07:47 | 23/07/2024

When is the time of VAT payment for imported goods? What types of taxes are applicable to exported and imported goods?

<h3>Question from Ms. Dung in Nha Trang</h3><h4>What is the time for paying VAT on imported goods? What types of taxes are applied to exported and imported goods?</h4>These questions were submitted by Ms. Dung in Nha Trang.

When is the deadline for paying VAT on imported goods?

Based on Clause 6, Article 8 of Circular 219/2013/TT-BTC, the timeline for paying VAT is regulated as follows:

Time for determining VAT


4. For real estate business activities, construction of infrastructure, house building for sale, transfer, or lease, the time of payment follows the project's implementation schedule or payment schedule specified in the contract. Based on the received amount, the business entity declares the arising output VAT in the period.

5. For construction and installation activities, including shipbuilding, it is the time of acceptance, handover of the project, work items, completed construction, and installation volume, regardless of whether the payment has been collected or not.

6. For imported goods, it is the time of customs declaration registration.

Thus, the time for paying VAT on imported goods is the time of customs declaration registration.

When is the deadline for paying VAT on imported goods? What types of taxes are on exported and imported goods?

When is the deadline for paying VAT on imported goods? What types of taxes are on exported and imported goods?

When is the tax payment deadline after clearing imported goods?

According to Article 55 of the Law on Tax Administration 2019, the tax payment deadline is regulated as follows:

Tax payment deadlines


4. For exported and imported goods subject to tax under the tax law, the tax payment deadline is governed by the Law on Export and Import Duties; in cases where additional tax amounts arise after customs clearance or goods release, the tax payment deadline is implemented as follows:

a) The deadline for paying additional declared tax, assessed tax is applied according to the initial customs declaration deadline;

b) The tax payment deadline for goods requiring analysis, inspection to accurately determine the tax amount; goods without official prices at the time of customs declaration; goods with actual payments, goods with adjustments added to the customs value not determined at the time of customs declaration is governed by the regulations of the Minister of Finance.

Thus, the tax payment deadline for arising tax amounts after clearing or releasing imported goods is determined as follows:

- The deadline for paying additional declared tax, assessed tax is applied according to the initial customs declaration deadline;- The tax payment deadline is implemented according to the regulations of the Minister of Finance for:+ Goods requiring analysis or inspection to determine the accurate tax amount;+ Goods without official prices at the time of customs declaration;+ Goods with actual payments or adjustments added to the customs value not determined at the time of customs declaration.

What types of taxes are on exported and imported goods?

According to point c, clause 4, Article 8 of Decree 126/2020/ND-CP, the types of taxes declared monthly, quarterly, annually, upon each occurrence of tax liability, and upon final tax settlement are regulated as follows:

Types of taxes declared monthly, quarterly, annually, upon each occurrence of tax liability, and upon final tax settlement


4. Taxes and other collections of the state budget declared upon each occurrence include:

a) Value-added tax of taxpayers as stipulated in clause 3, Article 7 of this Decree, or taxpayers declaring VAT based on the direct method on value-added according to VAT law but having VAT liability arising from real estate transfer activities.

b) Special consumption tax of taxpayers exporting but not having paid the special consumption tax at the production stage then selling domestically. Special consumption tax of businesses buying domestically produced cars, airplanes, yachts considered as non-special consumption tax objects but later changing their usage to subjects of special consumption tax.

c) Taxes on exported and imported goods include: Export duty, import duty, safeguard duty, anti-dumping duty, countervailing duty, special consumption tax, environmental protection tax, VAT. In cases where exported and imported goods are not declared upon each occurrence, follow the regulations of the Ministry of Finance.

d) Resource tax of organizations assigned to sell seized, confiscated resources; non-regular resource exploitation permitted by competent state agencies or not requiring permits according to the law.

Thus, taxes on imported goods include:

- Import duty,- Safeguard duty,- Anti-dumping duty,- Countervailing duty,- Special consumption tax,- Environmental protection tax,- Value-added tax.

In cases where imported goods are not declared upon each occurrence, follow the regulations of the Ministry of Finance.


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