What is the use of chip-based citizen ID cards? When the Law on Identification takes effect, will Vietnamese citizens have to renew Chip-based citizen ID cards to new citizen ID cards?

What is the use of chip-based citizen ID cards? When the Law on Identification takes effect, will Vietnamese citizens have to renew Chip-based citizen ID cards to new citizen ID cards? - Mrs. T (Hanoi)

What is the use of chip-based citizen ID cards in Vietnam?

Chip-based citizen ID cards are the latest model of citizen ID cards according to regulations of the Ministry of Public Security being used today.

The latest model of chip-based citizen ID cards today is the Model issued in Circular 06/2021/TT-BCA.

Chip-based citizen ID cards have the following effects:

(1) Store a lot of information

The chip on the back of citizen ID cards is a small electronic chip like the chip on an ATM card. This chip is capable of storing large data, storing a lot of personal information such as: Full name, date of birth, hometown, permanent address, fingerprint, retina, image, special features. identification point…

(2) Confirm old ID card number and related information

On the front of the citizen ID cards there will be a QR code. When you scan this code - basic information of the citizen ID cards such as citizen ID card number, old ID card number, full name, date of birth, address, permanent residence, will appear.

Thanks to the QR code on chip-based citizen ID cards, people when going through administrative procedures will not need to bring the old ID Card number confirmation.

During the process of carrying out administrative procedures, individuals and competent authorities can use the QR code scanning function to check personal information and ID card numbers of citizens on citizen ID cards and retrieve them. That serves as the basis for resolving procedures.

(3) High level of information security

Although the chip on citizen ID cards contains a lot of important information. However, only individuals and agencies equipped with specialized chip readers can extract information from this chip.

Therefore, people can rest assured that if they unfortunately lose their Chip-based citizen ID cards, the person who picks them up will not be able to read the information contained in the chip of the citizen ID cards.

(4) Increased durability and difficulty in counterfeiting

According to information from the Ministry of Public Security, Chip-based citizen ID cards are highly durable, can withstand light and temperature when pressed with heat pressure, have colorless luminescent security ink... At the same time, the background pattern on chip-based citizen ID cards are designed with very sophisticated images and patterns.

The Ministry of Public Security affirms that people can use it with peace of mind and do not need to worry about the risk of being counterfeited because chip-based citizen ID cards are designed to be secure and anti-counterfeit at a very high level, with certain factors. can only be identified at the Professional Documentation Technical Center of the Ministry of Public Security.

(5) Integrate and replace many types of important documents

The information integrated into the chip-based citizen ID cards of citizens includes health insurance, social insurance, driver's license, driver's license...

Therefore, when carrying out administrative procedures, people only need to bring chip-based citizen ID cards. They do not need to bring many of the above documents but only need to present the original Chip-based citizen ID cards.

What is the use of chip-based citizen ID cards in Vietnam? (Image from the Internet)

When the Law on Identification takes effect, will Vietnamese citizens have to renew Chip-based citizen ID cards to new citizen ID cards?

On November 27, 2023, the National Assembly passed the Law on Identification project (effective from July 1, 2024). With the change of name from the Law on Citizen identification to the Law on Identification, citizen ID cards will also have a new name: citizen ID cards.

In Article 46 of the Law on Identification, transitional regulations clearly state: Citizen ID cards issued before the effective date of this Law (July 1, 2024) are valid until the expiration date printed on the card. Citizens can change to citizen ID cards when needed.

At the press conference announcing the results of the 6th Session of the 15th National Assembly, answering questions from the press related to a number of provisions of the Identification Law, Deputy Chairman of the National Assembly's National Defense and Security Committee, Lieutenant General Nguyen Minh Duc said: "People do not have to go to the management agency to integrate and declare information, except in cases where there is a request to change the card or add or change some content related to the individual, then go to the authorities to issue and replace the card."

(Source: Government Electronic Information Portal)

Thus, when the Law on Identification takes effect, citizen ID cards issued before the effective date of the Law on Identification (July 1, 2024) will be valid until the expiration date printed on the card. Citizens can change to citizen ID cards when needed.

What is the use validity of citizen ID cards in Vietnam?

Pursuant to the provisions of Article 20 of the Law on Citizen identification 2014:

- Citizen identity card is a personal paper of a Vietnamese citizen which proves citizen identification of the card holder for conducting transactions in the Vietnamese territory.

- Citizen identity cards shall be used instead of passports in case Vietnam and a foreign country have signed a treaty or international agreement permitting citizens of the signatories to use citizen identity cards instead of passports in each other’s territory

- Competent agencies, organizations and individuals may request a citizen to produce his/her citizen identity cards for checking identification and information specified in Article 18 of this Law; use personal identification numbers in citizen identity cards for checking information about the card holders in the national population database and specialized databases in accordance with law.

When a citizen produces his/her citizen identity card at the request of a competent agency, organization or individual, this agency, organization or individual may not request the citizen to produce another paper to prove the information specified in Clauses 1 and 3 of this Article.

- The State shall protect legitimate rights and interests of holders of citizen identity cards in accordance with law.


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