What is the procedure for issuing Certificates of registration of additional vocational education and training activities for colleges delivering basic vocational training in Vietnam?

What is the procedure for issuing Certificates of registration of additional vocational education and training activities for colleges delivering basic vocational training in Vietnam? - Mr. Phuong (Phu Yen)

When do colleges delivering basic vocational training in Vietnam perform the procedures for granting Certificates of registration of additional vocational education and training activities?

Pursuant to Point 12.10, Clause 12, subsection I, Section B, Part II. Administrative procedures promulgated together with Decision 445/QD-LDTBXH in 2022.

Colleges delivering basic vocational training carries out the procedures for granting Certificates of registration of additional vocational education and training activities in the following cases:

- Supplement new training lines, occupations and qualifications (except for cases of self-determination to open training professions and occupations)

- Exceed 10% of the total enrollment per year of occupations in the same group of occupations at each location as stated in the Certificates of registration of additional vocational education and training. training activities.

- Divide or merge colleges.

- Establish a branch that organizes training activities or adds a training location in addition to the training location granted in the certificate of registration of vocational education activities, Certificates of registration of additional vocational education and training activities.

- Move the head office or branch or training location to another place, where the branch or training location is the place where the training is directly organized.

Accordingly, if falling into one of the above cases, colleges delivering basic vocational training need to prepare documents to carry out the procedures for additional registration of vocational education activities as follows:

(1) For the following cases: Adding new training fields, occupations and qualifications; Exceed 10% of the total enrollment/year of the professions and occupations in the same group of industries and occupations at each location; Divide and merge colleges:

- Written registration for additional vocational education activities;

- Report on additional registration of vocational education activities.

(2) In case of establishment of a branch that organizes training activities or adds a training location other than the granted training location:

- Written registration for additional vocational education activities;

- Report on additional registration of vocational education activities;

- Written consent of the Department of Labor - Invalids and Social Affairs where the college adds a new training location.

(3) In case of moving the head office or branch or training location to another place where the branch or training location is the place where the training is directly organized:

- Written registration for additional vocational education activities;

- Report on additional registration of vocational education activities;

- A copy of the competent authority's document on the transfer of the head office or branch or training location.

What is the procedure for issuing Certificates of registration of additional vocational education and training activities for colleges delivering basic vocational training in Vietnam?

What is the procedure for issuing Certificates of registration of additional vocational education and training activities for colleges delivering basic vocational training in Vietnam?

Pursuant to Point 12.1, Clause 12, subsection I, Section B, Part II Administrative procedures promulgated together with Decision 445/QD-LDTBXH in 2022.

The issuance of Certificates of registration of additional vocational education and training activities for colleges delivering basic vocational training is done in the following order:

- Step 1: Receive the application for additional registration of vocational education activities

The college shall compile a dossier of registration for additional vocational education activities and send it to the General Department of Vocational Education.

- Step 2: Issue Certificates of registration of additional vocational education and training activities

+ Within 10 working days from the date of receipt of the application, the General Department of Vocational Education and Training shall verify the application and issue Certificates of registration of additional vocational education and training activities.

+ In case Certificates of registration of additional vocational education and training activities are not granted, a written reply clearly stating the reason.

What are the requirements and conditions for colleges delivering basic vocational training in Vietnam when registering for additional vocational education activities?

Pursuant to Point 12.10, Clause 12, subsection I, Section B, Part II. Administrative procedures promulgated together with Decision 445/QD-LDTBXH in 2022 are as follows:

Requirements and conditions for carrying out administrative procedures For basic vocational training
Colleges are granted Certificates of registration of additional vocational education and training activities at the elementary level when all of the following conditions are met:
a) Having physical facilities and training equipment suitable to the occupation, scale and level of primary training. The area of theoretical classrooms, rooms and practice workshops used for learning and teaching must be at least 04 m2/classroom on average.
b) Having sufficient training programs and textbooks for each occupation registered for operation and must be developed, appraised and promulgated according to regulations of the Minister of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs.
c) Having a team of teachers who meet the standards, professional qualifications, vocational skills and pedagogical skills as prescribed by law; ensure that the maximum ratio of converted students to teachers is 25 students/teacher; There are permanent teachers for the profession of training organization.
d) For foreign-invested colleges, the operation period shall not exceed 50 years from the date of decision on approval for establishment. If the operation period is longer than 50 years, it must be reported to the Prime Minister for decision.

Thus, colleges delivering basic vocational training are granted Certificates of registration of additional vocational education and training activities at the elementary level when all of the above conditions are met.


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