07:21 | 23/09/2024

Vietnam: What is the metaphor? What are the uses of the metaphor in figurative language? What are some common forms of metaphor?

Vietnam: What is the metaphor? What are the uses of the metaphor in figurative language?

What is the metaphor? What are the uses of the metaphor in figurative language?


- Concept: Metaphor is a rhetorical device that names one item or phenomenon using the name of another item or phenomenon to which it is similar, in order to enhance vividness and emotion in expression.

Metaphors are divided into four types: visual Metaphor; implied Metaphor; standard Metaphor; sensory Metaphor.

- Effect: It functions to enhance vividness and emotiveness.

+ Through the metaphor, the author or writer expresses feelings, emotions, or attitudes toward the subject in a subtle, discreet manner yet still conveys depth.

+ Metaphors also create artistic images, allowing readers to vividly and creatively visualize the images the author seeks to describe.

+ The metaphorical rhetorical device reflects a rich, precise, and deep understanding of the user concerning objects, events, phenomena, or their interrelationships.

* Note: It is essential to distinguish between metaphor and simile:

Metaphor differs from simile in that a metaphor is considered an implicit simile. The simile has more recognizable signs, while metaphor does not require words or punctuation to differentiate between the objects or items mentioned.


"Ơi con chim chiền chiện

Hót chi mà vang trời

Từng giọt long lanh rơi

Tôi đưa tay tôi hứng"

[Mùa xuân nho nhỏ - Thanh Hải]What is a Metaphor? What are the Effects of the Metaphorical Rhetorical Device? Some Common Forms of Metaphor?

Vietnam: What is the metaphor? What are the uses of the metaphor in figurative language? What are some common forms of metaphor? (Internet image)

Some Common Forms of Metaphor?

Below are some common forms of metaphor:

(1) Visual Metaphor

This form of metaphor is used to hide part of the meaning of the object or event it signifies.

An example of a form metaphor from a poem:

“Về thăm nhà Bác làng sen

Có hàng râm bụt thắp lên lửa hồng.”

Quoted "Về thăm nhà bác"

In the above example, the author uses a manner metaphor through the word "light up" to denote the image "blooming" (specifically referring to hibiscus flowers blooming).

(2) Sandard Metaphor

This type of metaphor, true to its name, uses the qualities of one object or phenomenon to describe the qualities of another object or phenomenon through their similar qualities.

An example of a quality metaphor:

“Mẹ tôi mái tóc bạc,

mẹ tôi lưng đã còng… ”

Instead of describing the mother's old age directly, the writer uses a quality metaphor by referring to her white hair and bent back to signify her age.

(3) Sensory Metaphor

Sensory metaphor is a method that uses the image of an object or phenomenon through one sense but describes or expresses it with terms that pertain to another sense.

An example of a sensory metaphor:

“Trời hôm nay nắng giòn tan.”

In this case, the sensory metaphor is used to depict the intense, drying sunlight that makes objects dry quickly and become crisp. Here, the visual sense (sight) perceives the sunlight, but its quality is described using "crisp" – a term usually associated with taste and touch.

(4) Implied Metaphor

Manner metaphor involves various methods to express an issue. Therefore, the speaker embeds implications into their speech.

An example of a manner metaphor: Eat fruit, remember the tree planter. "Tree planter": This refers to laborers, simultaneously implying that we should remember those who have labored to create the achievements we enjoy.

What are the Requirements for Recognizing figurative language and Their uses on Students in Vietnam?

The Literature program issued with Circular 32/2018/TT-BGDDT clearly states the requirements for recognizing figurative language and their uses on students as follows:

- For students in grades 3, 4, and 5: know the uses of figurative language like personification and comparison.

- For students in grades 6 and 7: know figurative language such as metaphor, metonymy, hyperbole, euphemism.

- For students in grades 8 and 9: understand figurative language such as repetition, pun, sarcasm, oxymoron.

What are the Time Frameworks for the 2023-2024 school year in Vietnam ?

According to Decision 2171/QD-BGDDT of 2023 on the time framework for the 2023-2024 school year for preschool, general education, and continuing education, the time framework for the 2023-2024 school year is outlined as follows:

- The earliest school start is one week before the official opening ceremony. For first grade, the earliest start is two weeks before the official opening ceremony.

- The official opening ceremony is on September 5, 2023.

- The first semester ends before January 15, 2024, the second semester's educational plan is completed before May 25, 2024, and the school year finishes before May 31, 2024.

- The recognition of completion of primary education programs and lower secondary graduation must be done before June 30, 2024.

- Completion of entrance exams for initial grades must be done before July 31, 2024.

- High school graduation exams and national exams will follow the regulations and guidelines of the Ministry of Education and Training of Vietnam.


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