14:13 | 26/01/2023

Are cars with foreign license plates allowed to join traffic in Vietnam? What documents must the driver of a car with a foreign license plate have?

Are cars with foreign license plates allowed to join traffic in Vietnam? What documents must the driver of a car with a foreign license plate have? - Question of Ms. Ngoc (Binh Duong)

Are cars with foreign license plates allowed to join traffic in Vietnam?

According to the definition in Clause 17, Clause 18 and Clause 21, Article 3 of the 2008 Law on Road Traffic of Vietnam as follows:

Interpretation of terms
17. Road vehicle means a road motor vehicle or a road rudimentary vehicle.
18. Road motor vehicle (below referred to as motor vehicle) means automobile; tractor; trailer or semi-trailer drawn by automobile or tractor; motorcycles, three-wheeled motor vehicle, moped (including electric moped) and the like.
21. Vehicle joining in road traffic means road vehicle or special-use vehicle.

Thus, specifically, Clause 18, Article 3 of the Law on Road Traffic 2008 stipulates that road motor vehicles include the following:

- Automobile;

- Tractor;

- Trailer or semi-trailer drawn by automobile or tractor;

- Motorcycles;

- Three-wheeled motor vehicle

- Moped (including electric moped) and the like.

According to the above regulations, when a person uses one of the above means of transport to enter the territory of Vietnam, he/she is considered to be using road motor vehicles according to Vietnamese law.

Are cars with foreign license plates allowed to join traffic in Vietnam? What documents must the driver of a car with a foreign license plate have?

Are cars with foreign license plates allowed to join traffic in Vietnam? What documents must the driver of a car with a foreign license plate have?

What documents must the driver of a car with a foreign license plates have?

According to the provisions of Clause 3, Article 5 of Decree No. 152/2013/ND-CP of Vietnam, the conditions for cars with foreign license plates to join traffic in Vietnam are as follows:

- When driving the vehicle to join in traffic, driver must strictly comply with regulations of law on road traffic of Vietnam and must carry along the following papers:

+ Passports or papers valued to replace passport and still valid for use of at least 06 months, from the day of immigration;

+ License of driving in conformity with the driven vehicle kind;

+ Certificate of technical safety verification and environmental protection for motor vehicles (for automobiles).

+ Certificate of vehicle registration issued by competent agencies of countries where vehicles are registered and still valid;

+ Certificate of civil liability insurance of motor vehicle owner which is valid in Vietnam;

+ Vouchers of temporary import of vehicles.

- In addition, a prerequisite for cars with foreign license plates to circulate in Vietnam must have a vehicle ahead to guide foreign motor vehicles during traffic in Vietnam.

The means of navigation are cars or motorbikes (if tourists bring motorbikes) arranged by Vietnam's international travel enterprises and must be affixed with their logo or flag with the symbol of that business.

At the same time, cars with foreign license plates participating in traffic on the roads in Vietnam must participate in traffic within the route and time of circulation in the territory of Vietnam in accordance with the provisions of the written approval of the Government. The transportation.

What conditions must be met in order for foreign cars to join traffic in Vietnam?

According to the provisions in Article 3 of Decree 152/2013/ND-CP of Vietnam (amended by Clause 1, Article 1 of Decree 157/2015/ND-CP of Vietnam) on the conditions for foreign motor vehicles to join traffic at Vietnam as follows:

(1) They must through Vietnamese international travel enterprises do procedures for request for approval and organization of implementation.

Duration of permission to join in traffic in Vietnam maximally not exceed 30 days.

In case of force majeure (natural disasters, traffic accidents, vehicles are decayed and not able to repair in Vietnam), vehicles may be stayed in Vietnam additionally not exceeding 10 days.

(2) Having written acceptance of the Ministry of Transport;

(3) Conditions applicable to vehicles:

- Being automobiles carrying passengers with the left-hand steering wheel of less than or equal to 9 seats, and motor bikes;

- Under ownership of foreign organizations and individuals, registered in foreign countries and affixed the foreign license plates;

- Having certificate of vehicle registration issued by competent agencies of countries where vehicles are registered and still valid;

- Having certificate of technical safety verification and environmental protection for motor vehicles issued by competent agencies of countries where vehicles are registered and still valid (for automobiles).

(4) Conditions applicable to drivers of vehicles:

- Being foreign citizens;

- Having passports or papers valued to replace passport and still valid for use of at least 06 months, from the day of immigration and must have visa (except for case of visa exemption) in conformity with duration of temporary residence in Vietnam;

- Having license of driving in conformity with the driven vehicle kind.


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