What is the application form for tuition exemption for students in Vietnam in 2023? Where to download the application form for tuition exemption for students?

What is the application form for tuition exemption for students in Vietnam in 2023? Where to download the application form for tuition exemption for students? H.N - Binh Duong.

What is the application form for tuition exemption for students in Vietnam in 2023? Where to download the application form for tuition exemption for students?

Students eligible for tuition exemption can apply for tuition exemption using the form below:

Form No. 01: For public school students

Download the tuition exemption application form for public school students here.

Form No. 02: Used for private school students

Download the tuition exemption application form for private school students here.

What is the application form for tuition exemption for students in Vietnam in 2023? Where to download the application form for tuition exemption for students?

Vietnam: Which majors are students studying eligible for free tuition for the 2023-2024 school year?

Pursuant to the provisions of Article 15 of Decree 81/2021/ND-CP stipulates as follows:

Eligibility for tuition exemption
13. Students pursuing Marxism-Leninism and Ho Chi Minh’s Thought.
14. Students, higher education students, and researchers specialized in tuberculosis, leprosy, psychology, forensic examination, psychology examination, and autopsy in public medical personnel training facilities as per order of the Government.
15. Ethnic students under Clause 1 Article 2 of Decree No. 57/2017/ND-CP dated May 9, 2017 of the Government.
16. Learners subject to tuition exemption programs or schemes according to regulations of the Government.
17. Graduates of secondary education and pursuing intermediate education.
18. Learners pursuing intermediate-level education, college level education for majors that have difficulty in students but are required by the society according to lists regulated by Ministry of Labor - War Invalids and Social Affairs.
19. Learners studying in specific majors satisfying socio-economic development demands, national defense and security according to Law on Vocational Education. Specific majors regulated by Prime Minister.

Thus, based on the above regulations, students studying the following majors are exempt from tuition fees:

- Students pursuing Marxism-Leninism and Ho Chi Minh’s Thought.

- Students, higher education students, and researchers specialized in tuberculosis, leprosy, psychology, forensic examination, psychology examination, and autopsy in public medical personnel training facilities as per order of the Government.

- Ethnic students under Clause 1 Article 2 of Decree No. 57/2017/ND-CP dated May 9, 2017 of the Government.

- Learners subject to tuition exemption programs or schemes according to regulations of the Government.

- Graduates of secondary education and pursuing intermediate education.

- Learners pursuing intermediate-level education, college level education for majors that have difficulty in students but are required by the society according to lists regulated by Ministry of Labor - War Invalids and Social Affairs.

- Learners studying in specific majors satisfying socio-economic development demands, national defense and security according to Law on Vocational Education. Specific majors regulated by Prime Minister.

What is the application for tuition exemption for students in Vietnam?

Pursuant to the provisions of Article 19 of Decree 81/2021/ND-CP, amended and supplemented by Article 5 of Decree 104/2022/ND-CP regulating application for tuition exemption for students including:

- Application for tuition reduction, exemption, studying cost financing, and tuition financing.

- Verified true copies or copies with original copy for comparison or copies from the original copies of documents proving eligibility for tuition reduction, exemption, and studying cost financing for:

+ Confirmation of entities regulating persons having rendered meritorious services for individuals mentioned under Ordinance on benefits for people with meritorious services to the revolution when studying in education institutions affiliated to national education system.

+ Confirmation of disabilities issued by People’s Committees of communes or decisions on social benefits of Chairpersons of People’s Committees of districts.

+ Decisions on social benefits of Chairpersons of People’s Committees of districts for students under 16 years of age lacking any care and individuals from 16 years of age to 22 years of age and studying in formal education, the first degree of higher education and eligible for monthly social benefits. Learners in intermediate-education level or college level who are left without both parents and shelter according to Law on Vocational Education.

+ Birth certificate and confirmation of poor households or near-poor households issued by People’s Committees of communes for students in vocation education institutions and higher education institutions, ethnic minorities whose parent, parents, or grandparents (if living with grandparents) in poor households or near-poor households according to regulations of Prime Minister.

+ Birth certificate and citizen identity card or identification card, certificate of residence information or notice of personal identification number and citizen information in the National Population Database in case the agency or organization cannot access the residence information of citizens in the National Population Database in cases where agencies and organizations cannot exploit citizens' residence information in the National Population Database for students from very few ethnic minorities.

+ Monthly allowance book of a parent who has a work accident or occupational disease issued by a social insurance organization for students who are children of officials, civil servants, public employees, or workers whose father or the mother has a work accident or occupational disease and is entitled to regular benefits.

* Note:

- Learners eligible for tuition reduction, exemption, and studying cost financing are only required to produce 1 set of application for the whole studying period. For learners living in poor households or near-poor households, at the beginning of each semester, submit additional confirmation of poor households or near-poor households to serve as the basis for considering tuition reduction, exemption, and studying cost financing for the subsequent semester.

- In case a student has a citizen identity card and is granted a personal identification number, information about permanent residence can be accessed from connecting and sharing population data with other educational institutions, the Committee Division of Education and Training, the Department of Education and Training, the Division of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs, the Committee Division of Finance, the Department of Finance, his/her parents (or guardian) are not required to submit birth certificate and proof of permanent residence


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