Who has the authority to set the standards for the appointment of the Director of Department C03 in Vietnam? What are the duties of the Director of Department C03 in Vietnam?

Who has the authority to set the standards for the appointment of the Director of Department C03 in Vietnam? What are the duties of the Director of Department C03 in Vietnam?

What are the duties of the Director of Department C03 in Vietnam?

The Department C03 of the Ministry of Public Security is currently the Investigation Police Agency for Corruption, Economics, and Smuggling Crimes (C03) under the Ministry of Public Security of Vietnam.

Based on Article 16 of the People's Public Security Law 2018 as amended by point a, clause 5, Article 32 of the Law on Forces Participating in Protection of Security and Order at the Grassroots Level 2023, the Director of Department C03 has the following duties and powers:

- Collect information, analyze, evaluate, predict the situation, and propose to the Communist Party and the State to promulgate and direct the implementation of strategies and policies to protect national security, ensure social order and safety, combat crime and legal violations pertaining to national security, social order, and safety; participate in appraising and assessing the impact on national security, social order, and safety concerning socio-economic development plans, projects as per the law; tightly integrate national security protection, ensure social order and safety, combat crime and legal violations pertaining to national security and social order and safety with socio-economic development tasks; effectively coordinate security activities with national defense and foreign activities.

- Proactively prevent, detect, obstruct, counteract plots, and operations infringing upon national security, eliminate threats to national security; protect the independence, sovereignty, unity, and territorial integrity of the nation; safeguard the Communist Party, the State, the People, and socialist policies; protect political security, security in ideological, cultural, economic, national defense, foreign affairs, information, societal, environmental, scientific and technological domains; guard other national interests; protect the great national unity; safeguard citizens’ lives, health, dignity, honor, property, freedom, democracy, as well as the legitimate rights and interests of agencies, organizations, and individuals.

- Conduct intelligence activities as stipulated by law.

- Protect top leaders of the Communist Party, the State, international guests visiting and working in Vietnam; safeguard events, pivotal political, economic, diplomatic, scientific-technical, cultural, and social targets; protect vital works related to national security, foreign representative agencies, international organizations' representations in Vietnam; protect individuals holding or closely related to state secrets; secure transportation of special goods in accordance with the law.

- Implement management of national security, protecting state secrets; take charge of managing entry, exit, transit, and residence of foreigners in Vietnam; manage the exit and entry of Vietnamese citizens as prescribed by law; control entry, exit, and transit at border gates as per the law; cooperate with the People's Army, relevant sectors, and local authorities in managing and protecting national borders, border gates, islands, seas, airspace, and executing tasks to protect national security, ensure social order and safety in border areas in accordance with the law, international treaties to which the Socialist Republic of Vietnam is a signatory, and related international agreements.

- Manage cybersecurity, protect cybersecurity, and combat cybercrime as stipulated by law.

- Perform administration of investigation and crime prevention tasks. Lead anti-terrorism and riot control missions and handle complex situations regarding national security, social order, and safety as specified by law.

Proactively prevent, detect, obstruct, and counteract crimes and legal violations concerning social order and safety, environmental protection, resources, and food safety related to the environment; receive and resolve crime reports, denouncements, and petitions for prosecution; prosecute and investigate crimes in accordance with the law; maintain criminal statistics; determine causes and conditions leading to crime and legal violations concerning social order and safety and environmental protection, and propose remedial measures; educate violators at the community level as mandated by law.

- Administer criminal judgment execution, temporary detention and custody; manage prisons, detention centers, temporary detention houses, compulsory education facilities, reform schools; organize the execution of criminal judgments, judicial decisions, and measures; supervise and educate minors exempted from criminal responsibility; manage individuals conditionally released ahead of term; carry out escort, transport, manage evidence storage, secure court proceedings and other judicial support tasks as required by law.

- Administer sanctions and handle administrative violations in the field of national security, social order, and safety; impose administrative penalties and carry out administrative measures as legally stipulated; ensure order and security when executing enforcement decisions as requested by competent authorities.

- Administer residence, national population database, and citizen identification database, seals, traffic safety and order, public order, weapons, explosives, precursor substances, support tools, fire prevention and rescue as prescribed by law; issue and manage citizen identification cards and other personal documents; register, issue, and manage vehicle registration plates; conduct fire prevention, firefighting, rescue operations and manage security and order for investment and business sectors with conditional access as prescribed by law.

- Lead and coordinate the management and dissemination tasks, educate on national security protection, ensure social order and safety, combat crime and legal violations in national security, social order, and safety; guide, inspect, audit, resolve complaints, denunciations, and handle violations in national security protection, ensure social order and safety, combat crime and legal violations in national security, social order, and safety.

- Pioneer in building the people's security and security posture, fostering the whole nation's movement to protect national security. Guide agencies and organizations in implementing internal political security, economic security, ideological-cultural security, cyber security, information, communication security, societal security, and environmental security.

