What professional ethical standards must public employees specialized in physical training and sports in Vietnam have to ensure?

What professional ethical standards must public employees specialized in physical training and sports in Vietnam have to ensure? Question of Ms. Minh Thu from Nam Dinh.

What are the professional ethical standards of public employees specialized in physical training and sports in the coming time?

Pursuant to Article 3 of Circular 07/2022/TT-BVHTTDL of Vietnam stipulating the professional ethical standards of public employees specialized in physical training and sports in Vietnam in the coming time as follows:

- Enthusiasm for the profession, enthusiasm, responsibility and ensure the requirements of time and quality with the assigned work.

- Be frank, honest, objective, work scientifically, have clear opinions; polite, modest and proper attitude when dealing with the People; respect colleagues; consciously fighting wrong and negative acts; practice thrift, fight waste.

- Having a spirit of solidarity, positivity, initiative and good coordination with colleagues in performing assigned tasks.

- Have a sense of learning and training to improve quality, qualifications and capacity, expertise and professionalism.

Thus, in the near future, public employees specializing in physical training and sports must ensure the four general professional ethical standards mentioned above.

What professional ethical standards must public employees specialized in physical training and sports have to ensure?

What professional ethical standards must public employees specialized in physical training and sports in Vietnam have to ensure?

What professional ethical standards must public employees specialized in physical training and sports have to comply with current regulations?

(1) Coach, Chief coach, Senior Coach

Pursuant to Clause 2, Article 3, Clause 2, Article 4, Clause 2, Article 5 of Joint Circular 13/2014/TTLT-BVHTTDL-BNV of Vietnam stipulating professional ethical standards of coaches, chief coaches and senior coaches as follows:

- Having a high sense of responsibility, passion and enthusiasm for the assigned work, always complying with the law, properly and fully performing the obligations of public employees in professional activities; constantly study to improve professional qualifications, actively research and actively apply scientific achievements in training in order to improve the quality of training, quality of training athletes to contribute to improving sports performance

- Always be an exemplary model of moral qualities and living style; willing to overcome all difficulties and hardships for the cause of training and coaching athletes; model, respect, and have cultural behavior with the tournament organizers, referees, coaches and athletes of your team; directing athletes to compete in sports with a noble spirit, putting national prestige and honor first;

- Being objective, having clear opinions and professional competence in the selection of athletes; strictly comply with and creatively apply professional standards and criteria for selecting athletes to ensure the selection of the best sports talents; be careful in all decisions to minimize errors affecting the training process and develop athletes' physical and mental abilities, avoid occupational risks;

- Working scientifically, independently and autonomously, not for any material or spiritual benefit that affects the honesty and independence of the profession; actively combat negative behaviors;

- Caring for the comprehensive development of athletes; linking training and professional training with the education of culture, political and moral qualities; building good relationships with athletes, guiding athletes enthusiastically and thoughtfully, helping to build a united and friendly team of athletes; education for athletes lifestyle and activities towards truth - goodness - beauty; participate and mobilize everyone to participate in activities to protect the legitimate rights and interests of athletes;

- Absolutely respect and protect important information that affects the training; maintain state secrets within the scope of their expertise.

(2) Instructor

Pursuant to Clause 2, Article 6 of Joint Circular 13/2014/TTLT-BVHTTDL-BNV of Vietnam stipulating the professional ethical standards of Instructors as follows:

- Love the job, be enthusiastic about the assigned work, always comply with the law, properly and fully fulfill the obligations of the public employee in professional activities; strictly observe the principles in the guidelines for exercise and sports competition; have a sense of improvement, drawing experience in sports instruction activities; actively combat negative behaviors;

- Friendly to practitioners, interested in helping people practice, compete, perform sports according to the right method;

- Solidarity, humbly learn, and listen to the opinions of colleagues. Coordinate with colleagues to perform assigned tasks, and work with colleagues to improve professional work, contributing to expanding the movement of physical training and sports among the people;

- To practice a healthy and civilized lifestyle, suitable to the national cultural identity and a healthy environment for training and playing sports; exemplary manners.

How many titles of public employees specialized in physical training and sports in the coming time?

Pursuant to Article 2 of Circular 07/2022/TT-BVHTTDL of Vietnam stipulating as follows:

Code of professional titles of public employees specialized in physical training and sports
Professional titles of public employees specialized in physical training and sports include:
1. Senior coach (Class I) Code: V.10.01.01
2. Chief coach (Class II) Code: V.10.01.02
3. Coach (Class III) Code: V.10.01.03
4. Instructor (class IV) Code: V.10.01.04

Thus, in the near future, there will be 04 positions of specialized public employees specialized in physical training and sports as follows:

- Senior coach

- Chief coach

- Coach

- Instructor

Circular 07/2022/TT-BVHTTDL of Vietnam will take effect from December 10, 2022.

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