What professions will the State not encourage craft villages to develop because of polluting environment risk under Decree 08/2022/ND-CP in Vietnam?

Hello Lawnet, What professions will the State not encourage craft villages to develop under Decree 08/2022/ND-CP in Vietnam? I want to learn for expanding my craft village to more professions. Please provide information on this! Thank you!

What professions will the State not encourage craft villages to develop under Decree 08/2022/ND-CP in Vietnam?

According to Clause 1, Article 35 of Decree 08/2022/ND-CP, the following professions will not encourage craft villages to develop, specifically as follows:

Article 35. Relocation of businesses and households from craft villages and conversion of industries and business lines that are not recommended in craft villages

1. Manufacturing industries and business lines that are not recommended in craft villages include:

a) Manufacturing industries and business lines which are not agriculture professions in accordance with the Government’s regulations on development of agriculture professions;

b) Industries and business lines in a type of production, business or service that is likely to cause environmental pollution specified in the Appendix II enclosed herewith;

c) Industries and business lines using fuels, raw materials, flammable and explosive chemicals, dangerous chemicals, chemicals restricted from business in accordance with regulations of law on chemicals;

d) Industries and business lines using technology lines, machinery and obsolete technologies on the list of technologies restricted from transfer in accordance with regulations of law on technology transfer.

Thus, a total of 04 industries and professions in the villages will not be encouraged to develop in the craft villages from 2022. One of them is a sector or profession of the type of production with risk that causing environmental pollution by the law.

What industries categoriesare under type of production with polluting the environment risk In Vietnam?

According to Appendix II issued together with Decree 08/2022/ND-CP , the industries categoriesare of the type of production with polluting the environment risk as follows:

How is preparing and approving a plan to transform the profession discouraged development in the craft village, relocating production facilities and households out of the craft village?

According to the provisions of Clause 5, Article 35 of Decree 08/2022/ND-CP , preparing and approving a plan to transform the profession that discourages development in the craft village, relocating production facilities and households out of the craft village as follows:

a) The communal People’s Committee shall review and submit to the district-level People’s Committee a list of manufacturing establishments and households’ involved in an industry or business line not recommended in the craft village; establishments and households that fail to implement the plan for conversion of the industry or business line and the cases specified in clauses 3 and 4 of this Article;

b) The district-level People’s Committee shall submit to the provincial People’s Committee for consideration and approval of the plan for conversion of the industry or business line not recommended in the craft village;

c) The provincial People’s Committee shall approve the plan for conversion of the industry or business line not recommended in the craft village and plan for relocation of businesses and households from the craft village in a manner that suits the actual local conditions.

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