Which climate bulletin in Vietnam will provide information about dangerous weather events that affect living conditions and the environment?

Hello Lawnet, I have the following question: Which climate forecast will tell us about the imminent occurrence of dangerous weather phenomena that have the potential to affect the environment and living conditions? Thank you!

How many types of weather forecasts and warnings are there?

Pursuant to Article 10 of Circular 08/2022/TT-BTNMT stipulating as follows:

“Article 10. Types of weather forecast and warning bulletins
1. Extremely short-term weather forecast and warning bulletins: the minimum forecast and warning content contains information on the intensity or value of detailed meteorological factors for each period from 30 minutes up to 03 hours at a specific place or area and its potential impact on the environment, living conditions, infrastructure, socio-economic activities.
2. Short-term weather forecast and warning bulletins: the forecast and warning contents must contain at least information on weather trends within the forecast period, weather phenomena (cloudy, sunny, etc.) rain) and values ​​of factors (precipitation, probability of rain, air temperature, air humidity, wind direction and wind speed) in detail for each period from 06 hours to 24 hours at a location or areas on land and the possibility of occurrence of dangerous weather phenomena, the possibility of impact on the environment, living conditions, infrastructure, socio-economic activities.
3. Medium-term weather forecast and warning bulletins: The minimum forecast and warning content must contain information on weather trends and total rainfall during the forecast period, phenomena, the probability of rain and detailed air temperature values ​​for each period of 01 day at a specific place or area and the possibility of occurrence of dangerous weather phenomena, the possibility of affecting the environment, the living conditions, infrastructure, socio-economic activities.”

Accordingly, weather forecast and warning bulletin in Vietnam will include 03 types: extremely short-term weather forecast and warning bulletins; forecast bulletins, short-term weather warnings, and medium-term forecast and warning bulletin in Vietnam.

Which climate bulletin in Vietnam will provide information about dangerous weather events that affect living conditions and the environment?

Which climate bulletin in Vietnam will provide information about dangerous weather events that affect living conditions and the environment?

What kind of weather forecast will warn of dangerous weather phenomena, affecting the environment and living conditions?

Pursuant to Article 11 of Circular 08/2022/TT-BTNMT stipulating as follows:

“Article 11. Type of climate forecast bulletin
1. The long-term climate forecast bulletin: the minimum forecast and warning content contains information about the trend of average air temperature, total rainfall compared to the average value of many years during the forecast period. report, average air temperature value and detailed total rainfall for each period from 10 days to 15 days at a specific place or area and the possibility of occurrence of dangerous weather phenomena, the possibility of impact on the environment, living conditions, infrastructure, and socio-economic activities.
2. Seasonal climate forecast bulletin: the minimum forecast and warning content contains information on the trend of average air temperature, total rainfall compared to the average value of many years in detail for each year. a period from 01 month to 03 months at a particular place or area and the possibility of occurrence of dangerous weather phenomena, the possibility of impact on the environment, living conditions, infrastructure, activities socio-economic movement.
3. Year-term climate forecast bulletin: forecast and warning contents: at least have information on the trend of average air temperature, detailed total rainfall for each period from 03 months to 06 months and climate extremes, extreme climate events on a global, regional and Vietnamese scale.”

Thus, there are different types of climate forecast bulletin in Vietnam, including long-term climate forecast bulletins; weather forecast bulletins for season term and climate forecast bulletin in Vietnam for year term.

Accordingly, the seasonal weather forecast bulletin in Vietnam will provide information on the possibility of dangerous weather events, the potential impact on the environment and living conditions.

How long will the weather and climate forecast predict phenomena to occur?

Pursuant to Article 4 of Circular 08/2022/TT-BTNMT stipulating as follows:

“Article 4. Time limit for weather forecasts and warnings
1. Extremely short term: forecast, warning up to 12 hours.
2. Short term: forecast, warning from over 12 hours to up to 72 hours.
3. Medium duration: forecast, warning from over 3 days to a maximum of 10 days.”

Pursuant to Article 5 of Circular 08/2022/TT-BTNMT stipulating as follows:

“Article 5. Time limit for climate forecast
1. Long term: forecast, warning from over 10 days to a maximum of 01 month.
2. Season duration: forecast, warning from over 01 month to maximum 06 months.
3. Duration of the year: forecasting, warning from over 06 months to a maximum of 12 months.”

Accordingly, depending on the forecast period to determine how long the weather and climate phenomena will occur. For weather forecasts and warnings, the time limit for occurrence of the phenomenon is at least 12 hours and the longest is within 3 to 07 days.

For climate forecasts, the shortest duration of effects is from 10 days to 1 month and the longest is from 6 months to 12 months.

Circular 08/2022/TT-BTNMT will take effect from August 19, 2022.

Lê Nhựt Hào

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