03:04 | 21/08/2024

When will an organization of Communist Party of Vietnam be disciplined with a reprimand for violating regulations on crime prevention, national defense security, and foreign security?

When will an organization of Communist Party of Vietnam be disciplined with a reprimand for violating regulations on crime prevention and national defense security?

When will an organization of Communist Party of Vietnam be disciplined with a reprimand for violating regulations on crime prevention?

According to Clause 1, Article 19 of Regulation 69-QD/TW 2022 on CPV members violating regulations on crime prevention, the following applies:

- Violations in the following cases, causing minor consequences, will be disciplined with a reprimand:

+ Failing to lead, direct, issue programs, plans, and organize the implementation of crime prevention work; failing to direct, urge, inspect, supervise subordinates to implement the Communist Party of Vietnam's policies, state laws on crime prevention.

+ Failing to direct the handling of information, reports, crime alerts, criminal activities in the area; failing to direct resolving difficulties and obstacles in crime prevention.

+ Directing implementation that is not conformable regarding prosecution, investigation, prosecution, trial, examination, amnesty, special amnesty, execution of sentences, early release.

+ Allowing subordinate Party committees, organizations and directly managed cadres, members to violate the law without directing to remedy, thoroughly handle or cover up violations.

In which cases will a Communist Party organization be disciplined for violating regulations on crime prevention and national defense security, foreign security?

When will an organization of Communist Party of Vietnam be disciplined with a reprimand for violating regulations on crime prevention, national defense security, and foreign security? (Image from the internet)

When will an organization of Communist Party of Vietnam be disciplined with a warning for violating regulations on crime prevention?

According to Clause 2, Article 19 of Regulation 69-QD/TW 2022 on CPV members violating regulations on crime prevention, the following applies:

- First-time violations of the cases stipulated in Clause 1 of this Article causing serious consequences or repeated violations or violations in one of the following cases will be disciplined with a warning:

+ Issuing resolutions, directives, regulations on crime prevention contrary to the Communist Party of Vietnam's policies, state laws.

+ Directing subordinates to conceal, not report, or destroy evidence, case files, materials; approving or directing prosecution of a case, prosecution of individuals, investigation, prosecution, trial contrary to regulations.

+ Directing subordinates, direct investigators, prosecutors, judges, amnesty examiners, special amnesty coordinators not conformable, falsifying case files to avoid investigation, prosecution, trial or to exempt, reduce crime, responsibility, change charges for those granted amnesty, special amnesty, or obstruct, cover up, abet crime, early release.

+ Approving, directing prosecution or non-prosecution, prosecution, trial, changing preventive measures, exempting criminal liability, exempting punishment, illegal exemption, reduction of responsibility.

+ Directing no investigation, prosecution, or trial of a case contrary to regulations leading to overdue or expired handling periods.

+ Neglecting responsibility in leadership, management allowing directly managed cadres, members to exploit their work positions, titles, and powers causing harm to state interests, legitimate interests of organizations, individuals or being dependent, lured by criminals.

Note: Disciplinary dissolution in the case of having policies, actions against the Communist Party of Vietnam's policies, state laws on crime prevention causing particularly serious consequences.

When will an organization of Communist Party of Vietnam be disciplined for violating national defense security, foreign security regulations?

According to Article 18 of Regulation 69-QD/TW 2022 on CPV members violating regulations on crime prevention, the following applies:

"Article 18. Violations of regulations on national defense, security, and foreign affairs

1. Violations in the following cases, causing minor consequences, will be disciplined with a reprimand:

a) Failing to lead, direct, urge, inspect, supervise subordinates to implement the Communist Party of Vietnam's policies, state laws on national defense, security, and foreign affairs leading to violations.

b) Failing to lead, direct, organize the implementation, inspect, supervise the performance of national defense, security, foreign affairs duties according to function, task leading to violations.

c) Failing to lead, direct review, handle violations of national defense, security, foreign affairs or cover up violators.

d) Failing to direct military recruitment, building, training, use of militia forces, reservists, and army's rear policies.

dd) Approving officials, members to go abroad not conformable or without permission from competent authorities.

e) Organizing non-conformable foreign activities of the Communist Party of Vietnam, state, or without permission from competent authorities.

2. First-time violations of the cases stipulated in Clause 1 of this Article causing serious consequences or repeated violations or violations in one of the following cases will be disciplined with a warning:

a) Issuing resolutions, directives, regulations, programs, and work plans on national defense, security, foreign affairs contrary to the Communist Party of Vietnam's policies, state laws.

b) Disclosing the Communist Party of Vietnam's or state's secrets on national defense, security, foreign affairs.

3. Violations in one of the following cases causing particularly serious consequences will be disciplined with dissolution:

a) Opposing the Communist Party of Vietnam's policies, state laws on national defense, security, foreign affairs.

b) Colluding, associating, abetting foreign organizations, individuals exploiting foreign activities to undermine the Communist Party of Vietnam's policies, state laws on national defense, security, foreign affairs.

c) Organizing, agitating, inciting, bribing, coercing the public to rally, demonstrate illegally, destroy national defense, security, foreign affairs facilities, causing division in the national unity block."

Thus, for violations of the above cases, organizations of Communist Party of Vietnam will be disciplined for violating regulations on crime prevention and national defense security, foreign security.


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