Who is the subject of vote of confidence in Vietnam for the President and other positions of the National Assembly and the Government?

Tell me about the vote of confidence in Vietnam for high-level agencies, who is the subject of the vote of confidence in Vietnam for leaders such as the President, National Assembly, Government... Looking forward to helping answer questions , thank you!

Who writes a vote of confidence in Vietnam for agencies under the National Assembly and the President?

According to Regulation 262-QD/TW of 2014 on collecting votes of confidence for leading members of the Party Committee and leading cadres in the Party, State, Fatherland Front and socio-political organizations determined as follows:

- For the General Secretary and the Standing Comrade of the Secretariat: Member of the Party Central Committee.

- For the President

+ Member of the Party Central Committee.

+ Delegates of the National Assembly (according to regulations of the National Assembly).

- For Vice President: National Assembly deputies (according to regulations of the National Assembly).

- For the President and Vice-Chairman of the Office of the President

Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the Office of the President, member of the Executive Committee of the Party Committee of the Office of the President; heads of affiliated units, heads of organizations and agencies, Office of the President.

- For the President of the National Assembly and the Vice President of the National Assembly who are Politburo members, members of the Secretariat

+ Member of the Party Central Committee.

+ Delegates of the National Assembly (according to regulations of the National Assembly).

-- For other Vice Presidents of the National Assembly; Chairman of the Ethnic Council; Chairman of Committees of the National Assembly, Heads of agencies of the Standing Committee of the National Assembly, Vice Chairman of the Council for Ethnic Minorities, Vice Chairman of Committees of the National Assembly

- Delegates of the National Assembly (if they fall under the provisions of the National Assembly).

- Standing Committee of Ethnic Minorities Council and Committees of the National Assembly; leaders of the Office of the National Assembly, the committees of the Standing Committee of the National Assembly; Member of the Executive Committee of the Party Committee, Office of the National Assembly.

- For the Chairman of the Office of the National Assembly and the Deputy Chairman of the Office of the National Assembly

- Delegate to the National Assembly (for the Chairperson of the Office of the National Assembly according to regulations of the National Assembly).

- Chairman, Vice-Chairman of the Office of the National Assembly; Member of the Executive Committee of the Party Committee, Office of the National Assembly; heads of affiliated units, heads of unions and agencies of the Office of the National Assembly.

Who writes a vote of confidence in Vietnam for the State Auditor General?

According to Regulation 262-QD/TW in 2014, the Central Executive Committee issued the following:

- For State Auditor General and State Auditor General

- Delegate to the National Assembly (for the State Auditor General as prescribed by the National Assembly).

- Member of the Personnel Committee of the State Audit Party; members of the Party Committee's executive committee, heads of affiliated units, heads of mass organizations at the State Auditor General's agency.

How are the subjects recording a vote of confidence in Vietnam in a government agency?

According to Regulation 262-QD/TW in 2014, the Central Executive Committee issued the following:

- For the Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Minister who are Politburo members, members of the Secretariat

+ Member of the Party Central Committee.

+ Delegates of the National Assembly (according to regulations of the National Assembly).

- For other Deputy Prime Ministers

+ Delegates of the National Assembly (according to regulations of the National Assembly).

+ Member of the Government.

- For the Chairman and Deputy Chairman of the Government Office

+ Delegate to the National Assembly (for the Chairman of the Government Office as prescribed by the National Assembly).

+ Chairman, Vice-Chairman of Government Office; Member of the Executive Committee of the Party Committee of the Office of the Government; heads of affiliated units, heads of organizations and agencies, Government Office.

- For the Minister of National Defense, the Minister of Public Security is a member of the Politburo

+ Member of the Party Central Committee.

+ Delegates of the National Assembly (according to regulations of the National Assembly).

- For ministers, heads of ministerial-level agencies and deputy ministers of ministries and branches (not members of the Politburo, members of the Secretariat)

+ Delegates to the National Assembly (for ministers and heads of ministerial-level agencies according to the National Assembly's regulations).

