06:01 | 10/06/2024

Which waste shall be permitted for import as production materials to Vietnam?

Which waste shall be permitted for import as production materials to Vietnam? What are the requirements for imported scrap warehouses and storage yards in Vietnam?

Which waste shall be permitted for import as production materials to Vietnam?

According to the List of waste permitted for import as production materials issued with Decision 13/2023/QD-TTg, organizations and individuals shall only be permitted to import waste in accordance with the List. To be specific:

Tổ chức, cá nhân được phép nhập khẩu phế liệu nào từ nước ngoài về để làm nguyên liệu sản xuất?

DOWNLOAD List of waste permitted for import as production materials.

Which waste shall be permitted for import as production materials to Vietnam? (Image from the Internet)

What are the requirements for imported scrap warehouses and storage yards in Vietnam?

Pursuant to Clause 3, Article 45 of Decree 08/2022/ND-CP on imported scrap warehouses and storage yards:

Requirements for environmental protection and responsibilities of organizations and individuals importing scrap from abroad as raw materials for production
Organizations and individuals are only permitted to import scrap from abroad as raw materials for production for their investment projects or manufacturing establishments and must comply with the environmental protection requirements set out in clause 2 Article 71 of the LEP. Several specific requirements and conditions for environmental protection are prescribed as follows:
3. Imported scrap warehouses and storage yards:
a) Regarding an imported scrap warehouse:
Have a separate rainwater collection system; a system for collecting and treating types of wastewater generated during the storage meeting technical regulations on environment as prescribed;
Have a foundation which is high enough to avoid flooding; design the floor in the storage area to prevent avoid rainwater from overflowing from outside; build the floor which ensures tightness, is waterproof and durable enough to tolerate the maximum amount of scrap as properly calculated;
Have walls and partitions made of fire-resistant materials; build sun-proof and rain-proof roofs for the entire area of storage which are made of fire-resistant materials; propose any measure or design to restrict wind from getting inside;
b) Regarding an imported scrap storage yard:
Have a system for collecting and treating overflowing the storage yard of imported scrap and types of wastewater generated during the storage of scrap meeting environmental technical regulations as prescribed;
Have a foundation which is high enough to avoid flooding; build the floor which ensures tightness, is waterproof and durable enough to tolerate the maximum amount of scrap as properly calculated;
Take measures to minimize dust generated from the storage yard of scrap.

Imported scrap warehouses and storage yards must meet the following requirements:

(1) Regarding an imported scrap warehouse:

- Have a separate rainwater collection system; a system for collecting and treating types of wastewater generated during the storage meeting technical regulations on environment as prescribed;

- Have a foundation which is high enough to avoid flooding; design the floor in the storage area to prevent avoid rainwater from overflowing from outside; build the floor which ensures tightness, is waterproof and durable enough to tolerate the maximum amount of scrap as properly calculated;

- Have walls and partitions made of fire-resistant materials; build sun-proof and rain-proof roofs for the entire area of storage which are made of fire-resistant materials; propose any measure or design to restrict wind from getting inside;

(2) Regarding an imported scrap storage yard:

- Have a system for collecting and treating overflowing the storage yard of imported scrap and types of wastewater generated during the storage of scrap meeting environmental technical regulations as prescribed;

- Have a foundation which is high enough to avoid flooding; build the floor which ensures tightness, is waterproof and durable enough to tolerate the maximum amount of scrap as properly calculated;

- Take measures to minimize dust generated from the storage yard of scrap.

What contents must the written commitment of organizations and individuals permitted to import scrap from foreign countries to Vietnam include?

Pursuant to Clause 2, Article 71 of the Law on Environmental Protection 2020 on environmental protection during import of scrap from foreign countries:

Environmental protection during import of scrap from foreign countries
2. Entities are only permitted to import scrap from foreign countries as production materials for their manufacturing establishments and must:
a) have manufacturing establishments with technologies and equipment serving scrap recycling and reuse, warehouses and sites exclusively reserved for aggregation of scrap which satisfy environmental protection requirements; prepare a scheme to deal with impurities in the imported scrap;
b) have environmental licenses;
c) pay deposits on environmental protection as prescribed in Article 137 of this Law before scrap is unloaded in the case where it is imported through sea border checkpoint or before scrap is imported into Vietnam in other cases;
d) have a written commitment to re-export or treatment of scrap if the scrap is imported without satisfying environmental protection requirements.
3. The Government shall elaborate Clause 2 of this Article.

Organizations and individuals permitted to import scrap from foreign countries to Vietnam must have a a written commitment to re-export or treatment of scrap if the scrap is imported without satisfying environmental protection requirements.

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