07:38 | 27/08/2024

When are New Year and Lunar New Year 2024? How to calculate salary if working on Tet holidays in Vietnam in 2024?

When are New Year and Lunar New Year 2024? How to calculate salary if working on Tet holidays in Vietnam in 2024? - asked Mr. T. S (Gia Lai)

When are New Year and Lunar New Year in 2024?

Based on Article 112 of the Labor Code 2019 regarding holidays and Tet as follows:

Holidays and Tet

1. Employees are entitled to take leave with full pay on the following holidays and Tet:

a) New Year: 01 day (January 01 of the Gregorian calendar);

b) Lunar New Year: 05 days;

c) Victory Day: 01 day (April 30 of the Gregorian calendar);

d) International Labor Day: 01 day (May 01 of the Gregorian calendar);

đ) National Day: 02 days (September 02 of the Gregorian calendar and one adjacent day before or after);

e) Hung Kings' Commemoration Day: 01 day (March 10 of the lunar calendar).


New Year 2024:

New Year 2024 is on January 01, 2024. In 2024, New Year falls on a Monday.

On New Year 2024, employees are entitled to take leave with full pay.

Lunar New Year 2024:

This year, Lunar New Year 2024 will fall on the following lunar and Gregorian dates:

29th Lunar Day of Tet: Thursday, February 08, 2024, of the Gregorian calendar;

30th Lunar Day of Tet: Friday, February 09, 2024, of the Gregorian calendar;

1st Lunar Day of Tet: Saturday, February 10, 2024, of the Gregorian calendar;

2nd Lunar Day of Tet: Sunday, February 11, 2024, of the Gregorian calendar;

3rd Lunar Day of Tet: Monday, February 12, 2024, of the Gregorian calendar;

4th Lunar Day of Tet: Tuesday, February 13, 2024, of the Gregorian calendar;

5th Lunar Day of Tet: Wednesday, February 14, 2024, of the Gregorian calendar.

On Lunar New Year 2024, employees are entitled to take leave with full pay.

When are New Year and Lunar New Year 2024? How is salary calculated if working on Tet 2024?

When are New Year and Lunar New Year 2024? How to calculate salary if working on Tet holidays in Vietnam in 2024?

2024 Tet Holiday Schedule for Officials, Public Employees, and Employees in Vietnam

New Year 2024 Holiday Schedule:

- Officials and public employees:

Based on point a, clause 1 of Article 112 of the Labor Code 2019, officials and public employees are entitled to take leave with full pay on New Year: 01 day (January 01 of the Gregorian calendar). In 2024, New Year falls on Monday, January 01, 2024, and officials and public employees will take leave with full pay on this day.

However, December 30 and 31, 2023, fall on Saturday and Sunday. Thus, the New Year 2024 holiday for officials and public employees will extend for 03 consecutive days from Saturday, December 30, 2023, to the end of Monday, January 01, 2024 (in cases of weekly rest days on Saturday and Sunday).

- employees:

Based on the regulations in Articles 111 and 112 of the Labor Code 2019, the New Year 2024 holiday schedule includes the following:

| Category | employees with fixed rest days on Saturday and Sunday | employees with fixed rest days on Sunday only || --- | --- | --- || Holiday Schedule | From Saturday, December 30, 2023, to Monday, January 01, 2024 | From Sunday, December 31, 2023, to Monday, January 01, 2024 |

Note: In cases of weekly rest days on other days, the New Year 2024 holiday will be on Monday, January 01, 2024. If the weekly rest day coincides with the New Year holiday, a compensatory day-off will be given on the next working day.

Lunar New Year 2024 Holiday Schedule:

- For officials and public employees:

On November 22, 2023, the Ministry of Labor - Invalids and Social Affairs announced the Lunar New Year Giap Thin and National Day holiday schedule for 2024 for officials and public employees and employees.

According to Notification 5015/TB-LDTBXH of 2023 by the Ministry of Labor - Invalids and Social Affairs (MOLISA), officials and public employees and employees are entitled to the Lunar New Year holiday from Thursday, February 08, 2024, of the Gregorian calendar (29th day of the last lunar month in the Year of the Cat) to the end of Wednesday, February 14, 2024, of the Gregorian calendar (5th day of the first lunar month in the Year of the Dragon).

(The Lunar New Year holiday includes 05 days of Tet and 02 compensatory days for weekly rest days as specified in clause 3 of Article 111 of the 2019 Labor Code).

- For employees:

Based on the regulations in Article 112 of the Labor Code 2019, employees are entitled to take leave with full pay during Lunar New Year for 05 days.

Additionally, in Section 5 of Notification 5015/TB-LDTBXH of 2023, the Lunar New Year 2024 holiday schedule for employees is clearly stated as follows:

- For the Lunar New Year holiday: choose 01 day at the end of the Year of the Cat and 04 days at the beginning of the Year of the Dragon, or 02 days at the end of the Year of the Cat and 03 days at the beginning of the Year of the Dragon, or 03 days at the end of the Year of the Cat and 02 days at the beginning of the Year of the Dragon.

- Notify the employees of the Lunar New Year holiday schedule 2024 at least 30 days before implementation.

- If the weekly rest day coincides with the holiday specified in clause 1 of Article 112 of the Labor Code 2019, a compensatory day-off will be given on the next working day as specified in clause 3 of Article 111 of the Labor Code 2019.

- Encourage employers to apply the same Lunar New Year holiday schedule for employees as for officials and public employees.

How to calculate salary if working on Tet holidays in Vietnam in 2024?

Based on the regulations in Article 98 of the Labor Code 2019 regarding overtime pay and night work pay as follows:

Overtime pay and night work pay

1. Employees who work overtime shall be paid according to the unit price of salary or the actual salary paid for the ongoing job as follows:

a) On regular days, at least 150%;

b) On weekly rest days, at least 200%;

c) On holidays, Tet, and paid leave days, at least 300%, not including the salary for holidays, Tet, and paid leave days for employees who receive daily salary.

2. Employees who work at night shall be paid an additional amount of at least 30% of the salary calculated according to the unit price or the actual salary paid for the day's work.

3. Employees who work overtime at night, in addition to the pay stipulated in clauses 1 and 2 of this Article, shall be paid an additional 20% of the salary calculated according to the unit price or the actual salary paid for daytime work of the regular day or the weekly rest day or the holiday, Tet.

4. The Government of Vietnam shall detail this Article.

In case employees work during Tet, they are entitled to a salary of at least 300%, excluding the salary for Tet days for employees who receive daily salary.

Additionally, if employees work at night, they will be paid an additional amount of at least 30% of the salary for regular workdays, and 20% of the salary for Tet days.

Thus, if working on Lunar New Year 2024 or New Year 2024, the salary will be calculated as follows:

- Working during the day: Receive at least 400% salary.

- Working at night: Receive at least 490% salary.


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