09:20 | 21/11/2022

What types of securities must a public company register at the Vietnam Securities Depository and Clearing Corporation?

What types of securities must a public company register at the Vietnam Securities Depository and Clearing Corporation? - Question of Mr. Tri (Son La)

What types of securities must be registered at the Vietnam Securities Depository and Clearing Corporation?

According to the provisions of Clause 1, Article 149 of Decree No. 155/2020/ND-CP:

The following securities shall be registered at Vietnam Securities Depository and Clearing Corporation:

- Shares that are listed or registered on the securities trading system;

- Fund certificates, secured warrants, debt instruments of the Government, government-backed bonds, municipal bonds and corporate bonds that are listed on the securities trading system;

- Securities of public companies and securities that have to be registered at Vietnam Securities Depository and Clearing Corporation as prescribed by law.

What types of securities must a public company register at the Vietnam Securities Depository and Clearing Corporation?

What types of securities must a public company register at the Vietnam Securities Depository and Clearing Corporation?

What information must a public company register with the Vietnam Securities Depository and Clearing Corporation?

According to the provisions of Article 3 of Circular No. 119/2020/TT-BTC, an issuer or public company shall register the following information with Vietnam Securities Depository and Clearing Corporation:

- Information about the issuer, public company;

- Information about securities of the issuer or public company;

- Information on securities owners, including: list of securities owners, types of securities, quantity of securities owned and securities depository accounts in case the securities owners wish to both register and deposit the securities.

Issuers, public companies register securities directly with Vietnam Securities Depository and Clearing Corporation or through securities companies. When there is a change in the registered information, the issuer, the public company must apply for modification to the information to Vietnam Securities Depository and Clearing Corporation. The issuer or public company shall be held liable for the accuracy, completeness and timeliness of the above information.

In which cases does the Vietnam Securities Depository and Clearing Corporation deregister securities?

According to the provisions in Article 7 of Circular No. 119/2020/TT-BTC on this content as follows:

Vietnam Securities Depository and Clearing Corporation shall deregister securities in the following cases:

- Government debt instruments, government-guaranteed bonds, local government bonds, corporate bonds, covered warrants come due;

- Government debt instruments, government-guaranteed bonds, local government bonds, corporate bonds, covered warrants are redeemed by the issuers before they come due;

- The issuer reduces its capital, dissolves, goes bankrupt or ceases to exist due to the restructuring of the enterprise;

- The issuer swaps shares, government debt instruments, government-guaranteed bonds, local government bonds, corporate bonds;

- Shares of an equitized enterprise that is not a public company are delisted or deregistered for trading and the enterprise requests to deregister securities;

- Investment fund certificates, covered warrants are delisted;

- The ETF is dissolved;

- Securities of a public company that has registered with Vietnam Securities Depository and Clearing Corporation but no longer satisfy the requirements for a public company and the company requests securities deregistration;

- Issuers, public companies registering securities under the agreement with Vietnam Securities Depository and Clearing Corporation voluntarily apply for securities deregistration;

- Deregister the number of government debt instruments, government-guaranteed bonds, local government bonds that market makers or investors fail to pay for purchases; deregister the Government's debt instruments due to the maturity of the liquidity guarantee contract between the State Treasury and market makers and investors.


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