01:45 | 17/06/2024

What items may candidates bring into the high school graduation exam room? What should candidates pay attention to when participating in the Vietnam high school graduation exam?

What items may candidates bring into the high school graduation exam room? What should candidates pay attention to when participating in the Vietnam high school graduation exam?

What items may candidates bring into the high school graduation exam room in Vietnam?

Pursuant to Point b, Clause 4, Article 14 of the Regulations promulgated together with Circular 15/2020/TT-BGDDT (amended by Clause 6, Article 1, Circular 02/2024/TT-BGDDT), candidates may bring the following items into the high school graduation exam room:

(1) Pens, pencils, erasers,

(2) Rulers, eke rulers, parabola rulers, compasses;

(3) Calculators without text composing functions and memory cards;

* There is no specific regulation regarding the use of calculators without text composing functions and memory cards that are allowed to bring into the high school graduation exam room.

However, candidates can refer to the types of calculators specified in Section 2 of Official Dispatch 2318/BGDDT-CNTT in 2022. To be specific:

- Casio FX-500 MS, FX-570 MS, FX-570ES Plus, FX-570VN Plus, FX- 580VN X, FX-880BTG;

- VinaCal 500MS, 570MS, 570ES Plus, 570ES Plus II, 570EX Plus, 680EX Plus;

- Catel NT CAVIET NT-570ES Plus II, NT-570ES Plus, NT-500MS, NT- 570VN Plus, NT-580EX, NT-570NS, NT-690VE X;

- Thien Long FX590VN Flexio, FX680VN Flexio;

- Deli W1710, WD991ES;

- Eras E370, E371, E372, E379, E380;

- Vinaplus FX-580VNX PLUS II, FX-580 X, FX-580VN PLUS, FX- 570VN PLUS, FX-570MS;

- Other calculators that meet the regulations of the High School Graduation Exam.

(4) Geographic atlas of Vietnam complied according to the compulsory education program in 2006 (with no mark or interlineations).

Note: Refrain from bring the following items into the exam room:

- Carbon paper, correction pens, alcoholic drinks;

- Weapons, explosives, inflammable materials;

- Handouts, information transmission devices (information-receiving and broadcasting devices, audio and video recorders) or information storage devices that can be used for cheating in the process of examination;

What items may candidates bring into the high school graduation exam room in Vietnam? What regulations should candidates pay attention to when participating in the Vietnam high school graduation exam? (Image from the Internet)

What regulations should candidates pay attention to when participating in the Vietnam high school graduation exam?

Pursuant to Clause 4, Article 14 of the Regulations promulgated together with Circular 15/2020/TT-BGDDT (amended by Clause 6, Article 1, Circular 02/2024/TT-BGDDT), other than items that are allowed/not allowed to be brought into the exam room, candidates participating in the high school graduation exam need to note the following regulations:

(1) Present the Candidate Card to invigilators; sit on the seat allotted to his/her candidate number;

(2) Before doing the exam, write the candidate number and details in the question paper, the script or the multiple-choice answer sheet, scrap paper;

After receiving the question paper, carefully check the number of pages thereof and the printing quality. Any missing, torn or blurry pages should be immediately reported to the invigilators in the exam room within 5 minutes from the distribution time of question paper;

(3) During the time in the exam room, keep quiet; immediately notify the invigilators when other persons copy or intentionally interfere in his/her exam; refrain from communicating with or copying from exam-mates or allowing other persons to copy his/her exam, using illegal materials or attempting to cheat; raise one hand to ask for permission before saying/asking. Stand up and openly present their opinions when allowed to speak; Refrain from writing or drawing any secret mark, refrain from using pencil except for filling in circle in the multiple-choice answer sheet; write one single ink color in the script (red ink is prohibited);

(4) Refrain from leaving the exam room until the end of the multiple-choice exam; may leave the exam room and area after two thirds of the allotted time given to a written exam, and submit the script/sheet together with question paper, scrap paper before leaving; May leave the exam room, in exceptional circumstances, with permission of invigilators and accompanied by a supervisor. In case of medical emergency, the leave of candidates must be accompanied by the police until the end of the exam session and subject to decision of the manager of the Exam Place;

(5) Stop writing immediately and protect the script when the end of the exam session is announced; Write the number of submitted pages and sign on the acknowledgement of submission when handing in the written paper scripts. Candidates who fail to do the papers still have to hand in their answer sheets (for written exam) or multiple-choice answer sheets (for multiple-choice exam);

What are the procedures for paticipating Vietnam high school graduation exam in the exam room?

Pursuant to Clause 2, Article 14 of the Regulations promulgated together with Circular 15/2020/TT-BGDDT:

Responsibilities of candidates
2. Be present at a designated exam room on time as specified in the Notice of Taking Exam to complete the exam procedures:
a) Present the ID card, either conventional or new format, and receive a Candidate Card;
b) Any mistake or error with respect to the first name, middle name, last name, date of birth or eligibility for privileges should be promptly reported the invigilator or the officer on duty at the Exam Place for correction.
c) Where the ID card or another necessary document is lost, the candidate must immediately report the manager of the Exam Place for consideration.

Therefore, the procedures for paticipating Vietnam high school graduation exam in the exam room include presenting the ID card, either conventional or new format, and receiving a Candidate Card.

In addition, the procedures for paticipating Vietnam high school graduation exam also includes:

- Any mistake or error with respect to the first name, middle name, last name, date of birth or eligibility for privileges should be promptly reported the invigilator or the officer on duty at the Exam Place for correction.

- Where the ID card or another necessary document is lost, the candidate must immediately report the manager of the Exam Place for consideration.

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