03:40 | 14/12/2022

What is the National Insurance Database in Vietnam? What information is included in the group of basic health information stored on the national insurance database?

What is the National Insurance Database in Vietnam? What information is included in the group of basic health information stored on the national insurance database? - Question of Minh Ngoc (Lam Dong)

What is the National Insurance Database in Vietnam?

Pursuant to the provisions of Article 3 of Decree 43/2021/ND-CP of Vietnam on the National Insurance Database in Vietnam as follows:

- National Insurance Database is a national database that stores information about social insurance, health insurance and unemployment insurance and about health and social security recognized by competent authorities and to ensure the insurance rights and obligations of citizens.

- National Insurance Database is a Government database that is uniformly built across the country and used by all agencies, organizations and individuals in order to provide accurate and timely information on insurance serving the state management, meeting socio-economic development requirements and legitimate requirements of agencies, organizations and individuals.

In addition, the National Insurance Database is uniformly built and managed from central to local governments.

National Insurance Database is updated in an adequate, accurate and timely manner promptly after relevant administrative and practice procedures have been completed; is maintained in a continuous, stable and uninterrupted way to cater the need to use of agencies, organizations, and individuals as per the law.

At the same time, the creation, management, and use of National Insurance Database shall comply with the Law on Social Insurance, Law on Employment, Law on Labor Safety and Hygiene, Law on Health Insurance, Law on Information Technology, Law on Electronic Transactions; regulations on architecture of e-Government of Vietnam; regulations on management, connection and sharing of digital data of regulatory agencies; regulations on protection of private life, personal secrets, family secrets and other relevant laws.What is the National Insurance Database in Vietnam? What information is included in the group of basic health information stored on the national insurance database?

What is the National Insurance Database in Vietnam? What information is included in the group of basic health information stored on the national insurance database?

What information does the National Insurance Database contain?

According to the provisions of Clause 1, Article 6 of Decree 43/2021/ND-CP of Vietnam, the National Insurance Database contains the following information:

- Basic personal data, including: surname, middle name and first name; date of birth; gender, personal identity number or identity card number; ethnic minority; nationality; registered place of birth; place of origin, place of permanent residence; surname, middle name, and first name, personal identity number or identity card number of the father, mother, spouse or legal representative;

- Citizen contact information;

- Category of household information: household code; address; list of members in the household;

- Category of social insurance information: social insurance code; the code of participant’s governing body; the social insurance agency in charge; type of social insurance entity; premium payment method; the record of premium payment and benefits received from social insurance, occupational accidents and occupational diseases, TIN (taxpayer identification number);

- Category of health insurance information: benefit level code; type of entity; registered primary healthcare provider; expiry date; valid date of 05 consecutive years; the record of premium payment and benefits received;

- Category of unemployment insurance information: the record of premium payment and benefits received; period of premium payment as the basis for the duration of unemployment benefit receipt;

- Category of employer information: Name; enterprise code/establishment decision number; TIN; head office address; line(s) of business (or major line(s) of business)/field of operation; telephone number, email; type of enterprise/type of organization; premium payment method;

- Category of health basic information;

- Category of social security information;

What information is included in the group of basic health information stored on the national insurance database?

The group of basic health information stored on the national insurance database is specified in the list enclosed with Decision 3074/QD-BYT of Vietnam in 2022, including:

- Administrative information supplemented with basic health information as prescribed at Point a, Clause 1, Article 6 of Decree 43/2021/ND-CP of Vietnam:

+ Basic personal data, including: surname, middle name and first name; date of birth; gender, personal identity number or identity card number; ethnic minority; nationality; registered place of birth; place of origin, place of permanent residence; surname, middle name, and first name, personal identity number or identity card number of the father, mother, spouse or legal representative;

+ Current residential address of the respective medical examination and treatment

+ Blood group information

- Prehistoric information:

+ Allergy information

+ Medical history information

+ Information on history of surgery, procedures

+ Vaccination information

+ Relevant family history information

- Information on medical examination and treatment:

+ Reason for visiting

+ Information about medical examination and treatment facilities

+ Information about medical examination and treatment

+ Information about medical examination and treatment facilities

+ Confirmed diagnosis at hospital discharge

+ Summary of the treatment process

+ Surgery, methods of treatment

+ Early morning, treatment, care

+ Treated drugs

+ Weight for children under 28 days old

+ Important notes of the patient.

See the full list of basic health information stored on the National Insurance Database here.


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