- Guide and train grassroots security forces, educate the law's understanding for mass organizations participating in security and order protection at the grassroots, security teams, agency, and business protection forces as stipulated by law.

- Apply measures of public mobilization, law, diplomacy, economy, science-technology, professional skills, and armed forces to protect national security, ensure social order and safety, combat crime and legal violations in national security, social order, and safety.

- Use weapons, explosives, support tools, force, technical means, and other means to attack, capture criminals, prevent offenders or other law violations, and for self-defense as per the law.

- Decide or recommend suspending or temporarily suspending organizations or individuals whose actions cause or threaten to cause harm to national security, social order, and safety; request agencies, organizations, or individuals to provide information, documents, and objects when there is a basis linking them to national security, social order, and safety infringements as per the law.

Mobilize and requisition communication means, transportation means, and other means and their operators in urgent cases to protect national security, ensure social order and safety, or prevent impending social damage as per the law.

- Implement measures to protect national security and ensure social order and safety as stipulated by law in scenarios of war, emergencies, or when there is a threat to national security, social order, and safety, yet not reaching the level of declaring a state of emergency.

- Manage, develop the security industry; research, apply, and mobilize scientific, technological achievements in protecting national security, ensuring social order and safety; combat crime and legal violations in national security, social order, and safety, and build the People's Public Security.

- Build a revolutionary, formal, elite, progressively modernized People's Public Security, with priority given to modernizing certain forces; taking the lead in protecting national security, ensuring social order and safety, combating crime and legal violations in national security, social order, and safety.

- Fulfill international obligations; international cooperation in combating crime, protecting national security, ensuring social order and safety, and building the People's Public Security; provide judicial assistance in criminal matters as per the law. The Ministry of Public Security is the central authority of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam in extradition and transfer of sentenced persons.

- Perform other duties and exercise other powers as stipulated by law.

Standards for appointing the Director of Department C03 by whom? What are the duties of the Director of Department C03?

Who has the authority to set the standards for the appointment of the Director of Department C03 in Vietnam? What are the duties of the Director of Department C03 in Vietnam? (Image from the Internet)

Who has the authority to set the standards for the appointment of the Director of Department C03 in Vietnam?

Article 24 of the People's Public Security Law 2018 stipulates the positions and titles of People's Public Security officers in Vietnam as follows:

Positions and titles of People's Public Security officers

1. The basic positions of People's Public Security officers include:

a) Minister of Public Security;

b) Director, Commander;

c) Director of Provincial and Municipal Public Security Departments under central control;

d) Head of the Department; Head of District, Town-level, Municipal Public Security; Regimental Commander;

đ) Company Commander; Chief of Commune, Ward, Town-level Public Security; Battalion Commander;

e) Platoon Commander;

g) Squad Leader;

h) Team Leader.

2. Equivalent positions to those prescribed in points b, c, d, đ, e, g, and h, clause 1 of this Article and other positions and titles in the People's Public Security are stipulated by the Minister of Public Security.

3. The occupational positions and standards for People's Public Security officers are prescribed by the Minister of Public Security in accordance with the law.

According to the above regulations, the occupational titles and standards for the Director of Department C03 are prescribed by the Minister of Public Security in accordance with the law.

What are the duties and powers of the Criminal Investigation Agency of the Ministry of Public Security?

The duties and powers of the Criminal Investigation Agency of the Ministry of Public Security are specified in Article 19 of the Law on the Organization of Criminal Investigation Agencies 2015 as follows:

Duties and powers of the Criminal Investigation Agency of the Ministry of Public Security

1. Organize criminal duty work, receive crime reports, denouncements, and petitions for prosecution; classify and handle crime reports, denouncements, and petitions for prosecution under their jurisdiction or immediately transfer to the competent agency for resolution.

2. Investigate criminal cases under the investigative jurisdiction of the Provincial Criminal Investigation Agency concerning particularly severe, complex crimes occurring in many provinces or cities under central control or transnational organized crimes if deemed necessary to investigate directly; particularly severe cases under the investigative jurisdiction of the Criminal Investigation Agency mandated by the Supreme People's Court to reinvestigate.

3. Guide and direct crime investigation professional skills and inspect law compliance and professionalism in receiving, resolving crime reports, denouncements, and petitions for prosecution and investigating, handling crimes for provincial-level Criminal Investigation Agencies, district-level Public Security; guide agencies of the People's Police force being assigned certain investigative activities.

4. Recommend relevant agencies and organizations apply measures to rectify causes and conditions leading to crime.

5. Summarize and conclude the work of receiving and resolving crime reports, denouncements, petitions for prosecution, and crime investigation under the duties and powers of the Criminal Investigation Agency of the People's Public Security.

6. Resolve complaints and denunciations as prescribed by the Criminal Procedure Code.

The Criminal Investigation Agency of the Ministry of Public Security has the above-specified duties and powers.


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