What is the study financing amount for pupils and students from ethnic minorities with sparse population for the 2023-2024 academic year in Vietnam?
What is the study financing amount for pupils and students from ethnic minorities with sparse population for the 2023-2024 academic year in Vietnam?
Under the regulations in Clause 1, Article 4 of Decree 57/2017/ND-CP:
Study financing
1. Financing amounts:
a) Preschool children from ethnic minorities with sparse population attending preschools are entitled to a study financing amount equal to 30% of the statutory pay rate per child per month.
b) Pupils from ethnic minorities with sparse population attending primary schools, lower secondary schools, high schools are entitled to a study financing amount equal to 40% of the statutory pay rate per student per month.
c) Pupils from ethnic minorities with sparse population attending semi-boarding ethnic minority schools or semi-boarding students attending public schools with semi-boarding students are entitled to a study financing amount equal to 60% of the statutory pay rate per student per month.
d) Pupils from ethnic minorities with sparse population attending boarding ethnic minority schools are entitled to a study financing amount equal to 100% of the statutory pay rate per student per month.
dd) Pupils and students from ethnic minorities with sparse population studying at pre-university schools, universities, and vocational education and training institutions are entitled to a study financing amount equal to 100% of the statutory pay rate per person per month.
Additionally, Clause 2, Article 3 of Decree 24/2023/ND-CP stipulates that the current statutory pay rate is 1,800,000 VND per month.
Thus, the study financing amount for pupils and students from ethnic minorities with sparse population for the 2023-2024 academic year in Vietnam is regulated as follows:
- Pupils from ethnic minorities with sparse population attending primary schools, lower secondary schools, high schools are entitled to a study financing amount equal to 40% of the statutory pay rate per student per month, i.e. 720,000 VND per student per month.
- Pupils from ethnic minorities with sparse population attending semi-boarding ethnic minority schools or semi-boarding students attending public schools with semi-boarding students are entitled to a study financing amount equal to 60% of the statutory pay rate per student per month, i.e. 1,080,000 VND per student per month.
- Pupils from ethnic minorities with sparse population attending boarding ethnic minority schools are entitled to a study financing amount equal to 100% of the statutory pay rate per student per month, i.e. 1,800,000 VND per student per month.
- Pupils and students from ethnic minorities with sparse population studying at pre-university schools, universities, and vocational education and training institutions are entitled to a study financing amount equal to 100% of the statutory pay rate per person per month, i.e. 1,800,000 VND per person per month.
What is the study financing amount for pupils and students from ethnic minorities with sparse population for the 2023-2024 academic year in Vietnam?
Which ethnic groups' students and pupils are eligible for study financing for ethnic minorities with sparse population in Vietnam?
Under the regulations in Article 2 of Decree 57/2017/ND-CP, the eligible subjects for study financing for ethnic minorities with sparse population in Vietnam are stipulated as follows:
Applicable entities
1. Preschool children, students and pupils belonging to 16 ethnic groups with populations under 10,000 people: Cong, Mang, Pu Peo, Si La, Co Lao, Bo Y, La Ha, Ngai, Chut, O Du, Brau, Ro Mam, Lo Lo, Lu, Pa Then, La Hu (hereinafter referred to as ethnic minorities with sparse population).
2. Educational institutions, organizations, and individuals involved in implementing enrollment priority policies and study support for preschool children, students of ethnic minorities with sparse population.
Thus, according to the above regulation, students and pupils belonging to 16 ethnic groups with populations under 10,000 people: Cong, Mang, Pu Peo, Si La, Co Lao, Bo Y, La Ha, Ngai, Chut, O Du, Brau, Ro Mam, Lo Lo, Lu, Pa Then, La Hu will be eligible for study financing for ethnic minorities with sparse population in Vietnam.
What is the payment method of the study financing amount for pupils and students from ethnic minorities with sparse population in Vietnam?
Under Clause 2, Article 5 of Decree 57/2017/ND-CP, it is stipulated as follows:
Procedures, timelines for review, and payment methods
2. Payment method of the study financing amount:
a) Public educational institutions directly pay study financing amounts to the parents (or guardians) of preschool children, to students. Payments are made monthly.
b) The Department of Education and Training, the Division of Education and Training, the Division of Labor - Invalids and Social Affairs directly pay study financing amounts to the parents (or guardians) of preschool children; students or through parents of students at non-public educational institutions. Depending on the actual conditions of the beneficiaries, payments can be made monthly or quarterly.
The payment method of the study financing amount for pupils and students from ethnic minorities with sparse population in Vietnam is regulated as follows:
- Public educational institutions directly pay study financing amounts to the parents (or guardians) of preschool children, and to students. Payments are made monthly.
- The Department of Education and Training, the Division of Education and Training, the Division of Labor - Invalids and Social Affairs directly pay study financing amounts to the parents (or guardians) of preschool children; students or through parents of students at non-public educational institutions.
*Note: Depending on the actual conditions of the beneficiaries, payments can be made monthly or quarterly.