What is the specimen of logbook for emergency first aid training at work in Vietnam?

What is the specimen of logbook for emergency first aid training at work in Vietnam? – Ms. Huyen (Tra Vinh, Vietnam)

What is the specimen of logbook for emergency first aid training at work in Vietnam?

The specimen of logbook for emergency first aid training at work is specified in Appendix 7 issued together with Circular 19/2016/TT-BYT. Below is an image of a specimen of logbook for emergency first aid training at work.

Download the specimen of logbook for emergency first aid training at work: Click here.

What is the specimen of logbook for emergency first aid training at work in Vietnam? (Image from the Internet)

What are the responsibilities for emergency and first aid treatment of emergency response teams in Vietnam?

Pursuant to Article 13 of Circular 19/2016/TT-BYT stipulating the responsibilities for emergency and first aid treatment of emergency response teams as follows:

- Periodically examine and inspect the provision of first-aid and emergency treatment, medical equipment, and number of staff at the workplace.

- Manage and provide training courses for workers and those who are assigned to participate in the emergency response team under Article 9 hereof.

- Request the employer to:

+ Recruit first aiders or emergency personnel if any member of emergency response team quit or move to other workplaces.

+ Supplement, replace, maintain and examine first-aid kits and emergency equipment.

Who can participate in first aid and first aid training at the workplace in Vietnam?

Pursuant to Clause 1, Article 9 of Circular 19/2016/TT-BYT stipulates as follows:

Emergency first aid training
1. Entities that are provided emergency first aid training are as follows:
a) Employees, except for those obtaining the certificate of completion of occupational health and safety training;
b) Individuals assigned to participate in emergency response teams.
2. Start date and duration of the training course, curricula and provision of annual extra training courses shall be conformable to Annex 6 attached hereto.
3. Trainers shall sign logbooks made using Annex 7 attached hereto. In case an employee obtains the certificate of completion of occupational health and safety training course, the signature to the logbook is not required but a copy of the certificated shall be stored.

Thus, according to the above regulations, the entities that are provided emergency first aid training are as follows:

- Employees, except for those obtaining the certificate of completion of occupational health and safety training;

- Individuals assigned to participate in emergency response teams.

What elements must be based on for personnel administering first aid and emergency, first aid kits and medical equipment in Vietnam?

Pursuant to Clause 1, Article 5 of Circular 19/2016/TT-BYT stipulates as follows:

Requirements for first aid and emergency treatment
1. Personnel administering first aid and emergency, first aid kits and medical equipment shall be available according to the following elements:
a) Types of production and nature of hazards;
b) Number of employees, shifts and shifting time;
c) Risks of occupational accidents in the workplace;
d) Distance from the workplace to the nearest medical facility;
dd) Occupational accident statistics (if any).
2. Where poisonous and toxic chemicals or corrosive substances are applied, emergency showers and eyewash stations shall be installed in accessible places inside the workplace and shall be maintained in accordance with manufacturer’s manual or regulations of laws (if any).
3. Where hazardous chemicals classified under regulations of laws on chemicals are used, a chemical safety inspection checklist which is made in Vietnamese and specifies guidelines for first aid and emergency treatment in case of intoxication of such chemicals shall be put up next to emergency, first aid kits. Where antidotes are available, such antidotes and their use in Vietnamese shall be enclosed with emergency, first aid kits.
4. First aider and emergency personnel (hereinafter referred to as “emergency response team”) shall meet all requirements prescribed in Article 7 hereof.
5. The location and quantity of first aid kits, medical equipment, medical rooms or emergency rooms and lists of emergency response team members shall be publicly put up in the workplace.
6. First aid kits, emergency equipment and quantity of emergency response team members shall be regularly checked to ensure the compliance with provisions hereof.

Thus, according to the above regulations, personnel administering first aid and emergency, first aid kits and medical equipment shall be available according to the following elements:

- Types of production and nature of hazards;

- Number of employees, shifts and shifting time;

- Risks of occupational accidents in the workplace;

- Distance from the workplace to the nearest medical facility;

- Occupational accident statistics (if any).


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