Where can I see the cadastral map in Vietnam? Form of request form to provide cadastral map in Vietnam information and cases in which land data is not required?

Now I want to see the cadastral map in Vietnam, where can I see it? How is a request for provision of cadastral map in Vietnam information specified? - Question from Ms. Minh Ha from Thanh Hoa.

Where can I see the cadastral map in Vietnam?

Pursuant to Article 12 of Circular 34/2014/TT-BTNMT stipulating as follows:

Order and procedures for providing land data
1. The submission of documents, request forms for provision of land data shall be done by one of the following methods:
a) Submitted directly to the agency providing land data;
b) Send by official letter, fax, post office;
c) Send by email or through the land portal.
2. The agency providing land data shall receive, process and notify financial obligations (in case financial obligations must be fulfilled) to organizations and individuals. In case of refusal to provide data, it must clearly state the reason and reply to the organization or individual.
3. After organizations or individuals fulfill their financial obligations, the land data-providing agency shall provide land data upon request.
4. The time limit for providing land data shall comply with the following provisions:
a) If the request is received before 15:00, it must be provided within the same day; in case the request is received after 15 hours, the provision of land data shall be made on the next working day;
b) In case of request for provision of land data in the form of information aggregation, the time limit for provision of land data shall be determined according to the agreement between the agency providing land data and the requester in form. contract form.”

Thus, organizations and individuals that require the provision of cadastral map in Vietnam information can do so directly at the land data-providing agency or send a request for the provision of cadastral maps by post or email. through the web portal.

If an organization or individual requests to provide cadastral map information before 15:00, the competent authority must provide cadastral map information on the same day of filing the request.

In case an organization or individual submits a request for provision of cadastral map information after 3 p.m., the competent authority must provide cadastral map information on the next working day.

Where can I see the cadastral map in Vietnam? Form of request form to provide cadastral map in Vietnam information and cases in which land data is not required?

Where can I see the cadastral map in Vietnam? Form of request form to provide cadastral map in Vietnam nformation and cases in which land data is not required? (Image from the internet)

In what cases will not be provided with cadastral map in Vietnat information?

Pursuant to Article 13 of Circular 34/2014/TT-BTNMT stipulating as follows:

Cases where data is not provided
1. Documents or forms requesting data provision with unclear or specific contents; requests to provide data under the scope of state secrets in contravention of regulations.
2. The written request must not be signed by a competent person and stamped for certification of the organization; the request form does not have the signature, name and specific address of the individual requesting the data.
3. The purpose of using the data is not in accordance with the provisions of the law.
4. Failing to fulfill financial obligations as prescribed.”

Thus, the land data management agency will not provide cadastral map on Vietnam information for the 4 cases listed under the above regulations.

Is there a fee for requesting cadastral map in Vietnam information?

Pursuant to Article 16 of Circular 34/2014/TT-BTNMT (repeat some provisions by point b, clause 3, Article 1 of Circular 24/2019/TT-BTNMT) as follows:

Fees and charges for providing land data
1. Fees and expenses to be paid to provide land data include the following:
a) Fees for exploitation and use of land documents;
b) Expenses for printing and copying dossiers and documents;
c) Cost of sending documents (if any).
3. Construction Department of Natural Resources and Environment, submit it to the People's Committee of the province for submission to the People's Council for approval of the fee for exploitation and use of land documents."

Accordingly, organizations and individuals that request to be provided with information on cadastral maps will have to pay fees according to the above provisions. Fees will depend on local regulations.

What form should I use to request cadastral map in Vietnam information?

Currently, when an organization or individual requests to provide cadastral map information, they will send a request form to a competent state agency.

The request form for information on cadastral map in Vietnam is currently made according to form 01/PYC issued together with Circular 34/2014/TT-BTNMT as follows:

Download the request form for cadastral map in Vietnam information: Click here.


Cadastral map in Vietnam
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