What is the rate for calculating labor cost when working in public non-business services in the field of science and technology?

May I ask the circular on economic - technical norms of public non-business services funded by the State budget in the field of science and technology stipulating how many hours of labor per worker? Thank you!

How is the method of building economic - technical norms in Vietnam of public non-business services in the field of science and technology regulated?

According to Article 5 of Circular 06/2022/TT-BKHCN on economic - technical norms in Vietnam of public non-business services funded by the State budget in the field of information, statistics, science and technology libraries on the method of building economic - technical norms as follows:

- Economic - technical norms of information services, statistics and science and technology library built on the basis of general statistical methods; analytical, experimental and comparative methods, specifically as follows:

+ The general statistical method is a method of formulating norms on the basis of statistics in the previous period which are synthesized, analyzed and combined with the experience of normative officers, technical staff and officials. Direct management of service performance. The general statistical method is used to calculate and determine the norm value for the contents of work with an unstable order of execution and labor time consumption; the performance cycle does not take place on a daily basis and does not take place at the time of the survey;

+ Analytical and experimental method is a method of norm building in which the waste of labor time, time of using machines and materials to perform the job contents are determined on the basis of taking pictures. , timed and conducted in the current organizational - technical conditions of the unit. Observation data made directly at the workplace together with factors affecting waste components and related processes and regulations are the basis for calculating norm values.

* The determination of time loss by means of photography, timekeeping applies to jobs that are happening in reality or can be simulated at the time of survey, with cyclical and real-time nature is now finite (less than 10 minutes for the chronograph measure, over 10 minutes for the photographic measure).

* Analytical and experimental methods are applied to work contents with a daily cycle and appearing at the time of survey;

+ Comparative method is a method used to double check, support to increase the science of normative results determined by statistical methods of synthesis, analysis, and experiment. On the basis of comparing the content of the work steps, the implementation process, and the conditions of the organization, to adjust the value of the norm accordingly

What is the rate for calculating labor cost when working in public non-business services in the field of science and technology?

What is the rate for calculating labor cost when working in public non-business services in the field of science and technology?

Contents of economic - technical norms in Vietnam of public non-business services in the field of science and technology like?

According to Article 6 of Circular 06/2022/TT-BKHCN on economic - technical norms in Vietnam of public non-business services funded by the state budget in the fields of information, statistics, science and technology libraries on the content of economic - technical norms as follows:

- The economic-technical norms for information, statistical and library services of science and technology specified in this Circular are built on the basis of 46 processes for performing corresponding services already approved by competent authorities. The content of economic - technical norms includes the costs of labor, raw materials and machinery and equipment used to complete the performance of a service, in which:

+ Labor waste is the necessary direct and indirect labor time of average labor ranks to complete the performance of a public non-business service in the field of information, statistics, science and technology library.

* The cost of direct labor is calculated by labor, each work corresponds to 8 working hours.

* The wastage rate of indirect labor (manager, service) is calculated as a percentage (%) of the direct labor cost specified in the respective economic - technical norms promulgated together with this Circular. this;

- Consumable materials are necessary materials used directly to complete the performance of a public non-business service in the field of information, statistics, science and technology library. The level of waste in the norm is calculated by the quantity of each specific material;

- Waste of machinery and equipment means machinery and equipment used directly to complete the performance of a public non-business service in the field of information, statistics, science and technology library. The level of waste in the norm is calculated by working shifts, each shift corresponds to 8 working hours.

Thus, the amount of labor loss calculated per work is 8 working hours.

What is the subject of application of economic - technical norms in Vietnam of public non-business services in the field of science and technology?

According to Circular 06/2022/TT-BKHCN on economic - technical norms of public non-business services funded by the State budget in the field of information, statistics, science and technology library, regulations on Subjects of application of economic - technical norms include:

- Agencies and organizations using the state budget to provide information, statistics, science and technology libraries;

- Other agencies and organizations related to information, statistics and library science and technology activities using the state budget.

- To encourage agencies and organizations that provide information, statistics, and science and technology libraries that do not use the state budget to apply economic-technical norms.

Circular 06/2022/TT-BKHCN takes effect from July 15, 2022.

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