03:07 | 01/02/2023

Vietnam: Apply for a universal passport with electronic chips in the country, how to prepare documents and procedures?

Apply for a universal passport with electronic chips in the country, how to prepare documents and procedures according to Vietnamese regulations? - Ms. Ha's question (Hue)

What are the conditions for carrying out procedures for issuing regular passports with electronic chips in the country in Vietnam?

When not in cases where immigration documents have not been issued as prescribed in Article 21 of the Law on Exit and Entry of Vietnamese citizens 2019, they are issued ordinary passports with electronic chips, specifically:

- Persons who have not yet complied with the decision on sanctioning administrative violations for violations are as follows:

+ Intentionally providing false information to be issued, extended, restored or reported loss of immigration documents.

+ Counterfeiting and using fake immigration documents to exit, enter or travel or reside abroad.

+ Giving, giving, buying, selling, borrowing, lending, renting, leasing, pledging, receiving pledges of immigration documents;

Destroy, erase, repair immigration documents.

+ Using immigration documents contrary to the provisions of law, adversely affecting the reputation or causing damage to the interests of the State.

+ Taking advantage of exit and entry to infringe upon the national security, social order and safety of Vietnam, the legitimate rights and interests of agencies and organizations or the life, health, legitimate rights and interests of individuals.

+ Illegal exit or entry;

Organizing, brokering, helping, harboring, concealing and creating conditions for others to exit or enter illegally;

Crossing the national border without the prescribed procedures.

+ Obstructing or resisting persons on public duty in issuing immigration documents or controlling immigration.

- Persons whose exit is temporarily suspended, except for the case specified in Clause 12, Article 37 of the Law on Exit and Entry of Vietnamese citizens 2019, specifically:

In special cases, the Minister of Public Security agrees with the person making the decision to suspend exit on allowing the person who is temporarily suspended from leaving the country.

- In case of national defense and security reasons according to the decision of the Minister of Defense and the Minister of Public Security.

Vietnam: Apply for a universal passport with electronic chips in the country, how to prepare documents and procedures?

Vietnam: Apply for a universal passport with electronic chips in the country, how to prepare documents and procedures?

What does the application for issuing a universal passport with an electronic chip in the country include in Vietnam?

According to the provisions of subsection 1 Section 1 Part II of the Appendix issued together with Decision 7643/QD-BCA in 2021, the dossier of application for a universal passport with a chip in the country includes:

(1) 01 declaration of application for an ordinary passport (form TK01) issued together with Circular 73/2021/TT-BCA.

For persons who have lost civil act capacity, who have difficulties in recognizing and mastering acts, declarations shall be declared and signed by the legal representative and certified and stamped by the Police of the commune, ward or town where he/she permanently resides or temporarily resides;

(2) 02 new photos taken no more than 06 months, size 4cm x 6cm, straight face, bare head, clear face, clear ears, no glasses, polite clothes, white background;

(3) The most recent ordinary passport issued to a person who has been issued a passport; in case of loss of passport, there must be a written report of loss of passport or a notice of receipt of an application from a competent agency specified in Article 28 of the Law on Exit and Entry of Vietnamese citizens;

(4) A copy of the identity card or citizen identification card in case there is a change in identity information compared to the information in the last issued passport.

(5) A certified copy of documents issued by a competent Vietnamese agency proving the legal representative of a person who has lost civil act capacity, who has difficulties in perception and mastery of acts; In case the copy is not authenticated, the original is presented for comparison inspection.

What are the procedures for issuing universal passports with electronic chips in the country in Vietnam?

According to the provisions of subsection 1 Section 1 Part II of the Appendix issued together with Decision 7643/QD-BCA in 2021 as follows:

Step 1: Prepare documents in accordance with the law

Step 2: Apply

- Applicants for ordinary passports with electronic chips shall directly submit documents to the Provincial Police Immigration Agency, specifically:

+ The person applying for a passport for the first time shall be made at the Provincial Police Immigration Agency of the place of permanent or temporary residence;

In case of having a citizen identity card, it shall be done at the Provincial Police Immigration Agency where it is convenient.

+ The person applying for a passport from the second time onwards shall be at the Provincial Police Immigration Agency where it is convenient.

When applying, you must present your identity card, citizen identification card or valid passport.

- Immigration officers receive dossiers to check the legality and contents of dossiers;

Take photos and collect fingerprints of passport applicants with electronic chips for the first time.

+ In case the dossier is complete and valid, an appointment letter shall be issued to return the result to the applicant for an ordinary passport; request payment of fees to the fee collection officer.

The officer collects the collection fee, delivers the receipt of collection to the person applying for an ordinary passport.

+ In case the dossier is missing or invalid, the officer receiving the dossier shall guide the person applying for an ordinary passport to complete the dossier.

- Applicants for ordinary passports can request to receive results through the postal service and must pay a delivery service fee.

- Time to receive applications: from 2nd to 6th every week and 7th morning (for units arranged to receive applications on 7th morning); except for New Year's Day, public holidays.

Step 3: Get results

- The person applying for an ordinary passport directly receives the results at the Provincial Police Immigration Agency.

When receiving the results, bring an appointment paper to return the results, a receipt of collection, present an Identity Card or a valid citizen identification card or passport.

- In case you have not issued an ordinary passport, you shall respond in writing and clearly state the reasons.

- In case of requesting to receive results through the postal service, follow the instructions of the postal service provider.


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