What is the deposit interest rate at Vietnam Bank for Social Policies? Instructions on procedures for depositing savings at the Vietnam Bank for Social Policies?

What are the interest rates for savings deposits at Vietnam Bank for Social Policies? - Question from Mr. Hung (Binh Duong)

How many forms of savings are there at the Vietnam Bank for Social Policies?

Pursuant to Clause 4, Section I, Guideline No. 3579/NHCS-KHNV in 2019, there are forms of savings deposit at the Vietnam Bank for Social Policies as follows;

- Forms of savings deposits classified by deposit term, including demand savings deposits, term savings deposits. The specific deposit term is determined by Vietnam Bank for Social Policies.

- Form of savings deposit classified according to other criteria (if any) as prescribed by the General Director of Vietnam Bank for Social Policies.

What is the deposit interest rate at Vietnam Bank for Social Policies? Instructions on procedures for depositing savings at the Vietnam Bank for Social Policies?

What is the deposit interest rate at Vietnam Bank for Social Policies? Instructions on procedures for depositing savings at the Vietnam Bank for Social Policies?

How to calculate the interest rates for savings deposits at Vietnam Bank for Social Policies?

Pursuant to Clause 6, Section I of Guideline No. 3579/NHCS-KHNV in 2019, the interest rates for savings deposits at the Vietnam Bank for Social Policies are regulated as follows:

(1) The General Director assigns the Director of the Transaction Office, the Director of the provincial branch of Vietnam Bank for Social Policies to actively conduct a survey and publicly announce the savings deposit interest rates applied at the unit;

Ensure that the applied interest rate does not exceed the highest deposit rate of the same type, same term, and at the same time of 04 (four) banks (Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development of Vietnam, Joint Stock Commercial Bank for Investment and Development of Vietnam, Joint Stock Commercial Bank for Foreign Trade of Vietnam, Joint Stock Commercial Bank for Industry and Trade of Vietnam) in the same area and must not exceed the maximum interest rate set by the General Director of Vietnam Bank for Social Policies notice from time to time.

(2) The method of calculating interest on savings deposits shall comply with the regulations of the General Director of Vietnam Bank for Social Policies from time to time

(3) Interest payment method

- For demand savings deposit: Interest of the deposit is paid monthly and on the settlement date of the savings deposit.

- For term savings deposits, interest payments are made by the following methods:

+ Interest payment at the beginning of the period: Interest of the deposit is paid immediately upon deposit.

+ Payment of interest at the end of the period: Interest of the deposit is paid after the end of the deposit term.

+ Periodic interest payment: Interest of the deposit is paid periodically (according to regulations on savings deposit products and as agreed between Vietnam Bank for Social Policies and depositors).

- Other methods of paying interest (if any) as prescribed by the General Director of Vietnam Bank for Social Policies.

What are the procedures for depositing savings at the Vietnam Bank for Social Policies?

Pursuant to Clause 1, Section II of Guideline No. 3579/NHCS-KHNV in 2019, the procedure for depositing savings at the Vietnam Bank for Social Policies is carried out as follows:

(1) The depositor must go directly to the transaction location of Vietnam Bank for Social Policies and present the original of the depositor's verification document; In case of joint savings deposit, all depositors must directly present the original of their information verification papers.

In case of depositing savings through a legal representative, the legal representative must present papers proving the representative status of the legal representative, papers verifying information of legal representatives and documents verifying information of depositors.

- Papers verifying information of depositors and papers verifying information of legal representatives comply with the provisions of Point d, Point dd, Clause 3, Section I of Guideline No. 3579/NHCS-KHNV in 2019

- Papers verifying the representative status of the legal representative according to the provisions of Point e, Clause 3, Section I of Guideline No. 3579/NHCS-KHNV in 2019

(2) The depositor shall register the sample signature in case the sample signature is changed or the sample signature is not stored at Vietnam Bank for Social Policies on the Savings Card.

- In case the depositor cannot write or sign, the depositor is instructed to only replace the sample signature.

- For general savings deposits, all depositors must register a sample signature on the Savings Card.

(3) Vietnam Bank for Social Policies checks and compares the information of depositors and legal representatives in accordance with regulations. In case the information is not accurate, not legal, not valid and complete according to regulations, Vietnam Bank for Social Policies will notify the depositor to complete. In case the information is accurate, legal, valid and complete according to regulations, Vietnam Bank for Social Policies and depositors continue to do the following:

- Depositors pay cash or transfer money from current accounts, sign on transaction documents in accordance with the sample signatures registered at Vietnam Bank for Social Policies.

- Vietnam Bank for Social Policies carries out the process of collecting cash or transferring money from depositors' current accounts at Vietnam Bank for Social Policies where the savings card is opened according to regulations.

- Vietnam Bank for Social Policies delivers the Savings Card to the depositor when there is a full seal and signature of the authorized person on the Savings Card and returns the original copy of the Information Verification Paper to the depositor.

(4) After completing the savings deposit procedure, the Vietnam Bank for Social Policies where the transaction is made must keep all required documents, including: Savings card; transaction documents.

In case savings deposit transactions are performed through a legal representative, Vietnam Bank for Social Policies where the transaction is located must additionally keep: Originals or notarized or authenticated copies of documents proving the representative status of the bank. legal representative, documents verifying information of the legal representative; the original or a copy from the original book or a notarized or certified copy of the birth certificate for individuals under the age of 14.

(5) For saving deposit to the issued Savings Card:

- Depositors present their issued Savings Cards and carry out the procedures specified at Points a, b and c, Clause 1, Section II of Guideline No. 3579/NHCS-KHNV in 2019.

- Vietnam Bank for Social Policies accepts savings deposits as prescribed at Points a, b, c and d, of this Clause, records the savings in the issued Savings Cards and delivers the Savings Cards to depositors.


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