07:49 | 23/07/2024

When will the school staff salary scale according to Resolution 27 be available from July 1, 2024, with the salary reform?

When will the salary schedule for school employees according to Resolution 27 be available from July 01, 2024, with wage reform? Your question from T.S in Gia Lai

Salary Structure for School Employees According to Resolution 27

The salary structure for school employees when implementing salary reforms is also established according to the provisions in Section II of Resolution 27-NQ/TW of 2018 on salary policy reform for officials and public employees and armed forces (public sector) according to the design of the new salary structure, which includes:

- Basic salary (accounting for about 70% of the total salary fund).

- Allowances (accounting for about 30% of the total salary fund).

- Additional bonuses (bonus fund accounting for about 10% of the total annual salary fund, excluding allowances).

A new salary system is built and issued according to job positions, titles, and leadership positions to replace the current salary system; transitioning from old salaries to new salaries ensuring it is not lower than current salaries, including:

- Constructing one professional and professional salary table according to the rank of officials and public employee titles applicable to officials and public employees who do not hold leadership positions; each rank of officials and public employee titles has multiple salary levels according to the principle:

For jobs with the same complexity level, the salary level is the same; higher than normal working conditions and occupational preferences will be implemented through occupational allowance policies; reorganizing group ranks and the number of levels within the ranks of officials and public employee titles, encouraging officials and public employees to enhance their professional and professional levels.

Appointments to the rank of officials or public employee titles must be associated with job positions and the rank structure of officials and public employee titles managed by agencies, organizations, and units to manage officials and public employees.

When Will There Be a Salary Table for School Employees According to Resolution 27 from July 1, 2024, when the salary reform is implemented?

When Will There Be a Salary Table for School Employees According to Resolution 27 from July 1, 2024, when the salary reform is implemented?

When Will There Be a Salary Table for School Employees According to Resolution 27?

On November 7, 2023, the Minister of Home Affairs addressed the issue of salary for school employees when implementing the salary reforms as follows:

The salary regime for school employees is still low and does not ensure the regional minimum wage according to the regulations. Therefore, during the upcoming implementation of salary policy reforms, local authorities will be asked to comprehensively review the number of school employees.

The Minister also stated that school employees currently do not receive the 25% public service allowance, so if the salary policy reforms are implemented, this group will suffer certain disadvantages.

Therefore, relevant ministries and central authorities need to consider issuing professional guidance on promoting professional titles for school employees so that when implementing salary reforms, this group can be better positioned in the salary structure.

“The Ministry of Home Affairs will also report to the competent authority to consider this matter,” said the Minister of Home Affairs.

Thus, school employees may be promoted in professional titles to get better salaries when the salary reforms are implemented.

Currently, the salary reform is still in the process of receiving feedback and being constructed, so there is no specific salary table for school employees yet.

Source: Government of Vietnam newspaper

Current Working Regime for School Employees

At sub-section 1, Section III of Circular 36/1999/TT-BGDDT stipulates the working policies for school employees as follows:

Content of the 40-hour workweek plan

1. For officials and employees working in educational management agencies at all levels and educational research agencies:

From October 2, 1999, educational management agencies at all levels, and educational research agencies implement a policy of a 5-day workweek (8 hours a day), with Saturdays and Sundays off weekly for their officials and employees. In cases where work requires working on Saturday, the institution arranges a roster for people to work in shifts to ensure the work is not disrupted and each official and employee still gets 2 days off weekly. Officials, and employees need to enhance their sense of responsibility, maintain work discipline, and maximize their working time to complete the workload with higher efficiency and quality.


In principle, the education sector implements a 40-hour workweek policy for officials, teachers, and employees starting from October 2, 1999.

The Director of the Department of Education and Training selects the implementation plan suitable for the situation of each locality; Principals of universities, colleges, and professional secondary schools (affiliated with central ministries and agencies) select the implementation plan, report to the Ministry of Education and Training and the managing ministry.

Officials, teachers, and employees in educational institutions under the national education system must work 40 hours over 5 days and must meet the following conditions:

(1) Complete the assigned workload, ensuring quantity, quality, and effectiveness.

(2) Maintain strict labor discipline.

(3) Do not increase administrative costs; do not increase staff, and do not increase the salary fund; except in special cases, the salary fund may increase, but overall costs should not.

(4) The daily wage rate for overtime pay, night work, social insurance benefits, etc., still follows current regulations.

(5) Ensure prompt resolution of administrative procedures as required by organizations and individuals.

(6) For units working continuously 24/24 hours, arrange and organize reasonable shift policies based on existing staff to ensure the above conditions.


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