02:41 | 18/05/2023

What is the classification of excellent students for primary school students? What is the Certificate of Merit for primary school students in Vietnam?

What is the classification of excellent students for primary school students? What is the Certificate of Merit for primary school students in Vietnam? - Question from Mr. Binh (Ha Nam)

What are the criteria for classification of excellent students for primary school students in Vietnam?

Pursuant to Point a, Clause 1, Article 13 of the Regulations on Assessment of Primary School Students promulgated together with Circular No. 27/2020/TT-BGDDT stipulating as follows:

1. Principals shall award certificates of achievement for students:
a) End-of-year commendation:
- Award Excellent student title for student achieving Excellent completion;
- Award Student with good completion in study and training title for students achieving Good completion and earning excellent achievement in at least 1 subject or show clear development in at least 1 trait or capacity and receive recognition by the whole class.
b) Irregular commendation: students earning sudden achievements in school years.

Pursuant to Point a, Clause 2, Article 9 of the Regulations on Assessment of Primary School Students promulgated together with Circular No. 27/2020/TT-BGDDT stipulating as follows:

Consolidation of academic assessment results
2. At the end of a school year, based on consolidated assessment results of each subjects, academic activities and primary traits, capacities, class mentors shall:
a) Assess academic results of students by 4 levels:
- Excellent completion: Students who achieve excellent scores in assessment results of subjects, academic activities; good in traits and capacities; at least 9 score in periodic final exams of subjects;
- Good completion: Students who fail to achieve excellent completion but achieve good scores in assessment results of subjects, academic activities; good in traits and capacities; at least 7 score in periodic final exams of subjects;
- Completion: Students who fail to achieve excellent and good completion but achieve good or completion scores in assessment results of subjects, academic activities; good or satisfied in traits and capacities; at least 5 score in periodic final exams of subjects;
- No completion: Other students.
b) Specify feedback, academic assessment results and achievements of students receiving appraisal in a school year in study records.

Thus, in order to be assessed and classified as excellent students, primary school students must meet the following conditions:

- Achieve excellent scores in assessment results of subjects, academic activities;

- Good in traits and capacities;

- At least 9 score in periodic final exams of subjects.

What is the classification of excellent students for primary school students? What is the Certificate of Merit for primary school students in Vietnam?

What is the classification of excellent students for primary school students? What is the Certificate of Merit for primary school students in Vietnam?

What are the assessment criteria for primary school students in Vietnam?

Pursuant to the provisions of Clause 1, Article 5 of Circular No. 27/2020/TT-BGDDT on this content as follows:

Assessment criteria and methods
1. Assessment criteria
a) Assess learning process, progression and academic results of students satisfying requirements and specific display of capacities of each subject and academic activities according to formal primary education programs.
b) Assess formation and development of traits and capacities of students via following primary traits and capacities:
- Primary traits: patriotism, humane, diligence, honesty, and sense of responsibility.
- Primary capacities:
+) General capacities: self-control, self-studying, communication, cooperation, problem resolution and creativity;
+) Specific capacities: language, calculation, science, technology, computer, aesthetic, and physical attributes.

Thus, the assessment for primary school students is based on the following contents:

(1) Assess learning process, progression and academic results of students satisfying requirements and specific display of capacities of each subject and academic activities according to formal primary education programs.

(2) Assess formation and development of traits and capacities of students via following primary traits and capacities:

- Primary traits: patriotism, humane, diligence, honesty, and sense of responsibility.

- Primary capacities:

+ General capacities: self-control, self-studying, communication, cooperation, problem resolution and creativity;

+ Specific capacities: language, calculation, science, technology, computer, aesthetic, and physical attributes.

Note: The roadmap for applying the above provisions is as follows:

- From the school year 2020-2021 for grade 1.

- From the school year 2021-2022 for grade 2.

- From the school year 2022-2023 for grade 3.

- From the school year 2023-2024 for grade 4.

- From the school year 2024-2025 for grade 5.

What is the Certificate of Merit for primary school students in Vietnam?

Certificate of Merit is a school document used to reward students with good academic performance during the school year.

According to that, below are some samples of Certificates of Merit for primary school students at the end of the school year collected as follows:

Nguyễn Thị Hồng Nhung

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