09:06 | 16/05/2023

What are the requirements of the classification of “Học sinh Xuất sắc” (excellent student) for lower secondary school students in Vietnam according to current regulations?

What are the requirements of the classification of “Học sinh Xuất sắc” (excellent student) for lower secondary school students in Vietnam according to current regulations? Question of An in Hue.

What are the requirements of the classification of “Học sinh Xuất sắc” (excellent student) for lower secondary school students in Vietnam according to the latest regulations?

Pursuant to Point a, Clause 1, Article 15 of Circular No. 22/2021/TT-BGDDT stipulating the classification of “Học sinh Xuất sắc” (excellent student) for lower secondary school students as follows:

1. Principals shall award certificates of achievement for students
a) End-of-year commendation
- Award the title “Học sinh Xuất sắc” (Excellent student) for students who have obtained Excellent training and learning results for the entire school year and achieved DTBmcn of at least 9.0 in subjects that are assessed via both feedback and scores.
- Award the title “Học sinh Giỏi” (Good student) for students who have obtained Excellent training and learning results for the entire school year.
b) Commend students for having unexpected merits in training and learning in the school year.
2. Students with special achievements shall be considered and requested for commendation by schools.

Thus, lower school students who want to receive the title “Học sinh Xuất sắc” (Excellent student) need to meet the following conditions:

- Obtain Excellent training and learning results for the entire school year.

- Achieved DTBmcn of at least 9.0 in subjects that are assessed via both feedback and scores.What are the requirements of the classification of “Học sinh Xuất sắc” (excellent student) for lower secondary school students in Vietnam according to current regulations?

What are the requirements of the classification of “Học sinh Xuất sắc” (excellent student) for lower secondary school students in Vietnam according to current regulations?

What do lower secondary school students need to do to achieve Excellent learning results for the entire school year?

Pursuant to Point a, Clause 2, Article 9 of Circular No. 22/2021/TT-BGDDT stipulating as follows:

Assessment of learning results of students
2. Learning results in each semester and school year
For subjects assessed via both feedback and scores, DTBmhk is used to assess learning results of a student in each semester while DTBmcn is used to assess learning results of a student in the entire school year. Learning results of a student in each semester and in the entire school year shall be assessed by one of 4 categories: Excellent, Good, Qualified, Unqualified.
a) Excellent:
- All subjects assessed with feedback are placed in Qualified category.
- All subjects assessed by both feedback and scores have minimum scores of 6.5 for DTBmhk and DTBmcn with 6 subjects among which have minimum scores of 8.0 for DTBmhk and DTBmcn.
b) Good:
- All subjects assessed with feedback are placed in Qualified category.
- All subjects assessed by both feedback and scores have minimum scores of 5.0 for DTBmhk and DTBmcn with 6 subjects among which have minimum scores of 6.5 for DTBmhk and DTBmcn.
c) Qualified:
- Have no more than 1 subject assessed via feedback placed in Unqualified category.
- At least 6 subjects assessed by both feedback and scores have minimum scores of 5.0 for DTBmhk and DTBmcn with 0 subjects have scores lower than 3.4 for DTBmhk and DTBmcn.
d) Unqualified: Remaining cases.

Thus, according to the above regulations, secondary school students need to meet the following conditions to achieve Excellent learning results for the entire school year:

- All subjects assessed with feedback are placed in Qualified category.

- All subjects assessed by both feedback and scores have minimum scores of 6.5 for DTBmhk and DTBmcn with 6 subjects among which have minimum scores of 8.0 for DTBmhk and DTBmcn.

What are the training results of lower secondary school students in Vietnam based on?

Pursuant to Article 8 of Circular No. 22/2021/TT-BGDDT stipulating as follows:

Assessment of training results of students
1. Basis and organization of assessing learning results of students
a) Assess training results of students based on requirements for traits and general capacity by subjects and education level under general programs and requirements for specific capacity under subject program in formal education program.
b) Subject teachers shall rely on Point a of this Clause to provide feedback and assess training results, improvement, advantages, and disadvantages of students during training and learning process of the subjects.
c) Class advisors shall rely on Point a of this Clause to monitor training and learning process of students; consult feedback and assessment of subject teachers and feedback of students’ parents, relevant, agencies, organizations, and individuals in educating students; instruct students on how to perform self-assessment; provide feedback and assess training results of students based on categories under Clause 2 of this Article.
2. Training results of students in each semester and in the entire school year
Training results of students in each semester and in the entire school year shall be assessed by one of 4 categories: Excellent, Good, Qualified, Unqualified.
a) Training results of students in each semester
- Excellent: Satisfy requirements for traits under formal education program excellently and display merits.
- Good: Satisfy requirements for traits under formal education program well and display merits but not enough to be placed in Excellent category.
- Qualified: Satisfy requirements for traits under formal education program.
- Unqualified: Fail to satisfy requirements for traits under formal education program.
b) Training results of students in the entire school year
- Excellent: a student is placed in Excellent category in the 2nd semester and in Good category or higher in the 1st semester.
- Good: a student is placed in Good category in the 2nd semester and Qualified category or higher in the 1st semester; or Qualified category in the 2nd semester and Good category in the 1st semester; or Good category in the 2nd semester and Qualified category or Unqualified category in the 1st semester.
- Qualified: a student is placed in Qualified category in the 2nd semester and Good, Qualified, or Unqualified category in the 1st category; or Good category in the 2nd semester and Unqualified in the 1st semester.
- Unqualified: other cases.

Thus, the assessment of training results of lower secondary school students shall base on requirements for traits and general capacity by subjects and education level under general programs and requirements for specific capacity under subject program in formal education program.

In which, training results of students in each semester and in the entire school year shall be assessed by one of 4 categories: Excellent, Good, Qualified, Unqualified.

(1) Training results of students in each semester

- Excellent: Satisfy requirements for traits under formal education program excellently and display merits.

- Good: Satisfy requirements for traits under formal education program well and display merits but not enough to be placed in Excellent category.

- Qualified: Satisfy requirements for traits under formal education program.

- Unqualified: Fail to satisfy requirements for traits under formal education program.

(2) Training results of students in the entire school year

- Excellent: a student is placed in Excellent category in the 2nd semester and in Good category or higher in the 1st semester.

- Good: a student is placed in Good category in the 2nd semester and Qualified category or higher in the 1st semester; or Qualified category in the 2nd semester and Good category in the 1st semester; or Good category in the 2nd semester and Qualified category or Unqualified category in the 1st semester.

- Qualified: a student is placed in Qualified category in the 2nd semester and Good, Qualified, or Unqualified category in the 1st category; or Good category in the 2nd semester and Unqualified in the 1st semester.

- Unqualified: other cases.

Note: The above provisions apply according to the following route:

- From the school year 2021-2022 for grade 6.

- From the school year 2022-2023 for grade 7.

- From the school year 2023-2024 for grade 8.

- From the school year 2024-2025 for grade 9.

Nguyễn Thị Hồng Nhung

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