08:24 | 31/07/2023

What is the latest application form for permanent resident card reissuance in Vietnam under the new Circular 22? Where to download application form for permanent resident card reissuance?

What is the latest application form for permanent resident card reissuance in Vietnam under the new Circular 22? Where to download application form for permanent resident card reissuance? - Phong (Quang Binh, Vietnam)

What is the latest application form for permanent resident card reissuance in Vietnam under the new Circular 22? Where to download application form for permanent resident card reissuance?

Pursuant to Circular 22/2023/TT-BCA Here on amendment to several forms attached to Circular 04/2015/TT-BCA on forms relating to entry, exit, and residence of foreigners in Vietnam

The latest application form for permanent resident card reissuance is Form NA13 issued together with Circular 22/2023/TT-BCA.

The application form for permanent resident card reissuance according to Circular 22/2023/TT-BCA shall be applied from August 15, 2023.

> Download the latest application form for permanent resident card reissuance here

What is the latest application form for permanent resident card reissuance in Vietnam under the new Circular 22? Where to download application form for permanent resident card reissuance? (Image from the Internet)

Vietnam: When will the permanent residence card be reissued? What does a re-issued application include?

Pursuant to the provisions of Article 43 of the Law on entry, exit, transit and residence of foreigners in Vietnam 2014 as follows:

Replacement, reissuance of permanent residence cards
1. Permanent residence cards shall be issued by provincial police authorities. Every 10 years, every foreigner who has a permanent residence status must go to a provincial police authority to replace the permanent residence card. The application consists of:
a) An application form for replacement of the permanent residence card;
b) The permanent residence card;
c) A certified true copy of the passport, except for those without nationalities.
2. If permanent residence card is lost or, damaged, or its contents are changed, its holder must follow the procedures for reissuance of the card at the police authority of the province where he/she has the permanent residence. The application consists of:
a) An application form for reissuance of the permanent residence card;
b) The permanent residence card (or a report on the loss of the card);
c) A certified true copy of the passport, except for those without nationalities;
d) Papers proving the changes to the contents of the permanent residence card.
3. Within 20 days from the day on which sufficient documents are received, the police authority of the province shall reissue the card.

Thus, according to the above provisions, the permanent residence card will be re-issued in the following cases:

- The permanent residence card is lost;

- The permanent residence card is damaged;

- Foreigners change information in their permanent residence card.

Accordingly, the application for re-issuance of a permanent residence card includes:

- An application form for reissuance of the permanent residence card;

- The permanent residence card (or a report on the loss of the card);

- A certified true copy of the passport, except for those without nationalities;

- Papers proving the changes to the contents of the permanent residence card.

Foreigners who permanently reside shall submit the above dossiers at the police offices of the provinces or centrally run cities where they permanently reside.

What are the regulatiosn on the printing, using and managing specimen papers of foreigners in Vietnam?

Pursuant to Article 5 of Circular 04/2015/TT-BCA as amended by Clause 5, Article 1 of Circular 57/2020/TT-BCA as follows:

Printing, using and managing specimen papers
1. White printed forms (visas, temporary resident cards, permanent resident cards and visa-free entry:
a) Immigration Department is contractually responsible to Science and Technology Institute - Ministry of Public Security for conducting research, designing and producing blank prints to promptly fulfill requirements of competent agencies capable of issuing visas, temporary resident cards, permanent residence cards and visa-free entry documents.
b. Competent agencies that issue visas, temporary and permanent resident cards, visa-free entries must manage white printed forms under confidentiality regime; issue them to right persons according to the provisions of law.
c. Before November 15 annually, competent agencies that issue visas, temporary and permanent resident cards, visa-free entries must plan and register with Immigration Administration for the quantity of white printed forms needed for the following year. Manner of registration is as follows: Vietnam’s representative bodies overseas and agencies affiliated to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs shall register with the Consular Department – Vietnam Ministry of Foreign Affairs; units controlling entry and exit at the international border gates (under the Ministry of Defence) shall register with Department of Border Gate affiliated to Vietnam Border Defense Force; Immigration Office – Public Security of the central-affiliated provinces and cities shall register directly with Immigration Administration.
2. When used, specimen papers used by immigration authority as mentioned in Article 3 hereof shall be printed on A4 size paper and not be modified in any way.
3. Specimen papers used by agencies, organizations, and individuals as mentioned in Article 2 hereof may be obtained via the portals of immigration authority, overseas visa-issuing authority of Vietnam. When used, specimen papers shall not be modified and must be filled up with adequate information as instructed.

Thus, at present, the printing, use and management of forms of entry and exit papers of foreigners are carried out according to the above provisions.

Circular 22/2023/TT-BCA will take effect from 15/8/2023

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