Who are the participants of the meeting announcing Records of internal investigation into occupational accidents in the Ministry of National Defense of Vietnam?

Who are the participants of the meeting announcing Records of internal investigation into occupational accidents in the Ministry of National Defense of Vietnam? T.Q - Hanoi.

Who are the members of the Internal group of investigation into occupational accidents in the Ministry of National Defense?

Pursuant to the provisions of Point b, Clause 1, Article 6 of Circular 01/2017/TT-BQP regulating the decision to establish Group of investigation into occupational accidents as follows:

Decision to establish Group of investigation into occupational accidents
1. Internal group of investigation into occupational accidents (division level; brigade, independent regiment or equivalent).
a) When receiving news of a minor occupational accident or an occupational accident seriously injuring 01 employee under the management or command of the unit, decide to immediately establish an Internal group of investigation into occupational accidents according to the form regulations in Appendix III issued with this circular;
b) Members of the Internal group of investigation into occupational accidents include: The unit commander or the person authorized to be the team leader; Representatives of agencies: Executive Committee of the Grassroots Trade Union (or representative of the employee collective when the unit is not qualified to establish a Grassroots Union); military; military training (occupational accidents occurring during training, competitions, and sports events); people in charge of safety and labor protection of the unit; people doing professional work related to the occupational accident;
c) For occupational accidents that occur at a place under its management but the victim is a member of another unit, the commander of the unit where the occupational accident occurred is responsible for establishing an Internal group of investigation. into occupational accident; composition as prescribed in Point b, Clause 1 of this Article, and at the same time invite the representative of the unit commander of the person who suffered an occupational accident to join the investigation team.

Thus, members of the Internal group of investigation into occupational accidents in the Ministry of National Defense include:

- The unit commander or the person authorized to act as the team leader;

- Representatives of the following agencies:

+ Grassroots Trade Union Executive Committee (or collective representative of workers when the unit does not meet the conditions to establish a grassroots trade union);

+ Military medicine;

+ Military training (occupational accidents occurring during training, competitions, and sports events);

+ Person in charge of safety and labor protection of the unit;

+ People doing professional work related to the occupational accident.

Who are the participants of the meeting announcing Records of internal investigation into occupational accidents in the Ministry of National Defense of Vietnam?

What are the duties of members of the Group of investigation into occupational accidents in the Ministry of National Defense of Vietnam?

Pursuant to the provisions of Clause 2, Article 7, Circular 01/2017/TT-BQP stipulates the duties of Group of investigation into occupational accidents members as follows:

Duties of members of Group of investigation into occupational accidents
2. Group of investigation into occupational accidents members have the following duties:
a) Perform tasks assigned by the team leader and participate in general activities of the Group of investigation into occupational accidents;
b) Have the right to express and reserve opinions; In case of disagreement with the decision of the Group Head of investigation into occupational accident, report to the commander of the agency directly managing him/her;
c) Do not disclose information and documents during the investigation process until records of investigation into occupational accident have not been published.

Thus, members of the Group of investigation into occupational accidents have the following duties:

- Carry out tasks assigned by the team leader and participate in general activities of the Group of investigation into occupational accidents;

- Have the right to express and reserve opinions;

Note: IIn case of disagreement with the decision of the Group Head of investigation into occupational accident, report to the commander of the agency directly managing him/her;

- Do not disclose information or documents during the investigation process until records of investigation into occupational accident have not been published.

Who are the participants of the meeting announcing Records of internal investigation into occupational accidents in the Ministry of National Defense of Vietnam?

Pursuant to the provisions of Clause 7, Article 8 of Circular 01/2017/TT-BQP regulating the process and procedures for internal investigation into occupational accidents as follows:

Processes and procedures for internal investigation into occupational accidents
Group of internal investigation into occupational accidents according to the following processes and procedures:
7. Components of the meeting to announce records of investigation into occupational accident include:
a) Group leader of investigation into occupational accident;
b) Unit commander causing an occupational accident;
c) Member of Group of investigation into occupational accident;
d) The person who has had an occupational accident or the representative of a relative of the person who has had an occupational accident, the person who knows the incident or the person involved in the occupational accident;
d) Representative of the Executive Committee of the Grassroots Trade Union or the Executive Committee of the immediate superior Trade Union at the Grassroots Trade Union where the Grassroots Trade Union has not yet been established;
e) Representative of the unit's direct superior agency (if necessary).

Thus, the participants of the meeting announcing Records of internal investigation into occupational accidents in the Ministry of National Defense include:

- Group leader of investigation into occupational accidents;

- Unit commander causing occupational accidents;

- Member of Group of investigation into occupational accidents;

- The person who has had a work accident or the representative of a relative of the person who has had a work accident, the person who knows the incident or the person involved in the work accident;

- Representative of the Executive Committee of the Grassroots Trade Union or the Executive Committee of the immediate superior Trade Union at the Grassroots Trade Union where the Grassroots Trade Union has not yet been established;

- Representative of the unit's direct superior agency (if necessary).


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