Will civil vehicles and equipment mobilized by the Mobile Police to perform urgent tasks be compensated when damage occurs?

I have the following question: In case when performing their duties, the Mobile Police use people's vehicles and equipment, but if damage occurs, how will they handle this situation?

Are mobile police allowed to mobilize citizens and vehicles, equipment of citizens to perform their duties?

Pursuant to Article 16 of the Mobile Police Law 2022 of Vietnam stipulating as follows:

“Article 16. Mobilization of citizens and vehicles, equipment of citizens
1. When performing tasks specified in Clauses 2 and 3, Article 9 of this Law, in urgent cases to protect national security, ensure social order and safety or to prevent consequences damage to society is happening or is likely to happen, officers and soldiers of the Mobile Police may mobilize people, civil vehicles and equipment and people who are using and operating such vehicles and equipment. In case of performing anti-terrorism tasks, the mobilization of people, vehicles and equipment shall comply with the provisions of the Law on Anti-Terrorism.
In urgent cases as prescribed in this Clause, Mobile Police officers and soldiers shall request foreign organizations and individuals to assist and support in performing their tasks in accordance with the regulations of Vietnamese laws and international conventions to which the Socialist Republic of Vietnam is a signatory.
2. Authority to mobilize people, civil means and equipment of agencies, organizations and individuals is prescribed as follows:
a) Professional officers and non-commissioned officers of the Mobile Police may mobilize people, vehicles and equipment when performing independent tasks;
b) The direct commander of the Mobile Police at the scene shall decide to mobilize people, vehicles and equipment when performing organized tasks.
3. Officers and soldiers of the Mobile Police that mobilize people, vehicles and equipment are responsible for returning them immediately after the urgent case ends. In case people, means and equipment mobilized for duty suffer damage, they shall be entitled to regimes, policies and compensation according to the provisions of Clause 4, Article 32 of this Law; Units with mobilizing officers and soldiers shall have to settle the compensation according to relevant laws.”

Thus, in the course of performing their duties, in an urgent case to protect social security, order and safety, the Mobile Police are entitled to mobilize people, civil vehicles, equipment and people who are using and operating such vehicles and equipment.

Will civil vehicles and equipment mobilized by the Mobile Police to perform urgent tasks be compensated when damage occurs?

Will civil vehicles and equipment mobilized by the Mobile Police to perform urgent tasks be compensated when damage occurs? (Image from the internet)

How to handle in case equipment and vehicles mobilized by the Mobile Police to perform tasks are damaged?

Pursuant to Article 32 of the Mobile Police Law 2022 of Vietnam stipulating as follows:

“Article 32. Responsibilities and policies for agencies, organizations and individuals participating in coordination, cooperation, support and assistance to Mobile Police
1. To promptly provide competent persons with information and documents related to the work of the Mobile Police.
2. To comply with the decisions and requests of the Mobile Police as prescribed in Clause 6, Article 10 and Article 16 of this Law.
3. The State guarantees the lawful rights and interests of agencies, organizations and individuals participating in coordination, cooperation, support and assistance to the Mobile Police in performing their tasks and exercising their powers as prescribed by law and keep information confidential when required.
4. Agencies, organizations and individuals that participate in coordination, cooperation, support and assistance to the Mobile Police in performing their tasks and exercising their powers shall be commended and rewarded; property damage shall be compensated, honor and dignity damaged shall be restored; If people suffer injuries or damage to their health or life, they and their families are entitled to regimes and policies as prescribed by law.

According to the above regulations, property, vehicles and equipment mobilized by the Mobile Police to perform their duties will be compensated according to regulations.

What are the obligations and responsibilities of a Mobile Police Officer?

Pursuant to Article 18 of the Mobile Police Law 2022 of Vietnam stipulating as follows:

“Article 18. Obligations and responsibilities of Mobile Police officers and soldiers
1. Absolutely loyal to the Fatherland, People, Communist Party and the State of Vietnam; strictly abide by the guidelines and lines of the Party, the policies and laws of the State, the People's Public Security regulations, directives and orders of superiors.
2. Respect and protect the lawful rights and interests of agencies, organizations and individuals; closely related to the People, respectfully, politely, devotedly serving the People.
3. Honest, brave, alert, ready to fight, well complete all assigned tasks; protect national security, ensure social order and safety, resolutely fight against crime and law violations.
4. Regularly study to improve qualifications, political courage, legal knowledge, professional and professional qualifications, sense of discipline, physical training, techniques, tactics and successful use of achievements. Proficient in the equipment of the Mobile Police.
5. Take responsibility before law and superiors for their decisions and acts when performing their tasks and the performance of tasks by their subordinates.”

Thus, Mobile Police soldiers will have the obligations and responsibilities according to the above provisions.

The Mobile Police Law 2022 of Vietnam will take effect from January 1, 2023.


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