03:31 | 23/08/2024

Will penalties be imposed for arbitrarily increasing fares of passenger automobiles during the Lunar New Year in Vietnam?

"Will penalties be imposed for arbitrarily increasing fares of passenger automobiles during the Lunar New Year in Vietnam?" - asked Ms. Tram (Nghe An)

Shall Vietnam strictly handle arbitrarily increasing fares of passenger automobiles during the Lunar New Year 2023?

Under section 4 of Official Telegram 1174/CD-TTg of 2022, the content is as follows:

4. Enhance the capacity and quality of passenger transport services, meet the travel needs of the people, ensure traffic safety, and prevent Covid-19; strengthen personnel and vehicles in airport areas to expedite security screening, baggage return for passengers, information dissemination so that passengers know and retrieve baggage in designated areas, focusing on Tan Son Nhat International Airport, Noi Bai International Airport, minimizing delays, cancellations, particularly ensuring there is no delay in passengers returning home for Tet due to lack of transport; strictly handle organizations and individuals involved in unauthorized operation, illegal terminals, and fare increases contrary to regulations. Production, business units, and educational, training institutions should proactively cooperate with transport units to sell train and bus tickets directly to workers, laborers, and students; inspect compliance with regulations on ensuring traffic safety in transport business, managing transport infrastructure, parking areas in the fields of road, inland waterway, railway, and aviation; utilize data from vehicle journey monitoring equipment to check and handle violations by drivers and vehicle owners transporting passengers and goods.*

Regarding maintaining order and traffic safety during the Lunar New Year 2023, the Prime Minister of Vietnam has shown significant concern over fares during the Lunar New Year 2023. He has mandated strict actions against unauthorized fare increases.

Will coaches unilaterally increase fares during the Lunar New Year be penalized according to the law?

Will penalties be imposed for arbitrarily increasing fares of passenger automobiles during the Lunar New Year? (Image from the Internet)

Will penalties be imposed for arbitrarily increasing fares of passenger automobiles during the Lunar New Year in Vietnam?

According to Clause 3 Article 23 of Decree 100/2019/ND-CP, the regulations are as follows:

Penalties imposed upon operators of civil and commercial passenger automobiles, and similar automobiles violating road traffic regulations


3. A fine ranging from VND 600,000 to VND 800,000 shall be imposed for:

a) Leaving the door open while the vehicle is running;

b) Allowing the passengers to stay in the vehicle while the vehicle is entering or leaving a barge or a floating bridge (except for weak and old people, the disabled, and sick people);

c) Failure to stick to the prescribed route;

d) Allowing passengers to lie on hammocks in the vehicle or hang from the vehicle while it is running;

dd) Stacking luggage and goods unsafely; dropping luggage or goods from the vehicle; placing goods in the passenger cabin;

e) Carrying luggage or goods beyond the outer size of the vehicle;

g) Carrying stinky goods on a passenger vehicle;

h) Transporting passengers without attendants (if required);

i) Operating taxis without taximeters (in case of vehicles registering for taximeters) or without appropriate taximeters or without using taximeters as per the law when transporting passengers;

k) Operating a fixed-route vehicle without adhering to the route licensed by a competent authority (if any);

l) Operating a fixed-route passenger vehicle and collecting money without giving tickets to passengers, or sell tickets at higher prices than prescribed rates;

m) Operating a passenger vehicle without seat belts at seats and beds as per the law (except for provincial bus lines);

n) Operating a passenger vehicle without providing passengers with instructions on traffic safety and emergency exit upon vehicular accidents as per the law;

o) Operating taxis without using applications to calculate taxi fares (in case of vehicles registering for such applications) or without using applications satisfactory to regulations and law;

p) Operating taxis using taxi fare applications without installing devices to directly connect with passengers on the vehicles as per the law.

Under point d of clause 6 Article 28 of Decree 100/2019/ND-CP, the regulations are as follows:

Penalties for violations against regulations on road transport and ancillary services for road transport


6. A fine ranging from VND 5,000,000 to VND 6,000,000 shall be imposed upon an individual, from VND 10,000,000 to VND 12,000,000 upon an organization that commits any of the following violations:


d) Failure to adhere to the registered routes, starting points and destinations, charges, and service standards;

Administrative penalties for such violations are as follows:

- A fine of VND 600,000 to VND 800,000 for operating fixed-route passenger transport vehicles but overcharging beyond the regulated fare.

- A fine of VND 5,000,000 to VND 6,000,000 for not complying with the listed fare.

The above fines apply to individuals, while organizations will face double these fines.

What are the methods for making denunciations on arbitrarily increasing fares of passenger automobiles during the Lunar New Year in Vietnam?

The public can report unauthorized fare increases during Tet via the following phone numbers:

- Traffic Police Department: 0995.67.67.67 or 069.2342608 for violations involving excessive fare increases in the road transport sector.

- Department for Roads of Viet Nam: 0876669855 for ticket sale issues and unauthorized fare increases.


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