09:08 | 29/08/2023

What is the list form of investment projects expected to be prioritized and execution phases in planning implementation plans in Vietnam?

"What is the list form of investment projects expected to be prioritized and execution phases in planning implementation plans in Vietnam?" - asked Mr. V.h (Binh Duong)

What is the list form of investment projects expected to be prioritized and execution phases in planning implementation plans in Vietnam?

Pursuant to Appendix V promulgated together with Decree 58/2023/ND-CP, the list form of investment projects expected to be prioritized and execution phases in planning implementation plans in Vietnam is specified as follows:

>> Download the list form of investment projects expected to be prioritized and execution phases in planning implementation plans in Vietnam: here.

What are the criteria for assessing the execution of prioritized projects during the planning period in Vietnam?

Pursuant to the provisions of Clause 2 Article 7 of Decree 37/2019/ND-CP as follows:

Criteria for assessment of planning implementation
1. Carry out overall assessment of fulfillment of planning objectives according to the following criteria:
a) Fulfillment of economic development objectives;
b) Fulfillment of social development objectives;
c) Fulfillment of objectives for sustainable use of resources, environmental protection, natural disaster management and resilience to climate change;
d) Fulfillment of objectives for national defense and security assurance;
2. Carry out assessment of execution of prioritized projects during the planning period according to the following criteria:
a) List of, plans for and progress in investment in public investment projects that have been executed;
b) List of, plans for and progress in investment in executed projects funded by sources other than public investments;
c) List of prioritized projects during the planning period, which have not yet been executed, reasons for failure to execute;
d) List of projects that have been put into operation and economic, social and environmental effectiveness they achieve.

Thus, based on the above-mentioned regulations, the criteria for assessing the execution of prioritized projects during the planning period in Vietnam are:

- List of, plans for and progress in investment in public investment projects that have been executed;

- List of, plans for and progress in investment in executed projects funded by sources other than public investments;

- List of prioritized projects during the planning period, that have not yet been executed, reasons for failure to execute;

- List of projects that have been put into operation and the economic, social and environmental effectiveness they achieve.

What are the procedures for formulating planning implementation plans in Vietnam?

Pursuant to Clause 20 Article 1 of Decree 58/2023/ND-CP supplementing Article 38c after Article 38 of Decree 37/2019/ND-CP, the procedures for formulating planning implementation plans in Vietnam are as follows:

(1) Procedures for formulating a plan to implement national comprehensive planning or regional planning:

Step 1: The Ministry of Planning and Investment shall formulate a draft plan; send enquiries about the draft plan to Ministries, ministerial agencies and local authorities concerned;

Step 2: The Ministries, ministerial agencies and local authorities concerned shall give a written response within 15 days from the date of receiving the enquiries about the draft plan;

Step 3: The Ministry of Planning and Investment shall receive and respond to opinions, complete the draft plan and submit it to the Government for promulgation in the case of national comprehensive planning; to the Prime Minister for promulgation in the case of regional planning.

(2) Procedures for formulating a plan to implement national marine spatial planning or national land use planning:

Step 1: The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment shall formulate a draft plan; send enquiries about the draft plan to Ministries, ministerial agencies and local authorities concerned;

Step 2: The Ministries, ministerial agencies and local authorities concerned shall give a written response within 15 days from the date of receiving the enquiries about the draft plan;

Step 3: The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment shall receive and respond to opinions, complete the draft plan and submit it to the Government for promulgation.

(3) Procedures for formulating a plan to implement national sector planning:

Step 1: Any Ministry or ministerial agency assigned to organize formulation of national sector planning shall formulate a draft plan to implement planning; send enquiries about the draft plan to Ministries, ministerial agencies and local authorities concerned;

Step 2: The Ministries, ministerial agencies and local authorities concerned shall give a written response within 15 days from the date of receiving the enquiries about the draft plan;

Step 3: The Ministry or ministerial agency assigned to organize formulation of national sector planning shall receive and respond to opinions, complete the draft plan and submit it to the Prime Minister for promulgation.

(4) Procedures for formulating a plan to implement provincial planning:

Step 1: The planning authority shall formulate a draft plan; send enquiries about the draft plan to departments, branches, district-level People’s Committees, agencies and organizations concerned (if any) within 15 days;

Step 2: The planning authority shall receive and respond to opinions of departments, branches, district-level People’s Committees, agencies and organizations concerned, complete the draft plan and report it to the authority organizing formulation of planning, which will send enquiries about the draft plan to Ministries and ministerial agencies;

Step 3: The Ministries and ministerial agencies shall give a written response within 15 days from the date of receiving the enquiries about the draft plan;

Step 4: The authority organizing the formulation of planning shall direct the receipt and response to opinions, complete the draft plan and submit it to the Prime Minister for consideration and promulgation.

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