Who has the authority to reward communist party members in Vietnam? What requirements should a rewarded communist party member meet?

May I ask who has the authority to reward communist party members? What requirements should a rewarded communist party member meet? - Question of Ms. Hy (Vinh Phuc)

Who has the authority to reward communist party members in Vietnam?

The authority to reward within the Communist party is specified in Section 27.2 of Regulation 24-QD/TW of Vietnam in 2021 as follows:

- Communist party cell: Praising the communist party group and its members in the branch.

- Partial Communist party Committee: Praise the communist party organization and communist party members in the communist party committee.

- Grassroots cell: Praise and award certificates of merit to Communist party members in the branch. Grassroots Communist party Committee: Praise and award certificates of merit to communist party organizations and communist party members in the Communist party committee.

- District Communist party Committee (and equivalent): Giving certificates of merit to communist party organizations and communist party members in the communist party committee.

- Provincial Communist party Committee (and equivalent): Giving certificates of merit, flags to communist party organizations, giving Communist party Orders for 30 years, 40 years, 45 years, 50 years, 55 years, 60 years, 65 years, 70 years, 75 years, 80 years, 85 years, 90 years of communist party life, certificates of merit for communist party members in the communist party committee.

- The awarding of medals, medals and other noble titles to communist party organizations and communist party members comply with the regulations of the Politburo, the Secretariat and the law on emulation and commendation.

Who has the authority to reward communist party members in Vietnam? What requirements should a rewarded communist party member meet?

Who has the authority to reward communist party members in Vietnam? What requirements should a rewarded communist party member meet?

What requirements should a rewarded communist party member meet?

According to the provisions of Clause 2, Article 19 of the Guideline 01-HD/TW in 2021 stipulating as follows:

(1) Commendation for communist party organization

- Communist party organizations with achievements to be considered for commendation include: District Communist party Committees and equivalent; grassroots communist party organization; communist party department; branches under the grassroots Communist party Committee; branches under the Communist party Committee of the division; the communist party group under the branch; advisory agencies, assisting agencies and non-business units of the Communist party.

The Communist party committees at all levels are competent to consider and reward communist party organizations and communist party members on an annual basis, in association with the annual review of the Communist party cell and cell; according to the term of the congress every 5 years for district-level communist party committees and equivalent; non-periodic rewards for communist party organizations and communist party members with outstanding achievements.

- Periodically consider and reward branches under the grassroots Communist party Committee:

+ The grassroots Communist party Committee considers awarding certificates of merit to branches that meet the standard of "Excellently completing tasks" in the year.

+ Standing Committee of the district communist party committee and equivalent considers awarding certificates of merit to branches that meet the standard of "Excellent completion of tasks" for 5 consecutive years.

+ Standing Committee of Provincial Communist party Committee and equivalent considers awarding certificates of merit to branches that meet the standard of "Excellent completion of tasks" for 5 consecutive years.

The cell that achieved "Excellent completion of tasks" is typically the one considered and recognized by the grassroots Communist party Committee when assessing the quality of the cell during the year.

- Periodically consider and reward grassroots communist party organizations

+ Standing committee of district communist party committee and equivalent considers awarding certificates of merit to grassroots communist party organizations that meet the standard of "Excellent completion of tasks" typical of the year.

+ Standing Committee of the Provincial Communist Party Committee and equivalent considers awarding certificates of merit to grassroots communist party organizations that meet the typical standard of "Excellent completion of tasks" for 5 consecutive years.

+ Standing Committee of the Provincial Communist party Committee and equivalent considers awarding flags to grassroots communist party organizations that have achieved the typical standard of "Excellent completion of tasks" for 5 consecutive years.

- Periodically consider and reward district communist party committees and equivalents:

+ Standing Committee of Provincial Communist Party Committee and equivalent considers awarding certificates of merit and flags to district and equivalent communist party committees with achievements during the term.

+ Standing Committee of Provincial Communist Party Committee and equivalent considers awarding certificates of merit to district communist party committees and equivalent standards for "Excellent completion of tasks" typical of the year.

- Non-periodically rewarding communist party organizations:

In addition to periodically considering and rewarding communist party organizations, the superior communist party committees should promptly consider and reward lower-level communist party organizations with particularly outstanding achievements, which are good examples in the communist party committee in each field by appropriate rewards.

- Commendation to the advisory agencies and non-business units of the Communist party:

The Communist party's advisory, assisting agencies and non-business units at the central level shall base themselves on the Communist party's Charter, Central Regulations and the Law on Emulation and Commendation to issue guidelines for uniform commendation in the system of advisory bodies, assistants and non-business units of Communist party committees at all levels.

- Standards of branches under the Communist party committees of sections, branches under the grassroots Communist party committees, sections of communist party committees, grassroots communist party organizations, district communist party committees and equivalent "Excellent completion of tasks" typical implementation according to the instructions of the Central Organizing Committee.

(2) Rewards for communist party members

- Periodically reward communist party members:

+ Grassroots Communist party Committees, grassroots branches consider and award certificates of merit to communist party members who meet the criteria of “Excellently completing tasks” during the year.

- Standing Committee of district Communist party Committee and equivalent considers awarding certificates of merit to communist party members who meet the standard of "Excellently completing tasks" for 5 consecutive years.

+ Standing Committee of Provincial Communist party Committee and equivalent considers awarding certificates of merit to communist party members who meet the standard of "Excellent completion of tasks" for 5 consecutive years.

Criteria for communist party members "Excellent completion of the task" shall comply with the guidance of the Central Organization Committee.

- Non-periodically rewarding communist party members:

In addition to periodically considering and rewarding Communist party members, the superior Communist party committees should promptly consider and reward Communist party members with particularly outstanding and typical achievements in each field, in performing assigned tasks as in labor. activities of production, study, scientific research, cultural activities, art, education, physical training, sports, national defense, security, etc., which are awarded prizes or act bravely by competent authorities. Feelings in combat, labor, natural disaster prevention and control, anti-corruption, negative and social evils, the State considers and confers the titles of hero, emulation soldier...

- Standing Committee of district communist party committee and equivalent considers awarding certificates of merit to communist party members with outstanding achievements, awarded by the State in national selection and competition exams; is a typical emulation soldier at ministerial, branch, province and city level.

- Standing Committee of the Provincial Communist party Committee and the equivalent considers awarding certificates of merit to Communist party members with particularly outstanding achievements, awarded by international organizations; was considered and awarded the title of national hero and emulation soldier by the State, won the first prize in the national selection and competition.

How is the form of rewards for communist party members in Vietnam regulated?

Regarding the form of commendation within the Communist party, specified in Section 27.1 of Regulation 24-QD/TW of Vietnam in 2021 as follows:

27.1. Forms of reward in the Communist party.
27.1.1. For communist party organizations: Commendation, awarding certificates of merit, certificates of merit, presenting flags, awarding medals, medals and other honorary titles of the Communist party and State.
27.1.2. For Communist party members: Commendation, awarding certificates of merit, certificates of merit, Communist party Order for 30 years, 40 years, 45 years, 50 years, 55 years, 60 years, 65 years, 70 years, 75 years, 80 years, 85 years, 90 years old communist party; awarded medals, medals and other honorary titles of the Communist party and State.

Thus, the form of rewarding communist party members includes:

- Commendation, awarding certificates of merit, certificates of merit, Communist party Order 30 years, 40 years, 45 years, 50 years, 55 years, 60 years, 65 years, 70 years, 75 years, 80 years, 85 years, 90 years old communist party;

- Awarding medals, medals and other honorary titles of the Communist party and State.

Nguyễn Thị Hồng Nhung

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