What is the latest regulation on standards for leccturers of public university education institutions in Vietnam?

Hello Lawnet! As I know, the standards for lecturers in public university education institutions have certain changes. So, what is the latest regulation on standards for leccturers of public university education institutions in Vietnam?

What is the latest regulation on standards for lecturers (level III) in Vietnam?

According to the provisions of Article 5 of Circular 40/2020/TT-BGDĐT and Clause 1, Article 2 of Circular 04/2022/TT-BGDDT (effective from April 19, 2022) on the standards for lecturers (Class III) as follows:

"Article 5. Lecturer (level III) - Code: V.07.01.03

1. Duties:

a) Teach, guide and mark graduation projects and theses; participate in teaching training programs at master's and doctoral levels, and guide and evaluate master's and doctoral theses if they satify the prescribed standards;

b) Participate in the formulation and development of training programs;

c) Preside over or participate in compiling textbooks, reference books, monographs, manuals, translating books and textbooks in foreign languages ​​into Vietnamese (hereinafter referred to as training books);

d) Organize and participate in scientific research activities; write and participate in scientific reports at scientific conferences and seminars; participate in the evaluation of grassroots-level scientific research projects and student scientific research projects: participate in international cooperation activities and ensure the quality of higher education;

d) Participate in the work of class leaders and academic advisors; guide discussion, practice, experiment and practice;

e) Study and foster to raise the level of political theory, expertise, professionalism and teaching methods; participate in practical activities to improve the quality of training and scientific research;

g) Participate in the management and work of the Party and mass organizations and perform other tasks according to the regulations on organization and operation of the public higher education institution and other relevant laws.

2. Standards of training and retraining qualifications:

a) Possess a master's degree or higher relevant to the job position, industry or teaching discipline;

b) Have a certificate of training according to the professional title standards of university lecturers.

3. Standards of professional competence:

a) Master the basic knowledge of the subjects assigned to teach; have general knowledge about a number of related subjects in the assigned training major;

b) Understand and properly implement the objectives, plans, contents and programs of the assigned subjects in the training major. Identify the practice and development trend of training and research of the major at home and abroad;

c) Effectively and safely use teaching aids and equipment, have effective teaching methods, suitable to the subject's content; teaching satisfactory or higher;

d) Have ability to research science; apply scientific, technical and technological advances to teaching and assigned tasks;

d) Have ability to apply information technology and use foreign languages ​​in performing the duties of the lecturer title (level III).

What is the latest regulation on standards for main lecturers (level II) in Vietnam?

According to the provisions of Article 6 of Circular 40/2020/TT-BGDĐT and Clause 1, Artic[object Object]le 2 of Circular 04/2022/TT-BGDDT (effective from April 19, 2022) on the standards for main lecturers (level II) as follows:

"Article 6. Main lecturer (level II) - Code: V.07.01.02

1. Duties:

a) Teach, guide and mark graduation projects and theses; participate in teaching training programs at master's and doctoral levels, and guide and evaluate master's and doctoral theses if they meet the prescribed standards;

b) Take charge for or participate in the formulation and development of training programs; propose guidelines, directions and measures for the development of the assigned sector or major; proactively propose solutions to improve teaching quality, methods of testing and evaluating learners' learning and training results;

c) Preside over or participate in compiling training books; take charge for or participate in the performance of scientific and technological tasks;

d) Take charge for and participate in the evaluation of scientific research projects and topics; write and participate in scientific reports at scientific conferences and seminars; participate in international cooperation activities and ensure the quality of higher education;

d) Participate in the work of class leaders and academic advisors; guide discussion, practice, experiment, practice;

c) Participate in training of lecturers according to the professional development requirements of the faculty or major;

g) Study and foster to raise the level of political theory, expertise, professionalism and teaching methods; participate in practical activities to improve the quality of training and scientific research;

h) Participate in the management and work of the Party and mass organizations and perform other tasks according to the regulations on organization and operation of the public higher education institution and other relevant laws.

2. Standards of training and retraining qualifications:

a) Possess a master's degree or higher relevant to the job position, industry or teaching discipline;

b) Have a certificate of training according to the professional title standards of university lecturers.

