08:14 | 12/01/2023

What is the mandatory information shown on goods labels in Vietnam? How is the name and address of the entity responsible for the goods recorded?

What is the mandatory information shown on goods labels in Vietnam? How is the name and address of the entity responsible for the goods recorded? - Question from Mr. Quan (Hanoi)

What is the mandatory information shown on goods labels in Vietnam?

According to the provisions of Article 10 of Decree No. 43/2017/ND-CP (amended and supplemented by Clause 5, Article 1 of Decree No. 111/2021/ND-CP) as follows:

- Goods label of goods circulated in Vietnam shall present the following contents in Vietnamese language:

+ Name of the goods;

+ Name and address of the entity responsible for the goods;

+ Origins of goods;

In case of unknown origin of good, the country in which the last stage of finishing the goods is performed;

+ Other mandatory information shall be displayed on the label according to the characteristics of the goods prescribed in Appendix I issued together with this Decree and relevant regulations.

If the goods have the characteristics of multiple categories in the Appendix I issued together with this Decree and not governed by any other relevant legislative documents, the responsible entity shall, according to the primary use of the goods, determine the suitable category of goods and include information accordingly.

If the surface area of the goods is not enough for all mandatory information on the label, the information prescribed in Points a, b, and c Clause 1 of this Article shall be given priority, the information prescribed in Point d Clause 1 of this Article shall be shown in the booklet of the goods. This must be specified on the label.

- The following information on the original label of goods imported into Vietnam must be written in Vietnamese or foreign language while following customs clearance procedures:

+ Name of the goods;

+ Origin of the goods;

In case of unknown origin of goods, the country from which the last stage of finishing the goods is performed;

+ The name or abbreviated name of the manufacturer or the entity responsible for the goods in the foreign country;

++ If the original label does not contain the full name and address of the manufacturer or the responsible for entity in the foreign country, this information shall be fully presented in the attached documents of the goods;

++ If the original labels of goods imported into Vietnam are written in a foreign language as prescribed in Points a, b, c Clause 2 of this Article, after completing the customs clearance procedure and transfer goods to storage, the importer shall add Vietnamese labels as prescribed in Clause 1 of this Article before putting such goods into circulation in domestic market.

- Goods labels of exports shall be presented according to the law of import country.

+ Information about origins written on labels of exports shall comply with the regulations prescribed in Clause 1 Article 15 of this Decree;

+ Information on labels of exports shall comply with the regulation in Clause 2 Article 18 of this Decree;

What is the mandatory information shown on goods labels in Vietnam? How is the name and address of the entity responsible for the goods recorded?

What is the mandatory information shown on goods labels in Vietnam? How is the name and address of the entity responsible for the goods recorded?

How is the name and address of the entity responsible for the goods recorded?

Pursuant to Article 12 of Decree No. 43/2017/ND-CP (amended by Clause 6, Article 1 of Decree No. 111/2021/ND-CP) as follows:

- The name and address of the entity on the label shall not be abbreviated.

- For domestically manufactured goods, their labels must show the name of the entity and the address of the manufacturer.

+ The manufacturer being a member of a company, general company, group, union, and another organization shall be entitled to bear name or name and address, and other information of such organization on the label with its consent.

+ In case of goods with same brand name to be manufactured in multiple manufacturers, the entity responsible for the goods is entitled to label its name and address provided that the quality of goods is considered conformable with quality standards which has been declared or registered for circulation and the traceability is guaranteed.

- For goods imported for sale in Vietnam, their labels must show the name and address of the manufacturer and the name and address of the importer.

In case of goods being medical equipment manufactured in Vietnam or imported for circulation in Vietnam, their labels must show the name and address of the equipment owner and the name and address of the registration number holder. If the medical equipment has not had registration number, write the name and address of the owner of medical equipment and the name and address of the import license holder.

- For goods imported into Vietnam by organizations or individuals acting as sale agents directly for foreign traders, their labels must show the name and address of the manufacturer and the name and address of the organization or individual acting as agents to sell such goods.

- For goods of which the label has been franchised out, apart from the information prescribed in Clauses 2, 3 and 4 of this Article, the name and address of the franchisor are also required.

- With regard to entity engaging in assembly, packing, or bottling, the name and address of such entity shall be presented, and the name or name and address and other information of the manufacturer shall also be presented before the assembly, packing, or bottling with the consent of the manufacturer.

Is there any regulation on the size of name of goods printed on the package?

Pursuant to Article 11 of Decree No. 43/2017/ND-CP stipulating as follows:

Name of goods
The name of the goods shall be put in the noticeable and legible place on the label.
The name of goods shall be shown in the biggest size in comparison with other mandatory information on the label.
The name presented shall be named by the manufacturer. The name may not mislead the nature, use, and ingredients of the goods.
If the goods is wholly or partly named after an ingredient therein, the ingredient’s quantity shall be presented, except for the case prescribed in Clause 4 Article 13 of this Decree.

Thus, the name of goods shall be shown in the biggest size in comparison with other mandatory information on the label. However, the size is not specified.


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