Where does an establishment producing veterinary drugs submit an application for the certificate of veterinary drug advertisement content in Vietnam?

Do establishments producing veterinary drugs have the right to provide advertisement of veterinary drugs in Vietnam? Where does an establishment producing veterinary drugs submit an application for the certificate of veterinary drug advertisement content? What are the obligations of establishments producing veterinary drugs in Vietnam?

Do establishments producing veterinary drugs have the right to provide advertisement of veterinary drugs in Vietnam?

Pursuant to Clause 1, Article 91 of the Law on Veterinary Medicine 2015 on the rights and obligations of manufacturers of veterinary drugs

Rights and obligations of manufacturers of veterinary drugs
1. Rights of establishments producing veterinary drugs:
a) Perform the production of veterinary drugs that are granted the Certificate of sale of veterinary drugs in Vietnam;
b) Import veterinary drugs, veterinary drug ingredients for production or re-export according to the contract with foreign organizations and individuals; obtain or grant concession according to the regulations;
c) Provide information or advertisement of veterinary drugs according to the regulations on advertising;
dd) Other rights according to the relevant law provisions.

The establishments producing veterinary drugs have the right to provide information or advertisement of veterinary drugs according to the regulations on advertising.

Thus, establishments producing veterinary drugs have the right to provide advertisement of veterinary drugs according to the regulations on advertising.

Where does an establishment producing veterinary drugs submit an application for the certificate of veterinary drug advertisement content in Vietnam? (Image from the Internet)

Where does an establishment producing veterinary drugs submit an application for the certificate of veterinary drug advertisement content in Vietnam?

Pursuant to Clause 1, Article 43, Circular 13/2016/TT-BNNPTNT on the submission of documents as follows:

Procedures for issuance of the certificate of advertisment content verification for veterinary drugs
1. Submission of application
a) An application shall be sent directly or by post to a competent agency as prescribed in Article 42 of this Circular;
b) Quantity of application: 01.
2. An application for the certificate of veterinary drug advertisement content shall consist of
a) An application form for verification of veterinary drug using the form in Annex XLII enclosed with this Circular;
b) A copy of the certificate of registration of veterinary drug;
c) The advertisements (content, form of advertising presented with images, sound, voice, letters, symbols, colors, light and the like);
d) A list of speakers containing information about their qualifications or academic ranks, applicable to advertisements showed at fairs, seminars, conferences, events, exhibitions, cultural/sport programs (which bears a seal of the enterprise).

An application for the certificate of veterinary drug advertisement content shall be sent directly or by post to a competent agency as prescribed in Article 42 of this Circular.

Pursuant to Article 42 of Circular 13/2016/TT-BNNPTNT:

Competence in issuing a certificate of veterinary drug advertisment contents
1. The Department of Animal Health shall issue the Certificate of advertisement content verification for press, web portals, electronic equipment, terminal devices and other telecommunication devices, printed products, audio and video recordings and other technological devices of the Central government which are nationwide published.
2. Provincial veterinary authorities shall issue the Certificate of advertisement content verification for advertisements displayed via:
a) Newspapers and magazines, web portals, electronic equipment, terminal devices and other telecommunication devices, printed products, audio and video recordings and other technological devices of local areas;
b) Advertising boards, banners, signboards, light box, advertising screens;
c) Means of transport;
d) Fairs, seminars, conferences, events, exhibitions, cultural and sport programs;
dd) Advertisement transmittors, advertisement objects;
e) Other means of advertising as prescribed in laws.

An application for the certificate of veterinary drug advertisement content shall be sent directly or by post to the Department of Animal Health for press, web portals, electronic equipment, terminal devices and other telecommunication devices, printed products, audio and video recordings and other technological devices of the Central government which are nationwide published.

An application for the certificate of veterinary drug advertisement content shall be sent directly or by post to provincial veterinary authorities in the following cases:

a) Newspapers and magazines, web portals, electronic equipment, terminal devices and other telecommunication devices, printed products, audio and video recordings and other technological devices of local areas;

b) Advertising boards, banners, signboards, light box, advertising screens;

c) Means of transport;

d) Fairs, seminars, conferences, events, exhibitions, cultural and sport programs;

dd) Advertisement transmittors, advertisement objects;

e) Other means of advertising as prescribed in laws.

What are the obligations of establishments producing veterinary drugs in Vietnam?

Pursuant to Clause 2, Article 91 of the Law on Veterinary Medicine 2015, the obligations of establishments producing veterinary drugs include:

a) Produce veterinary drugs according to the standards they have declared;

b) Comply with the regulations on analysis, preservation and distribution of veterinary drugs and good manufacturing production;

c) Take responsibilities for the quality of veterinary drugs they produced and shall sell only the conformable veterinary drugs;

d) Retain the samples of veterinary drugs sorted by production batches for at least 06 months from the day on which they expires;

dd) Supervise the veterinary drugs they produced, make notification and immediately recall the whole batch of the drug if such type of drug is discovered unconformable;

e) Provide compensation for the damage they cause according to the law provisions;

g) Provide sufficient information for the inspection and assessment of the production of veterinary drugs according to the law provisions;

h) Owners of veterinary drug-producing establishments shall provides training, guidelines for use and prevention of unexpected effect of veterinary drugs; provide professional training for people who directly produce veterinary drugs;

i) Comply with other law provisions on fire prevention, chemical safety, labor safety and environment protection.


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