What is the modernization of public employee dossier management in Vietnam? What are the powers and responsibilities of authorities in public employee dossier management in Vietnam?
What is the modernization of public employee dossier management in Vietnam?
Pursuant to Article 18 of Circular No. 07/2019/TT-BNV stipulating the modernization of public employee dossier management as follows:
Central government authorities and provincial governments shall proactively modernize public employee dossier management by applying information technology to retain and use public employee dossiers;
Prevent direct contact with physical dossiers, and maximize efficiency of use of public employee dossiers in electronic public employee management systems.
What is the modernization of public employee dossier management in Vietnam? What are the powers and responsibilities of authorities in public employee dossier management in Vietnam? (Image from the Internet)
What are the powers and responsibilities of authorities in public employee dossier management in Vietnam?
Pursuant to Article 19 of Circular No. 07/2019/TT-BNV stipulating the powers and responsibilities of authorities in public employee dossier management as follows:
- Central government authorities and provincial governments may exercise state management of public employee dossier management, provide guidelines for and inspect compliance with regulations on public employee dossier management of this Circular intra vires.
- Promulgate regulations on public employee dossier management and guidelines thereof for management authorities under their management.
- Heads of central government authorities and provincial governments shall provide for decentralization of public employee dossier management for regulatory bodies, organizations and units under their management.
- Heads of central government authorities and provincial governments shall inspect compliance with regulations on public employee dossier management of regulatory bodies, organizations and units under their management according to regulations of Circular No. 07/2019/TT-BNV on an annual or ad hoc basis.
- Heads of management authorities have the power to consider and decide the following matters:
+ Decide on persons qualified for statistical reporting and management of dossiers on public employees;
+ Enable public employees to declare information; request employing units to verify public employee dossiers or original dossiers in case of formulation of new public employee dossiers due to damage or loss or amendment to public employee dossiers;
+ Request competent authorities to consider, verify and amend inconsistent information and documents in original dossiers according to regulations in Article 12 of Circular No. 07/2019/TT-BNV;
+ Notify public employees of the conclusion of verification of self-declared information found to be inconsistent or inaccurate;
+ Dispose of unnecessary and identical documents in public employee dossiers;
+ Take disciplinary actions or request competent authorities to consider and take disciplinary actions against persons committing violations against regulations on public employee dossier declaration, management and preservation as per the law.
What are the rules for management and use of public employee dossiers in Vietnam?
Pursuant to Article 9 of Circular No. 07/2019/TT-BNV stipulating the rules for management and use of public employee dossiers in Vietnam as follows:
- Public employee dossiers shall be formulated and managed in a consistent and scientific manner that provides sufficient and accurate information on each public employee starting from the time they are recruited to the time they are no longer employed by the public service provider.
- Public employee dossiers shall be formulated, managed, used and preserved as confidential documents; and be perused and used only by persons authorized to do so by regulatory bodies or individuals competent in managing these dossiers in writing. Do not distribute information in public employee dossiers.
- Public employees shall declare information in their dossiers in a sufficient, understandable and accurate manner and take responsibility for the honesty of information declared. Information declared by public employees must be confirmed, affixed with the seal and added to their dossiers by management authorities.