What is the process of collecting votes of confidence at the National Assembly of Vietnam? What are the principles of collection and casting of votes of confidence in Vietnam?

I would like to ask what the process of collecting votes of confidence at the National Assembly of Vietnam is. - Question of Ms. Mai Anh (Bao Loc)

What is the collection of votes of confidence in Vietnam? Which positions need collecting a vote of confidence?

Pursuant to Clause 1, Article 2 of Resolution 85/2014/QH13 stipulating that collection of votes of confidence in Vietnam means the exercise of the oversight power and assessment of the level of confidence by the National Assembly or People’s Councils on persons holding positions elected or approved by the National Assembly or People’s Councils, which serves as a basis for consideration and assessment of officials.

Pursuant to Clause 2, Article 1 of Resolution 85/2014/QH13, the National Assembly may collect votes of confidence on persons holding the following positions:

- President, Vice President;

- Chairperson or Vice Chairperson of the National Assembly, members of the National Assembly Standing Committee, Chairperson of the Ethnic Council, and Chairperson of a Committee of the National Assembly;

- Prime Minister, Deputy Prime Minister, minister and other members of the Government;

- Chief Justice of the Supreme People’s Court, Procurator General of the Supreme People’s Procuracy, State Auditor General.

What is the process of collecting votes of confidence at the National Assembly of Vietnam? What are the principles of collection and casting of votes of confidence in Vietnam?

What is the process of collecting votes of confidence at the National Assembly of Vietnam? What are the principles of collection and casting of votes of confidence in Vietnam? (Image from the Internet)

What is the process of collecting votes of confidence at the National Assembly of Vietnam?

Pursuant to Article 8 of Resolution 85/2014/QH13 stipulating the process of collecting votes of confidence at the National Assembly of Vietnam as follows:

(1) The person on whom votes of confidence will be collected, who is defined in Clause 2, Article 1 of this Resolution, makes a report according to the form provided in the Appendix to this Resolution to the National Assembly Standing Committee at least 30 days before the opening date of the National Assembly session.

(2) The National Assembly Standing Committee sends the report made by the person on whom votes of confidence will be collected and a report of the Vietnam Fatherland Front Central Committee summarizing voters’ opinions and petitions (if any) related to this person to National Assembly deputies at least 20 days before the opening date of the National Assembly session.

(3) In case issues related to the person on whom votes of confidence will be collected must be clarified, at least 15 days before the opening date of the session during which the collection of votes of confidence will be conducted, National Assembly deputies may propose the National Assembly Standing Committee to request competent agencies to verify and give written replies.

(4) At least 10 days before the date of collecting votes of confidence, National Assembly deputies may send written requests to the National Assembly Standing Committee and the person on whom votes of confidence will be collected, for the person concerned to clarify the contents serving as the grounds for assessment of the level of confidence. The person on whom votes of confidence will be collected shall send his/her written reply to the National Assembly Standing Committee and the requesting deputies before the date of collecting votes of confidence.

(5) At the session, the National Assembly Standing Committee shall submit the list of persons on whom votes of confidence will be collected to the National Assembly for decision.

Before votes of confidence are collected, the National Assembly shall discuss in National Assembly deputies’ delegations issues related to the collection of votes of confidence.

The National Assembly Standing Committee shall report before the National Assembly on the results of discussions in the National Assembly deputies’ delegations.

(6) The National Assembly forms a Vote Counting Board.

(7) The National Assembly collects votes of confidence through secret ballots. The ballot papers shall be pre-printed with the full name and position of the person concerned, and the levels of “high confidence,” “confidence” and “low confidence”.

(8) The Vote Counting Board announces the vote count result.

(9) The National Assembly considers and adopts a resolution confirming the results of the collection of votes of confidence at the proposal of the National Assembly Standing Committee.

What are the principles of collection and casting of votes of confidence in Vietnam?

Pursuant to Article 4 of Resolution 85/2014/QH13, the collection and casting of votes of confidence must comply with the following principles:

- To guarantee the right of and heighten the responsibility of National Assembly and People’s Council deputies in the collection and casting of votes of confidence; to respect the rights to report and explain of persons on whom votes of confidence are collected or cast.

- To ensure publicity, fairness, democracy and objectiveness; to ensure the truthful assessment of the performance of tasks and exercise of powers by, and the political quality, virtue and lifestyle of persons on whom votes of confidence are collected or cast.

- To ensure the stability and effectiveness of operation of the state apparatus and the leadership of the Party in personnel work.

What are the responsibilities of agencies, organizations and individuals in the collection or casting of votes of confidence in Vietnam?

Pursuant to Article 6 of Resolution 85/2014/QH13 stipulating the responsibilities of agencies, organizations and individuals in the collection or casting of votes of confidence as follows:

- The National Assembly and People’s Councils shall organize the collection of votes of confidence, ensuring proper subjects, principles, time and process prescribed by this Resolution.

- National Assembly and People’s Council deputies shall participate in the collection or casting of votes of confidence at the sessions of the National Assembly or People’s Councils; show their caution, objectivity, impartiality and fairness in expressing their confidence.

- Persons on whom votes of confidence are collected shall truthfully report on the results of performance of their assigned tasks and exercise of their delegated powers, their political quality, virtue and lifestyle, declare property, income, limitations, shortcomings and solutions and fully explain the contents requested by National Assembly or People’s Council deputies.

- The Vietnam Fatherland Front Central Committee and the Fatherland Front Committees at all levels shall collect, fully and promptly summarize voters’ opinions and petitions (if any) which are related to persons on whom votes of confidence are collected and submit them prior to the sessions of the National Assembly or People’s Councils.

- Agencies, organizations and individuals may not abuse the collection or casting of votes of confidence to canvass or commit illegal acts to affect National Assembly or People’s Council deputies.

Nguyễn Thị Hồng Nhung

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