3. Standards of professional and professional capacity;

a) Have solid knowledge of the subjects assigned to teach and basic knowledge of a number of relevant subjects in the assigned training major;

b) Understand and effectively implement the objectives, plans, contents and programs of the assigned subjects; timely grasp practical requirements for training majors;

c) Take charge for performing at least 01 (one) science and technology task at grassroots level or higher that has been accepted for acceptance with satisfactory results or higher;

d) Preside over or participate in the compilation of at least 01 (one) training book, which is appraised and tested by a scientific council (established by the head of the higher education institution or approved by a competent authority) collecting and putting into use in training and retraining from university level or higher suitable to the faculty, major of teaching or training and have the international standard code ISBN;

dd) Author of at least 03 (three) scientific articles which are scientific research works of lecturers which have been published in scientific journals with international standard code ISSN;

c) Have the ability to apply information technology and use foreign languages ​​in performing the duties of the main lecturer title (class II);

g) Officials who take the exam or consider for promotion from the professional title of lecturer (class III), code V.07.01.03 to the professional title of main lecturer (class II), code V.07.01.02 must having held the professional title of lecturer (class III), code V.07.01.03 or equivalent for at least full 09 (nine) years for master degree holders, full 06 (six) years for holders have a doctorate degree; in which, must have at least 01 year (full 12 months) holding the professional title of lecturer (class III), code V.07.01.03 by the end of the deadline for submitting the application for exam registration or consideration for promotion."

What is the latest regulation on standards for advantaged lecturers (level I) in Vietnam?

According to the provisions of Article 7 of Circular 40/2020/TT-BGDDT and Clause 1, Article 2 of Circular 04/2022/TT-BGDĐT (effective from April 19, 2022) on the standards for advantaged lecturers (level I) as follows:

"Article 7. Senior lecturer (class I) - Code: V.07.01.01

1. Duties:

a) Teaching; guide and mark projects, graduation theses; guide master's theses and doctoral theses; chair or participate in the evaluation councils of master's and doctoral theses;

b) Take charge for formulating and developing training programs of the major; propose directions and measures for the development of the sector or major; proactively regularly update scientific achievements in the formulation and development of training programs; innovate teaching methods and test methods to evaluate the learning and training results of learners;

c) Preside over or participate in compiling training books; preside over or participate in the implementation of scientific research programs and topics; scientific research orientation for faculty and professional groups;

d) Take charge for or participate in the evaluation of scientific research projects and topics; organize and present scientific reports at scientific conferences and seminars. Preside over or participate in the acceptance and publication of scientific reports, research works, exchange of experiences contributing to the development of the faculty and major; participate in international cooperation activities and ensure the quality of higher education;

dd) Organize and guide learners in scientific research; guide learners in effective learning and research methods; detect the forte capacity of learners to organize training and fostering talents;

e) Preside over or participate in fostering and developing the teaching staff according to the professional development requirements of the faculty or major;

g) Study and foster to raise the level of political theory, expertise, professionalism and teaching methods; participate in practical activities to improve the quality of training and scientific research;

h) Participate in the management and work of the Party and mass organizations and perform other tasks according to the regulations on organization and operation of the public higher education institution and other relevant laws.

2. Standards of training and retraining qualifications:

a) Possess a doctoral degree relevant to the job position, industry or major of teaching;

b) Having a certificate of training according to the professional title standards of university lecturers.

3. Standards of professional and professional capacity;

a) Have in-depth knowledge of the subjects assigned to teach and having solid knowledge of a number of relevant subjects in the assigned training major;

b) Firmly grasp the reality and development trend of training and scientific research of the major;

c) Take charge performing at least 02 (two) grassroots-level science and technology tasks or 01 (one) higher-level science and technology tasks that have been tested and accepted with satisfactory results or higher;

d) Guide at least 02 (two) students who are awarded a master's degree, or guiding at least 01 (one) doctoral student;

For lecturers teaching disciplines in the group of health sciences, instructing 01 (one) student to successfully defend a specialized thesis or resident doctor is counted as guiding 01 (one) licensed student. master's degree.

For lecturers teaching the arts, it is possible to replace the main or auxiliary guidance of 01 (one) doctoral student with 01 (one) prestigious award-winning research work at home and abroad.

For lecturers who do not participate in guiding the master's thesis or doctoral thesis, the number of accepted scientific research topics must be 02 (two) times the number of scientific research topics specified at Point c this clause;

d) Preside over the compilation of at least 01 (one) training book, which is appraised, accepted by the scientific council (established by the head of the higher education institution or approved by a competent authority) and submitted to it. to be used in training and retraining from university level or higher suitable to the majors, majors of teaching or training of lecturers and has the international standard code ISBN;

e) Author of at least 06 (six) scientific articles which are scientific research works of lecturers which have been published in scientific journals with international standard code ISSN;

g) Have ability to apply information technology and use foreign languages ​​in performing the tasks of the title of senior lecturer (level I);

h) Officials who compete or consider for promotion from the professional title of main lecturer (level II), code V.07.01.02 to the professional title of senior lecturer (class I), code V.07.01. 01 must have held the professional title of main lecturer (level II), code V.07.01.02 or equivalent for at least 06 (six) years; in which, must have at least 01 year (full 12 months) holding the professional title of lecturer (level II), code V.07.01.02 by the deadline for submitting the application for exam registration or consideration for promotion."

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