07:24 | 12/06/2024

What is the certification for completion of primary education? What are the requirements on contents and methods of primary education in Vietnam?

What is the certification for completion of primary education? What are the requirements on contents and methods of primary education in Vietnam?

What is the certification for completion of primary education in Vietnam?

Pursuant to Article 34 of the Law on Education 2019:

Certification for completion of primary education and issuance of lower secondary diploma and upper secondary diploma
1. Students who complete the primary education programme and meet the requirements set by the Minister of Education and Training will be certified in their official academic records by a primary school principal that they have completed primary education.
2. Students who complete the lower secondary education programme and meet the requirements set by the Minister of Education and Training will be issued with diplomas of lower secondary education by the head of an educational specialized agency under the management of a provincial People’s Committee.
3. Students who complete the upper secondary education programme and meet the requirements set by the Minister of Education and Training will be eligible to take the examination. Those who pass the examination are issued with diplomas of upper secondary education by the head of an educational specialized agency under the management of a provincial People’s Committee.
Students who complete upper secondary education and meet the requirements set by the Minister of Education and Training will be eligible to take the examination. Those who do not take the examination or fail the examination are issued with certificates by the school principal that they have completed general education.
Certificate for completion of general education is used to register for the examination for the upper secondary diploma per learners' wish or per the requirements to continue studying in vocational education and is used in specific cases as prescribed by law.

Students who complete the primary education programme will be certified in their official academic records by a primary school principal that they have completed primary education and will not be issued with diplomas of primary secondary education.

Students who complete the lower/upper secondary education programme will be issued with diplomas of lower/upper secondary education.

What is the certification for completion of primary education? What are the requirements on contents and methods of primary education in Vietnam? (Image from the Internet)

What are the objectives of primary education in Vietnam? What are the regulations on grades and the entry age of primary education?

Pursuant to Article 29 of the Law on Education 2019 on the objectives of general education:

Objectives of general education
1. The objectives of general education are to help learners develop comprehensively by acquiring morals, knowledge, physical health, aesthetic values and other basic skills, develop personal abilities, flexibility and creativeness, with a view to forming the socialist Vietnamese personality and the civic duty, to preparing them for further studies of higher education, vocational education or entering the workforce, participating in the building and defending of the Fatherland.
2. Primary education aims to help students form initial foundations for moral, intellectual, physical and aesthetic development and capacity, preparing them for entering lower secondary education.
3. Lower secondary education is directed towards students' consolidation and development of the outcomes of primary education, provision of general and basic knowledge along with introductory understanding on techniques and career orientation to enter upper secondary education or vocational education.

Primary education aims to help students form initial foundations for moral, intellectual, physical and aesthetic development and capacity, preparing them for entering lower secondary education.

In addition, according to point a, Clause 1, Article 28 of the Law on Education 2019, primary education lasts for 05 school years, from the first to the fifth grade. The entry age for the first grade is 06,

What are the requirements on contents and methods of primary education in Vietnam?

Pursuant to Article 30 of the Law on Education 2019 on the requirements on contents and methods of general education:

Requirements on contents and methods of general education
1. The contents of general education must ensure the popular, basic, comprehensive, career-orienting, and systematic characteristics; linking with the realities of life, appropriate to the psycho-physiological characteristics of students, meeting the objectives of education at each level.
2. Requirements on the contents of general education at each level are regulated as follows:
a) Primary education must guarantee students the foundation for comprehensive development of physical and emotional health, social skills, simple and necessary knowledge about nature, society and human being; with social moral awareness; with basic skills in listening, reading, speaking, writing and calculating; with habits of physical exercise and hygiene; and with initial understanding of singing, dancing, music and arts;
b) Lower secondary education shall consolidate and develop the contents learned in primary education, guarantee students the basic general knowledge in Vietnamese, mathematics, national history, other knowledge in social sciences, natural sciences, law, informatics, foreign languages; with introductory understanding on techniques and career-orientation.
c) Upper secondary education shall consolidate and develop the contents learned in lower secondary education, complete the contents of general education. Besides guaranteeing the general, basic, comprehensive and career-orienting knowledge for all students, there shall be advanced teaching in some subjects to develop the students' abilities and satisfy their needs.

In addition to meeting the requirements in Clause 1 of this Article, primary education must also guarantee students:

- the foundation for comprehensive development of physical and emotional health, social skills, simple and necessary knowledge about nature, society and human being;

- with social moral awareness; with basic skills in listening, reading, speaking, writing and calculating;

- with habits of physical exercise and hygiene; and with initial understanding of singing, dancing, music and arts;

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