09:45 | 01/02/2023

In what cases must the certificate of vehicle registration and license plate be revoked? What are the procedures for revocation of certificate of vehicle registration and license plate in Vietnam?

I would like to ask in what cases the certificate of vehicle registration and license plate must be revoked. - Question of Tra (Ben Tre)

In what cases must the certificate of vehicle registration and license plate be revoked?

Pursuant to Article 15 of Circular 58/2020/TT-BCA of Vietnam, the certificate of vehicle registration and license plate shall be revoked in the event of:

- Any vehicle that is out of order, unusable and damaged due to objective reasons.

- Vehicles that are disassembled to use their engine and chassis as spare parts for other vehicles.

- Temporarily imported vehicles of foreign agencies, organizations and individuals for the purpose of re-exportation and transfer in Vietnam.

- Vehicles that are exempted from the import duty and are currently transferred to serve other purposes.

- Vehicles that are registered at special economic and commercial zones or international border gate economic zones as promulgated by the Government when they are re-exported and transferred into Vietnam.

- Vehicles that have been lost, stolen or illegally possessed and the legal owner asking for the revocation of their vehicle registration certificate.

- End-of-life vehicles; vehicles that are unroadworthy as stipulated by laws; any vehicle of which both or either of the engine number and chassis number are/is falsified according to the conclusion of a competent authority.

- Any vehicle which has been registered but its license plate does not conform to this Circular.

- Vehicles undergoing title transfer.

- Any military vehicle which no longer needs issuance of a civil license plate.

- Any vehicle which has been registered but the application thereof was falsified or the license plate has been issued against the law.

In what cases must the certificate of vehicle registration and license plate be revoked? What are the procedures for revocation of certificate of vehicle registration and license plate in Vietnam?

In what cases must the certificate of vehicle registration and license plate be revoked? What are the procedures for revocation of certificate of vehicle registration and license plate in Vietnam? (Image from the Internet)

What are the procedures for revocation of certificate of vehicle registration and license plate in Vietnam?

Pursuant to Article 16 of Circular 58/2020/TT-BCA of Vietnam (supplemented by Clause 4, Article 3 of Circular 15/2022/TT-BCA of Vietnam) stipulating the procedures for revocation of certificate of vehicle registration and license plate in Vietnam as follows:

Procedures for revocation of certificate of vehicle registration and license plate in Vietnam directly:

- The vehicle or an authorized person/agent shall submit the certificate of vehicle registration and license plate to the authority provided for in clauses 3 and 5 Article 6 of this Circular. If the certificate of vehicle registration and/or license plate are/is lost, the vehicle owner must submit: a loss claim which clearly states causes of loss.

- The officer in charge of vehicle registration shall receive the information and revoke the certificate of vehicle registration and license plate on the system and issue a certificate of revocation as prescribed.

Procedures for revocation of certificate of vehicle registration and license plate in Vietnam online on the Public Service Portal of the Ministry of Public Security of Vietnam or the National Service Portal:

- The agency, organization or individual that are the vehicle owner or the person currently using vehicle signs in the public service portal to enter information of the vehicle or vehicle owner in the certificate of withdrawal of registration of vehicle or number plate online;

- Directly submits or uses the public post service to deliver the vehicle registration certificate or number plate to the registration agency or the Police of the commune where that agency, organization or individual has their office or permanent residence that is used for receiving notification, and confirmation of the withdrawal of vehicle registration or number plate from the registration agency or the commune-level Police on the public service portal.

What are the responsibilities held by police units for revocation of certificate of vehicle registration and license plate in Vietnam?

Pursuant to Article 17 of Circular 58/2020/TT-BCA of Vietnam stipulating the responsibilities held by police units for revocation of certificate of vehicle registration and license plate as follows:

- Responsibilities held by the competent vehicle registries:

+ Based on a list of end-of-life automobiles and vehicles that are not allowed to run on roads as stipulated by laws, the competent vehicle registry shall notify the vehicle owner of the revocation of the certificate of vehicle registration and license plate. Within 30 days from the notification date, if the vehicle owner fails to return the certificate of vehicle registration and license plate, the competent vehicle registry shall revoke the certificate of vehicle registration and license plate on the vehicle registration and management system and send notices to traffic polices units to take further actions as per the law;

+ Update the declaration of the vehicle owner on the website of the Department of Traffic Police and national public service portal as to end-of-life vehicles, vehicles that are out of order and unusable, vehicles that are destroyed due to objective reasons, and lost vehicles to proceed the procedures for revocation of vehicle registration and license plate as prescribed. Notify the vehicle owner via email or phone message of such revocation;

+ Regarding a vehicle which has been registered but it is found that the vehicle application is fake or issued with a license plate against the law, the competent vehicle registry shall notify the owner of the vehicle and issue a decision on revocation of vehicle registration and license plate (form 10). For the fake vehicle application, request the investigating authorities to clarify and handle it as prescribed by law.

- Responsibilities of police units:

+ Through the work of ensuring traffic order and safety, social order and safety, detecting vehicles provided for in clauses 6, 7, 8 and 11 Article 15 of this Circular, making a record, handle according to the provisions of law, and then sending notices to the competent vehicle registries that have registered such vehicles for supervision. To be specific:

++ Vehicles that have been lost, stolen or illegally possessed and the legal owner asking for the revocation of their vehicle registration certificate.

++ End-of-life vehicles; vehicles that are unroadworthy as stipulated by laws; any vehicle of which both or either of the engine number and chassis number are/is falsified according to the conclusion of a competent authority.

++ Any vehicle which has been registered but its license plate does not conform to this Circular.

++ Any vehicle which has been registered but the application thereof was falsified or the license plate has been issued against the law.

- Based on the list of end-of-life automobiles, provided by the vehicle registries, the police of the commune where the owner of the vehicle resides shall notify, revoke and send certificates of vehicle registration and license plates to registries that have granted vehicle registration certificates via inter-ministerial way of Ministry of Public Security of Vietnam or through authorized organizations or individuals;

- In the event of vehicles that have been totally destroyed due to traffic accidents, the competent agency where these accidents are handled shall revoke the certificate of vehicle registration and license plate and send a written notice to another competent agency where these vehicles have been registered in order to revoke their certificate of vehicle registration and license plate.


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