When is it expected to hold the procurator exam in Vietnam in 2022? How many points does a candidate get to be admitted?

I heard that there is a plan to take the procurator exam in Vietnam in 2022, when is the exam time? The question is regulated as to how many minutes to do, how many points must a successful candidate get? Looking forward to helping answer, I thank you!

What are the purposes and requirements for the procurator exam in Vietnam?

According to Plan 81/KH-VKSTC in 2022, the purpose of the procurator exam in Vietnam is as follows:

- To select and appoint a sufficient number of titles of primary procurator, intermediate procurator, and senior procurator for procuracies at all levels to meet the requirements and tasks as prescribed by the Law on Organization People's Procuracy in 2014;

- In order to improve the quality of the exam to select and appoint the right cadres to meet the requirements of professional quality, responsibility and professional ethics for the contingent of civil servants in the People's Procuracy, especially the team of Procurators of Procuracy at all levels.

According to Plan 81/KH-VKSTC in 2022, the requirements for the 2022 Procuracy exam are as follows:

- Ensuring the principle of Party leadership, the Procurator General of the Supreme People's Procuracy uniformly manages the organization of personnel in the branch;

- Ensuring equality, objectivity, democracy and publicity in the process of organizing recruitment exams; select a person who really has moral qualities, professional capacity, and fully meets the criteria and conditions prescribed by the Law on Organization of People's Procuracy 2014 to appoint primary procurator, intermediate procurator, procurator senior members;

- The content of the exam must be close to the requirements, promoting the capacity, forte, experience and professional qualifications of each title

When is it expected to hold the procurator exam in Vietnam in 2022? How many points does a candidate get to be admitted?

When is it expected to hold the procurator exam in Vietnam in 2022? How many points does a candidate get to be admitted?

How many points must a person who has passed the procurator exam in Vietnam score?

According to the Plan 81/KH-VKSTC in 2022, the principles of the 2022 Procuracy recruitment exam are as follows:

- The organization of selection and entrance exam is carried out on the principle of publicity, transparency, objectivity and competition (with balance).

- In case the unit has difficulties and is not sure about the source of competition, it is not necessary to follow the competition principle.

- Candidates entering the higher procurator rank must be holding the adjacent lower rank.

- Candidates who register for the exam are responsible for completing the application as prescribed before the Selection Council approves the list of candidates.

- The successful candidate must have enough exams of the prescribed exam subjects; have a score of 50 points or more for each test (without multiplier); with the higher total test scores taken in order from highest to lowest within the quota of each procuratorial rank that needs to be supplemented by the approved examination registration unit.

Thus, the successful candidate must have a score of 50 or more on each test.

What is the process and time for organizing the exam for the 2022 procurator recruitment exam?

According to Plan 81/KH-VKSTC in 2022, the process and time for organizing the 2022 Procuracy exam are as follows:

- Notice of entrance exam

+ The Supreme People's Procuracy publicly announces the recruitment exam to the units directly under the Supreme People's Procuracy, the Central Military Procuracy, the high-level People's Procuracy, the People's Procuracy of provinces and centrally run cities.

+ On the basis of this Plan, the units under the Supreme People's Procuracy, the Central Military Procuracy, and the high-level People's Procuracy; People's Procuracy of provinces and centrally run cities shall review the number of senior procurators; The intermediate-level procurator of the province and the intermediate-level procurator shall be the director and deputy director of the district-level People's Procuracy; Primary procurator of the unit to be appointed; at the same time, the Supervisory Committee at all levels selects and appoints qualified and qualified candidates to take the exam. Prepare documents and report to the Supreme People's Procuracy, request that the documents be available at the Supreme People's Procuracy before July 15, 2022.

+ The Department of Personnel and Organization summarizes, evaluates, prepares a list of candidates, and reports to the Examination Council for Procurator selection before August 15, 2022.

Note: The Supreme People's Procuracy only considers adding the appointment quota before announcing the results of the entrance exam and falling under the 2022 target.

- Exam form, content, exam questions, time, place of exam, how to calculate test scores

- Exam format: 180-minute written test and 60-minute multiple-choice test or oral exam of no more than 30 minutes;

- Exam content: Knowledge related to organizational structure, apparatus, functions and tasks of the People's Procuracy; responsibilities, tasks and powers of primary procurator, intermediate procurator, senior procurator (according to the fields of Law on Organization of People's Procuracy, criminal, civil, administrative... and other relevant laws) relevant documents are in effect);

- Exam questions: The Supreme People's Procuracy will build 02 sets of exam questions according to two blocks of criminal and judicial so that candidates have the right to choose and register for the exam according to their ability, forte and compete according to the general criteria of the whole block. criminal and civil (excluding competition by exam block), candidates who register for the exam in any block will take the exam according to that block's exam questions;

- Exam time: Expected October 2022 and divided into 2 phases:

+ Phase 1: The senior procurator, the subjects of the trial are the heads of units directly under the Supreme People's Procuracy and the Procurator General of the provincial People's Procuracy;

+ Phase 2: Senior procurator, intermediate procurator, primary procurator for the remaining subjects.

However, based on the COVID-19 pandemic situation, the schedule may change, the Supreme People's Procuracy will announce later.

+ Exam location: At Hanoi University of Procuracy for candidates from provinces from Quang Tri and out and at the Procuracy Training and Retraining School in Ho Chi Minh City for candidates from provinces back from Thua Thien Hue.

+ Scoring method: The test is graded on a 100-point scale for each type of test (writing test score: 100, factor 2, multiple-choice test score: 100, factor 1).

- Recognition of exam results and appointment of titles

+ Based on the exam results, the Examination Council shall notify the exam results and report to the Procurator General of the Supreme People's Procuracy to consider and recognize the exam results and appoint a procurator according to regulations.

Thus,the procurator exam in Vietnam is scheduled to be held in October, with a 180-minute written test and a 60-minute multiple-choice test or a 30-minute oral exam.

Lê Nguyễn Cẩm Nhung

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