When will employees in Vietnam receive money under the rental support policy under Decision 08/2022/QD-TTg?

May I ask about receiving support under the Government's policy on housing rental support for employees, when will employees receive this amount? In case you receive it, will you receive it monthly or once? Thank you!

How does social insurance pay for the list of employees in Vietnam working at the enterprise enjoying the rent support policy?

According to Clauses 3 and 4, Article 7 of Decision 08/2022/QD-TTg stipulating:

“Article 7. Order and procedures for implementation
3. Enterprises shall send a list of employees requesting rent support according to Form No. 02 to the social insurance agency to confirm that the employees are participating in compulsory social insurance. The enterprise is responsible for the accuracy and truthfulness of the employee's information specified in Clauses 2 and 3, Article 4 of this Decision. Enterprises make a list of employees who request monthly rent support and may request the social insurance agency to confirm the lump sum for 2 or 3 months.
Within 2 working days from the date of receipt of the request, the social insurance agency shall certify the employee's participation in compulsory social insurance.
4. Enterprises shall send dossiers as prescribed in Article 6 of this Decision to the district-level People's Committees where their head offices or branches, representative offices, production and business locations are located. Enterprises can submit a dossier of request for support for 2 or 3 months.”

Thus, based on the above provisions in Official Letter 326/CVL-TTLD in 2022, the Employment Department guides the implementation of Decision 08/2022/QD-TTg as follows:

Enterprises make a list of employees in Vietnam who request monthly rent support and can request the social insurance agency to confirm the lump sum of 2 or 3 months for the policy to support employees currently working in the enterprise. Karma.

For example, in May 2022, an enterprise has made a list of requests for April rent support for employees, in June 2022, businesses have made a list of requests for May rent support for employees in Vietnam.

When will employees in Vietnam receive money under the rental support policy under Decision 08/2022/QD-TTg?

When will employees in Vietnam receive money under the rental support policy under Decision 08/2022/QD-TTg?

How does social insurance pay for the list of workers who return to the working market to enjoy the rent support policy?

According to Clauses 3 and 4, Article 11 of Decision 08/2022/QD-TTg stipulates:

“Article 11. Order and procedures for implementation”
3. Before the 15th of every month, the employer shall send the list of employees who request the rent support according to Form No. 03 to the social insurance agency to confirm that the employee is participating in social insurance. Obligatory. The employer is responsible for the accuracy and truthfulness of the employee's information specified in Clauses 2 and 3, Article 8 of this Decision.
Within 2 working days from the date of receipt of the request, the social insurance agency shall certify the employee's participation in compulsory social insurance.
4. The employer shall send the dossier as prescribed in Article 10 of this Decision to the district-level People's Committee where the head office or branch, representative office, production and business location is located. The deadline for receiving applications is until the end of August 15, 2022.
In case the employer is a business household, attach the request for housing rental support of the employee using Form No. 01.”

Thus, based on the above provisions in Official Letter 326/CVL-TTLD in 2022, the Employment Department guides the implementation of Decision 08/2022/QD-TTg as follows:

For books to support workers returning to the labor market, employers are required to send a list of requests for monthly rent support to the social insurance agency before the 15th of each month. 2 or 3 months are allowed.

For example, in May 2022, an enterprise has made a list of requests for April rent support for employees, in June 2022, businesses have made a list of requests for May rent support for employees in Vietnam

When will employees receive money under the policy of rent support under Decision 08/2022/QD-TTg?

In Article 7, Article 11 of Decision 08/2022/QD-TTg on payment and settlement of funds according to the policy of rent support as follows:

For employees working at the enterprise:

“Article 7. Order and procedures for implementation
7. Within 02 working days from the date of receipt of funding from the People's Committee of the province, the enterprise shall pay the employees.”

For workers returning to the job market:

“Article 11. Order and procedures for implementation”
7. Within 02 working days from the date of receipt of funding support from the People's Committee of the province, the employer shall pay the employee.”

Thus, based on the above provisions in Official Letter 326/CVL-TTLD in 2022, the Employment Department guides the implementation of Decision 08/2022/QD-TTg as follows:

The employer is responsible for paying the employee within 02 working days from the date of receiving the support fund.

At Point dd, Clause 2, Article 12, it is stipulated that the employer's responsibility is to pay rent support to employees, and pay and settle expenses in accordance with law. Accordingly, if the employer violates in the payment of support, payment and settlement of funds, the application of handling of administrative violations in the field of finance and accounting shall be applied.

Lê Nguyễn Cẩm Nhung

Employees in Vietnam
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