 has specified specific jobs and areas that are not allowed export labor, and will be applied from January 01, 2022. 

Le Hai


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