What is the minimum salary of officials and public employees after the salary reform in Vietnam in 2024 according to Resolution 27?

What is the minimum salary of officials and public employees after the salary reform in Vietnam in 2024 according to Resolution 27? T.Q - Hanoi

What is the minimum salary of officials and public employees after the salary reform in Vietnam in 2024 according to Resolution 27?

Based on subsection 2.2, Section 2, Part II of Resolution 27/NQ-TW of 2018, it is stated as follows:

2. Objectives
2.2. Detail goal
(2) From 2021 to 2025 and vision to 2030
a) For the public sector
- From 2021, apply a new unified salary regime for officials, public employees, and armed forces in the entire political system.
- In 2021, the minimum salary of officials and public employees is equal to the average region-based minimum salary in the business sector.
- Periodically raise wages in accordance with the consumer price index, economic growth and state budget capacity.
- By 2025, the minimum salary of officials and public employees will be higher than the average region-based minimum salary in the business sector.
- By 2030, the minimum salary of officials and public employees will be equal to or higher than the highest region-based minimum salary of the enterprise sector.

Thus, according to the guiding viewpoint in Resolution 27/NQ-TW of 2018 mentioned above, the minimum salary of officials and public employees when reforming salary is as follows:

The salary reform roadmap is implemented step by step. Initially, it is expected that from 2021 the minimum salary of officials and public employees will be equal to the lowest average salary of regions in the business sector. However, due to the impact of the Covid-19 epidemic, salary reform has been postponed and postponed until now.

Also according to Resolution 27/NQ-TW of 2018, periodically raise salary levels in accordance with the consumer price index, economic growth and state budget capacity.

Accordingly, if the salary reform roadmap of Resolution 27/NQ-TW of 2018 is still followed, in 2024, the minimum salary of officials and public employees will likely be higher than the average region-based minimum salary of the business sector.

The reason is because according to the above roadmap, in 2021 the minimum salary of officials and public employees will be equal to the average region-based minimum salary in the business sector. Accompanied by periodically raising the salary level in accordance with the consumer price index, economic growth and the capacity of the state budget.

In addition, when implementing salary reform in 2024, the new salary of officials and public employees will not be lower than the current salary.

By 2025, the minimum salary of officials and public employees will be higher than the average region-based minimum salary in the business sector.

The ultimate goal is that by 2030, the minimum salary of officials and public employees must be equal to or higher than the highest region-based minimum salary of the enterprise sector.

What is the minimum salary of officials and public employees after the salary reform in Vietnam in 2024 according to Resolution 27?

Will officials and public employees receive salaries according to their job position after the salary reform in Vietnam in 2024?

Pursuant to subsection 3.1, Section 3, Part II of Resolution 27/NQ-TW of 2018, when implementing salary reform, the salary applied to officials, and public employees is no longer calculated according to coefficients and statutory pay rate as it is today.

As expected, if nothing changes, salary reform will be implemented from July 1, 2024 for officials, public employees, employees in the public sector and workers in foreign enterprises

Accordingly, officials and public employees will be issued a new salary system based on job position, title and leadership position to replace the coefficient x statutory pay rate. Salary reform of officials and public employees will be guaranteed not to be lower than the current salary.

What is the direction of salary reform in Vietnam?

In Resolution 27/NQ-TW of 2018, the viewpoints guiding salary reform are mentioned as follows:

- Salary policy is a particularly important policy of the socio-economic policy system. Wages must truly be the main source of income to ensure the lives of workers and their families; Paying wages correctly is an investment in human resource development, creating motivation to improve labor productivity and work efficiency of workers, making an important contribution to achieving social progress and justice, and ensuring socio-political stability; promote and improve the quality of growth and sustainable development.

- Salary policy reform must ensure comprehensiveness, systematicity, synchronization, inheritance and promotion of advantages, and effectively overcome limitations and inadequacies of the current salary policy; comply with the principle of distribution according to labor and the objective laws of the market economy, taking increased labor productivity as the basis for increasing wages; meet international integration requirements; have a roadmap suitable to the socio-economic development conditions and resources of the country.

- In the public sector, the State pays salaries to officials, public employees and the armed forces according to their employment positions, titles and leadership positions, in accordance with the State's resources and civil revenue sources. public service industry, ensuring a reasonable correlation with wages in the labor market; Implement a worthy remuneration and reward regime based on labor productivity, creating motivation to improve quality, work efficiency, public service ethics, professional ethics, contributing to cleanliness and improving effectiveness, the performance of the political system.

- In the business sector, wages are the price of labor, formed on the basis of agreements between employees and employers according to a market mechanism under the management of the State. The state regulates the minimum wage as the lowest floor to protect vulnerable workers, and is also one of the bases for negotiating wages and regulating the labor market. Salary distribution is based on labor results and production and business efficiency, ensuring harmonious, stable and progressive labor relationships in the enterprise.

- Salary policy reform is an objective requirement, an important task, requiring high political determination in building a socialist rule-of-law state and perfecting socially-oriented market economy institutions. tenet; promote administrative reform; innovate and streamline the political system's organizational apparatus, operate effectively and efficiently, and streamline staffing; innovate the organization and management system, improve the quality and operational efficiency of public service units.


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