What standards must the President of the National Assembly in Vietnam meet? Standards of the Standing Secretariat of the Secretariat according to current regulations?

Hi Lawnet, may I ask the following question: What standards are required for the Speaker of the National Assembly according to current regulations? Standards of the Standing Secretariat of the Secretariat according to current regulations?

What standards will the President of the National Assembly in Vietnam ensure?

Pursuant to subsection 2.6, Section 2, Part I, Regulation 214-QD/TW in 2020 stipulates as follows:

"2. Specific title criteria
2.6. President of Congress
To fully ensure the common standards of members of the Politburo, the Secretariat, and at the same time, it is necessary to have the following qualities and capabilities: Having a high reputation, being the center of solidarity within the Central Committee, the Politburo, the entire Party, in the National Assembly and the people. To be fierce in leadership and administration according to assigned functions, tasks and powers. Having outstanding and comprehensive capacity in all fields of work, especially in planning socio-economic development strategies, national defense and security, and in directing the institutionalization of guidelines and policies, the Party's resolutions on law-making, law enforcement supervision and decision-making on important national issues; ensure democracy, fairness, publicity and transparency, represent the will and aspirations of all classes of people and ensure that all state power belongs to the people. Deep understanding of Vietnam's legal system, international laws and practices. Capable of conducting quality and effective meetings of the National Assembly and Standing Committee of the National Assembly. Having experienced and successfully completed tasks in the position of secretary of the provincial Party Committee, city party committee or head of a central committee, ministry or branch; join the Politburo for a full term or more; special cases decided by the Central Executive Committee.”

Accordingly, the President of the National Assembly in Vietnam will need to ensure general standards and specific standards according to the above provisions.

What standards must the President of the National Assembly in Vietnam meet? Standards of the Standing Secretariat of the Secretariat according to current regulations?

What standards will the President of the National Assembly in Vietnam ensure? Standards of the Standing Secretariat of the Secretariat according to current regulations?

Standards of the Standing Secretariat of the Secretariat according to current regulations?

Pursuant to subsection 2.7, Section 2, Part I, Regulation 214-QD/TW provides as follows:

"2. Specific title criteria
2.7. Permanent Secretary of the Secretariat
To fully ensure the common standards of members of the Politburo and the Secretariat, and at the same time, it is necessary to have the following qualities and capabilities: Having a high reputation, being the nucleus of unity in the Central Committee, Politburo, and Committees. Secretary and throughout the Party. Possessing a high level of political theory, extensive knowledge and experience in Party building and political system building. Having extensive knowledge in the fields of politics, economy, culture, society, national defense, security, foreign affairs... Political acumen, drastic in administration and ability to coordinate harmoniously, operational efficiency of the advisory and assisting agencies of the Party Central Committee, the Fatherland Front and socio-political organizations. Having experienced and successfully completed tasks in the position of secretary of the provincial Party Committee, city party committee or head of a central committee, ministry or branch; join the Politburo for a full term or more; special cases decided by the Politburo.”

Accordingly, the Standing Secretariat of the Secretariat will need to ensure the general and specific standards as prescribed above.

What standards will the head of the Central Party Committee, the Chairman of the Central Inspection Committee, the Chief of the Office of the Party Central Committee need to ensure?

Pursuant to subsection 2.8, Section 2, Part I, Regulation 214-QD/TW in 2020 stipulates as follows:

"2. Specific title criteria
2.8. Head of the Central Party Committee, Chairman of the Central Committee for Inspection, Chief of the Office of the Central Committee of the Party
To fully ensure the general standards of a member of the Politburo, the Secretariat or a member of the Central Committee, and at the same time, it is necessary to have the following qualities and capabilities: Having a high level of political theory, understanding extensive and rich experience in Party building work. Having comprehensive knowledge in the fields of politics, economy, culture, society, national defense, security, foreign affairs... Capable of participating in planning the development strategy of the country; concretize and direct the organization to effectively implement the guidelines, guidelines and policies of the Party in the field they are assigned to be in charge of; coordinate harmoniously and effectively the working relationship between the party committees, state agencies, the Fatherland Front and socio-political organizations; between central and local. Having joined the Central Committee for one full term or more, and at the same time experienced and successfully completed the positions of secretary of the provincial Party Committee, city party committee or head of central ministries, branches, mass organizations or deputy heads. Central Party Committee or vice-ministerial level and equivalent.

Accordingly, the Head of the Party Central Committee, the Chairman of the Central Inspection Commission, and the Chief of the Office of the Party Central Committee will need to ensure general and specific standards according to the above regulations.

Standards of the Chairman of the Central Committee of the Vietnam Fatherland Front?

Pursuant to subsection 2.9, Section 2, Part I, Regulation 214-QD/TW in 2020 stipulates as follows:

"2. Specific title criteria
2.9. Chairman of the Central Committee of the Vietnam Fatherland Front
To fully ensure the common standards of a member of the Politburo, the Secretariat or a member of the Central Committee, and at the same time, it is necessary to have the following qualities and capabilities: Having a comprehensive understanding of front work; represent and protect the lawful and legitimate rights and interests of the people. Having the capacity to concretize the lines, guidelines and policies of the Party and laws of the State to lead and direct the formulation of resolutions, programs, action plans and organize effective implementation. Capable of propagating, mobilizing, persuading, rallying the masses, building political alliances, building great solidarity of the whole people, creating social consensus, and organizing social supervision and criticism. Having enthusiasm and being the center of the great unity bloc of the whole people. Having experience and high reputation in front organization; prestige and influence among intellectuals and religious dignitaries. Has joined the Central Executive Committee for a full term. Having experienced and well completed tasks in the position of secretary of the provincial Party Committee, city party committee or leaders of central committees, ministries, branches and mass organizations.

Accordingly, the Chairman of the Central Committee of the Vietnam Fatherland Front will have to meet the general and specific conditions as prescribed above.

Lê Nhựt Hào

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