22:34 | 01/06/2024

Will the State of Vietnam facilitate ethnic minorities to learn their written languages? What does the State of Vietnam do to facilitate ethnic minorities to learn their written languages?

“Will the State of Vietnam facilitate ethnic minorities to learn their written languages? What does the State of Vietnam do to facilitate ethnic minorities to learn their written languages? What are the legal regulations on the learning rights and obligations of Vietnamese ethnic minorities?” - asked a reader

Under the provisions of Article 13 of the Law on Education 2019 on learning rights and obligations of citizens:

Learning rights and obligations of citizens
1. Learning is the right and obligation of every citizen. Every citizen, regardless of ethnic origin, religion, belief, gender, personal characteristics, family background, social status or economic conditions, has equal rights of access to learning opportunities.
2. The State shall ensure social equality in education, create a safe educational environment, ensure inclusive education and enable learners to develop their potentials and talents.
3. The State shall give priority in enabling children with special backgrounds as prescribed in the Children Law, disabled and handicapped persons as prescribed in the Law on Persons with Disabilities and learners from poor and near-poor households to exercise their learning rights and obligations.

According to the above regulations, learning is the right and obligation of each Vietnamese citizen. Every Vietnamese citizen, regardless of ethnic origin, religion, belief, gender, personal characteristics, family background, social status or economic conditions, has equal rights of access to learning opportunities

Thus, Vietnamese ethnic minorities still have the same learning rights and obligations as other ethnic groups.

Will the State of Vietnam facilitate ethnic minorities to learn their written languages?

Under the provisions of Article 11 of the Law on Education 2019 on language and written languages used in educational institutions:

Languages, written languages used in educational institutions
1. Vietnamese is the official language to be used in educational institutions. Based on the goals of education and specific requirements on educational contents, the Government shall stipulate the teaching and learning via foreign languages in educational institutions.
2. The State shall encourage and enable ethnic minority people to learn their spoken and written languages as prescribed in Governmental regulations; hearing-impaired and speaking-impaired persons to learn via sign language, vision-impaired persons to learn via the Braille alphabet as prescribed in the Law on Persons with Disabilities.
3. Foreign languages defined in educational programmes are the languages used commonly in international communication. The teaching of foreign languages in educational institutions should guarantee that learners have continuing and effective learning process.

According to Clause 6, Article 10 of Decree 05/2011/ND-CP on education and training development policies:

Education and training development policies
6. To include languages, scripts and fine cultural traditions of ethnic groups into curricula of general schools, boarding and semi-boarding ethnic minority schools, continuing education centers, community learning centers. vocational schools, professional secondary schools, colleges and universities suitable to ethnic minority areas.

Thus, the State of Vietnam always encourages and facilitates ethnic minorities to learn the language and script of their ethnic groups under the Government's regulations.

The languages, scripts and fine cultural traditions of ethnic groups, including ethnic minorities, shall be included in the curricula in schools suitable to ethnic minority areas.

What does the State of Vietnam do to facilitate ethnic minorities to learn their written languages?

Under the provisions of Article 3 of Decree 05/2011/ND-CP on fundamental principles of ethnic minority affairs:

Fundamental principles of ethnic minority affairs
1. To implement the ethnic minority policy on the principles of equality, solidarity, respect and mutual assistance for development.
2. To assure and implement the policy on comprehensive development and gradual improvement of material and spiritual life for ethnic minority people.
3. To assure preservation of the language, scripts and identity, and promotion of fine customs, habits, traditions and culture, of each ethnic group.
4. An ethnic group shall respect customs and habits of other groups, contributing to building an advanced Vietnamese culture deeply imbued with the national identity.

Thus, when performing ethnic minority affairs, the State of Vietnam always assures the preservation of the language, scripts and identity, and promotion of fine customs, habits, traditions, and culture, of each ethnic group.

At the same time, according to the provisions of Article 10 of Decree 05/2011/ND-CP on education and training development policies:

Education and training development policies
1. To develop education in ethnic minority areas under the national program; to elaborate education policies for all educational levels suitable to the characteristics of ethnic groups.
2. To develop pre-schools, general schools, boarding and semi-boarding ethnic minority schools, continuing education centers. community learning centers, vocational schools and pre-university schools; to study tertiary multi-disciplinary training for ethnic minority students in order to accelerate human resource training in the service of national industrialization and modernization and international integration.
3. To specify appropriate conditions and measures to support ethnic minority students: to provide accommodation, scholarships and loans for ethnic minority students during their study suitable to their majors and places of residence.
Students of ethnic groups with a very small population and in areas with socio-economic difficulties and exceptional socio­economic difficulties are exempt from school fees at all educational levels and in all disciplines.
4. To train human resources and provide vocational training for ethnic groups suitable to the characteristics of each area, meeting industrialization, modernization and international integration requirements.
5. To prescribe support for teachers in areas with socio-economic difficulties and exceptional socio-economic difficulties; to train ethnic minority teachers and teachers of ethnic minority languages.
6. To include languages, scripts and fine cultural traditions of ethnic groups into curricula of general schools, boarding and semi-boarding ethnic minority schools, continuing education centers, community learning centers. vocational schools, professional secondary schools, colleges and universities suitable to ethnic minority areas.
7. Administrations of localities which have ethnic minority students passing university and college entrance exams or admitted under designated enrollment shall receive these students after they graduate and assign jobs appropriate to their majors.
8. The Ministry of Education and Training. the Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs and the Committee for Ethnic Minorities Affairs shall, based on their assigned functions and tasks, assume the prime responsibility for. and coordinate with concerned ministries, branches and localities in. detailing and guiding this Article.

As prescribed above, the State of Vietnam gives policies appliable to ethnic minorities to learn their written languages as follows:

- To develop education in ethnic minority areas under the national program; to elaborate education policies for all educational levels suitable to the characteristics of ethnic groups.

- To study tertiary multi-disciplinary training for ethnic minority students;

- To specify appropriate conditions and measures to support ethnic minority students: to provide accommodation, scholarships and loans for ethnic minority students during their study suitable to their majors and places of residence.

Students of ethnic groups with a very small population and in areas with socio-economic difficulties and exceptional socio­economic difficulties are exempt from school fees at all educational levels and in all disciplines.

- To prescribe support for teachers in areas with socio-economic difficulties and exceptional socio-economic difficulties; to train ethnic minority teachers and teachers of ethnic minority languages.

- To include languages, scripts and fine cultural traditions of ethnic groups into curricula of schools suitable to ethnic minority areas.

- Administrations of localities that have ethnic minority students passing university and college entrance exams or admitted under designated enrollment shall receive these students after they graduate and assign jobs appropriate to their majors.

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