+ Member of the Party Committee of the Party, member of the Executive Committee of the Party Committee of the Ministry; heads of affiliated units, heads of ministerial agencies; Secretary of the Party Committee, Chairman of the Members' Council, General Director (Director) of enterprises under the Ministry.

How are the subjects recording the vote of confidence in Vietnam for the title of cadre under the central management?

According to Regulation 262-QD/TW in 2014, the Central Executive Committee issued the following:

- For the head of the Party Committee and equivalent, a member of the Politburo, member of the Secretariat: a member of the Central Committee of the Party.

- For the head of the committee (who is not a member of the Politburo, member of the Secretariat), deputy heads of the Party committees and central agencies: Leaders of agencies, members of the executive committee of the agency's party committee; heads of subordinate units, heads of unions of the agency.

- For leaders at the head and deputy level of the Fatherland Front and socio-political organizations

+ Member of the Presidium (for the Vietnam Fatherland Front); executive committee members for other organizations.

+ Member of the Party Committee, member of the Executive Committee of the Party Committee, heads of affiliated units, heads of unions of Fatherland Front agencies and mass organizations.

- To the Secretary of the Central Committee of the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union

+ Member of Central Committee of Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union.

+ Members of the Executive Committee of the Party Committee, heads of affiliated units, heads of unions and agencies of the Central Youth Union.

- For Deputy Heads of Steering Committees for the Northwest, Central Highlands, and Southwest regions

+ Head, deputy head, full-time member, member of the executive committee of the agency's party committee; heads of affiliated units, heads of unions of the agency's steering committee.

- For the Chief Justice and Deputy Chief Justice of the Supreme People's Court; Procurator, Deputy Director of the Supreme People's Procuracy

For the Chief Justice of the Supreme People's Court (who is a member of the Secretariat)

+ Member of the Party Central Committee.

+ Delegates of the National Assembly (according to regulations of the National Assembly).

For the Chief Procurator of the Supreme People's Procuracy

+ Delegates of the National Assembly (according to regulations of the National Assembly).

+ Deputy director, member of the Party civil affairs committee, member of the executive committee of the Party committee of an agency, head of affiliated units, heads of mass organizations of the Supreme People's Procuracy.

For the Deputy Chief Justice of the Supreme People's Court, the Deputy Chief of the Supreme People's Procuracy

+ Chief justice, deputy chief justice, director, deputy director; member of the party's civil service committee; members of the executive committees of the Party committees of agencies, heads of affiliated units, heads of unions of agencies of the Supreme People's Court and the Supreme People's Procuracy.

- For the Director of the General Department of Politics of the Vietnam People's Army (as a member of the Secretariat)

+ Member of the Party Central Committee.

+ Member of the Central Military Commission.

- For leaders and deputy heads of Nhan Dan Newspaper, Communist Magazine, Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics; leaders: Vietnam News Agency, Voice of Vietnam, Vietnam Television, Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology, Vietnam National University, Hanoi , Vietnam National University, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam Social Security, National Political Publishing House - Truth

+ Leaders at the head and deputy levels of the unit, members of the editorial board (People's Newspaper and Communist Magazine), members of the executive committee of the agency's party committee; heads of subordinate units, heads of unions of the agency.

- For the Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, the Party Committee is a member of the Politburo, a member of the Secretariat

+ Member of the Party Central Committee.

+ Member of the Executive Committee of the Party Committee of the province or city.

- For secretaries, deputy secretaries of provincial and municipal Party Committees; members of standing committees of provincial and municipal Party Committees; members of the standing committee are the presidents and vice presidents of the people's councils, the presidents and vice presidents of the people's committees of the provinces and centrally run cities.

+ Member of the Executive Committee of the Party Committee of the province or city.

+ Delegates of the People's Councils of provinces and cities (if they fall under the provisions of the National Assembly).

Thus, the Central Executive Committee stipulates that the National Assembly deputies are the subjects of the vote of confidence in Vietnam for the President.

Lê Nguyễn Cẩm Nhung

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