What is the application for settlement of pension? What are the procedures for settlement of pension or lump-sum social insurance allowance in Vietnam?

What is the application for settlement of pension? What are the procedures for settlement of pension or lump-sum social insurance allowance in Vietnam? T.Q - Hanoi

What is the application for settlement of pension in Vietnam?

At Point 1.2, Clause 1, Article 6 on Procedures for processing of applications for social insurance benefits, and payment of social insurance and unemployment insurance benefits issued with Decision 166/QD-BHXH in 2019, there are regulations on applications in the following cases:

Case 1: In case a worker is paying compulsory social insurance at employer

- Social insurance book.

- Decision on approval for retirement using the form provided in the Government's Decree No. 46/2010/ND-CP dated April 27, 2010 or the form 12-HSB or the written agreement on termination of labour contract for enjoying pension.

- The original of report on assessment of work capacity reduction (in case the worker has submitted the original report for receiving other benefits, the copy thereof may be used) or the copy of certificate of occupational HIV/AIDS infection .

- The Statement Form No. 04B-HBKV (promulgated together with the Circular No. 181/2016/TT-BQP) of the person who served in the army before January 01, 2007 in area where regional benefit is granted

Case 2: In case a person pays voluntary social insurance or preserves social insurance payment period (including cases a person is serving an imprisonment sentence, a person has illegally emigrated and now return Vietnam for living, or a person is declared missing by the Court), the application includes:

- Social insurance book.

- The application form 14-HSB.

- The original of report on assessment of work capacity reduction (in case the worker has submitted the original report for receiving other benefits, the copy thereof may be used) or the copy of certificate of occupational HIV/AIDS infection.

- The power of attorney (form 13-HSB) of the person who has been serving an imprisonment sentence from January 01, 2016 afterwards.

- If a person has finished his/her imprisonment sentence within the period from January 01, 1995 to January 01, 2016, the copy of one of the following documents shall be submitted: Certificate of discharge upon completion of imprisonment sentence or parole certificate or decision on exemption from serving imprisonment sentence or decision on deferment of imprisonment sentence.

- The copy of certificate of legal residency given by a competent authority of the person who returns Vietnam for living after illegal emigration.

- The copy of the effective decision on invalidation of the Court's decision declaring the missing in case the person declared missing comes back.

- The Statement Form No. 04B-HBKV (promulgated together with the Circular No. 181/2016/TT-BQP) of the person who served in the army before January 01, 2007 in area where region-based benefit is granted

- In case of payment of medical assessment charges, invoices/receipts and list of medically assessed contents given by health facility must be submitted.

Case 3: In case a person is granted decision or certificate of work ceasing awaiting pension or monthly benefit according to Decree No. 09/1998/ND-CP.

- The original of Decision certificate of work ceasing awaiting pension or monthly benefit as regulated in Decree No. 09/1998/ND-CP; if this decision or certificate is lost, the Form 14-HSB shall be submitted.

- The original of report on assessment of work capacity reduction (in case the worker has submitted the original report for receiving other benefits, the copy thereof may be used) or the copy of certificate of occupational HIV/AIDS infection.

- The power of attorney (form 13-HSB) of the person who has been serving an imprisonment sentence from January 01, 2016 afterwards.

- If a person has finished his/her imprisonment sentence within the period from January 01, 1995 to January 01, 2016, the copy of one of the following documents shall be submitted: Certificate of discharge upon completion of imprisonment sentence or parole certificate or decision on exemption from serving imprisonment sentence or decision on deferment of imprisonment sentence.

- The copy of certificate of legal residency given by a competent authority of the person who returns Vietnam for living after illegal emigration.

- The copy of the effective decision on invalidation of the Court's decision declaring the missing in case the person declared missing comes back.

- The Statement Form No. 04B-HBKV (promulgated together with the Circular No. 181/2016/TT-BQP) of the person who served in the army before January 01, 2007 in area where region-based benefit is granted

What is the application for settlement of pension? What are the procedures for settlement of pension or lump-sum social insurance allowance in Vietnam? (Image from the Internet)

What are the procedures for settlement of pension or lump-sum social insurance allowance in Vietnam?

Article 110 of the Law on Social Insurance 2014 stipulates that the settlement of pension or lump-sum social insurance allowance are as follows:

Step 1. Within 30 days by the time an employee enjoys pension, the employer shall submit a dossier specified in Clause 1, Article 108 of this Law to the social insurance agency.

- Within 30 days by the time an employee enjoys pension, employees having their period of social insurance premium payment reserved or employees covered by voluntary social insurance shall submit a dossier specified in Clause 2, Article 108 of this Law to the social insurance agency.

- Within 30 days by the time an employee becomes eligible and requests payment of lump-sum social insurance allowance, he/she shall submit a dossier specified in Article 109 of this Law to the social insurance agency.

Step 2. Within 20 days after receiving a complete and valid dossier, for to-be- pensioners, or within 10 days after receiving a complete and valid dossier, for persons to enjoy a lump-sum social insurance allowance, the social insurance agency shall settle the enjoyment of pension or lump-sum allowance and make payment to employees; or issue a written reply clearly stating the reason for its refusal to settle such enjoyment.

Can a person on pension who moves to another place of residence change his/her place for receiving pension or social insurance allowance in Vietnam?

In Article 115 of the Law on Social Insurance 2014, there are regulations on change of places for receiving pension or social insurance allowance as follows:

Change of places for receiving pension or social insurance allowance
When a person on pension or monthly social insurance allowance moves to another place of residence within the country and wishes to receive social insurance allowance at the new place of residence, he/she shall submit an application to the social insurance agency of the place where he/she currently receives the allowance.
Within 5 working days after receiving such application, the social insurance agency shall settle the receipt of pension or social insurance allowance by the employee at the new place of residence, or issue a written reply clearly stating the reason for its refusal to settle such receipt.

Thus, when a person on pension or monthly social insurance allowance moves to another place of residence within the country, he/she may change his/her place for receiving pension or social insurance allowance in Vietnam. Within 5 working days after receiving such application, the social insurance agency shall settle the receipt of pension at the new place of residence.


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