01:54 | 18/03/2022

What is the application and process of considerating and recogniting Good teaching teacher, lecturer title at the Ministry of National Defense by the latest regulation in 2022?

Hello Lawnet, I want to learn what is the application and process of considerating and recogniting Good teaching teacher, lecturer title at the Ministry of National Defense by the latest regulation in 2022?

What is the principle of considering and recognizing Good Teaching Teacher, Good Teaching Lecturer title in the Ministry of National Defense?

According to the guidance in Article 4 of Circular 13/2022/ TT-BQP, the considering and recogniting Good Teaching Teacher, Good Teaching Lecturer title in Ministry of National Defense shall comply with the following principles:

"Article 4. Principle of considering and recognizing Good Teaching Teacher, Good Teaching Lecturer title

1. Based on the standards of Good Teaching Teacher, Good Teaching Lecturer title prescribed at each level.

a) At the grassroots level: Evaluation of teaching practice results through contests, lectures combined with inspection and testing, results of completing school year tasks according to the standards of good teachers, good teachers. as specified in this Circular.

b) Ministry of National Defense: Set up a Council of the Ministry of National Defense to review and approve the application file according to the standards of good teachers and good teachers specified in this Circular.

2. Ensure accuracy, fairness, publicity, democracy, transparency, objectivity, substance and honesty.

3. In accordance with the guidelines and lines of the Party, policies and laws of the State, and regulations of the Ministry of National Defense.

4. The results of the consideration of Good Teaching Teacher, Good Teaching Lecturer title at the grassroots level must be approved by the same Party committee before summarizing and reporting to the competent authorities for consideration and decision."

What is the application of considerating and recogniting Good teaching teacher, lecturer title at the Ministry of National Defense?

According to the guidance in Article 14 of Circular 13/2022/ TT-BQP, to be considered Good teaching teacher, lecturer title at the Ministry of National Defense, teachers need to prepare the dossier as follows:

" Article 14. Application for consideration, request and recognition at the Ministry of National Defense

1. A application comprises:

a) The application of proposals of the teacher as prescribed in Article 9 of this Circular.

b) Documents according to Form No. 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09 Appendix I issued together with this Circular.

2. For schools under the Ministry of National Defense: The school shall send a report enclosed with the dossier and submission for consideration and recognition of the title of Good Lecturer, Good Teacher to the School Administration - Permanent Agency of the Ministry of National Defense Council.

3. For schools not attached to the Ministry of National Defense: The school management level shall issue a report enclosed with the school's dossier, a written request for consideration and recognition of the title of Good Teaching Teacher, Good Teaching Teacher to the School Administration - Permanent Agency of the Ministry of National Defense Council."

How is the process of requesting to consider and recognite Good teaching teacher, lecturer title at the Ministry of National Defense?

According to the guidance in Article 15 of Circular 13/2022/ TT-BQP, the process of requesting to consider and recognite Good teaching teacher, lecturer title at the Ministry of National Defense is conducted as follows:

"Article 15. the process of requesting to consider and recognite at Ministry of National Defense

1. Council at the Ministry of National Defense level

a/The Minister of National Defense shall decide on the establishment of a council at the level of the Ministry of National Defense with a number of 15 or 19 persons. The composition of the Council includes:

- Chairman: Comrade General Staff, Deputy Minister of National Defense

- Vice Chairman: 01 comrade Deputy General Staff is the Permanent Vice Chairman; 01 comrade Deputy Chairman of the General Department of Politics.

- Permanent Commissioner: Director of the School Department.

- Member, concurrently Head of Secretariat: 01 Deputy Director of School Department.

- Members: 01 Head of the Military Science Department; 01 Head of the Military Department; 01 Head of the Staff Department; 01 Head of the Propaganda Department; Head of the Military Women's Committee; Head of the Board of Directors, Board of Directors of some schools.

b) The Council shall work according to the principles of democracy, publicity and secret ballot. Meetings of the Council must be attended by two-thirds or more of its members. Absentees must be approved by the Chairman of the Council and sent to the Council for consideration at the meeting to ensure 100% of the votes.

c) Teachers who register, submit dossiers for consideration and recognition of the title of Good Teaching Teacher, Good Teaching Teacher do not participate in the Council.

d) The Council may use the seal in accordance with law and regulations of the Ministry of National Defense.

dd) The School Department is a permanent agency of the Review Council to recognize the title of Good Teaching Teacher, Good Teaching Teacher at the Ministry of National Defense.

2. The Chairman of the Council shall decide on the establishment of a Secretariat to assist the Council.

3. Appraisal of application

a) The standing agency of the Council shall synthesize dossiers of proposals of grassroots councils and hand them over to the Secretariat for appraisal.

b) The Secretariat shall appraise the accuracy and validity of the records and standards of the teachers according to regulations, report to the Chairperson of the Board on the results of the evaluation of qualified and unqualified teachers and recognition of the title of Good Teacher, Good Teacher, request the Chairperson of the Board to collect the opinions of the relevant authorities and the opinions of the schools with registered candidates on the appraisal results of the Secretariat.

c) The Secretariat shall synthesize and agree on the list of qualified and unqualified teachers to consider and recognize the status of Good Lecturer, Good Teacher, report to the Chairman of the Council; send dossiers and documents to the members of the Council and prepare for the meeting of the Council at the level of the Ministry of National Defense.

4. Meeting of the Council

a) The Council shall consider and discuss the qualifications of the teachers proposed for consideration and recognition of the titles of Good Lecturers and Good Teachers; the Council shall consider proposals of organizations and individuals (if any) and vote on the list of qualified and ineligible teachers.

b) Organize the collection of credits in the form of secret ballot for teachers who are proposed to be recognized as good teachers, good teachers at the level of the Ministry of National Defense. Teachers with 2/3 or more of the vote of confidence compared to the total number of members of the Council shall be included in the list of proposals for consideration and recognition of the title of Good Teaching Teacher, Good Teaching Teacher at the level of the Ministry of National Defense.

c) The Secretariat shall complete the dossier and report to the Chairman of the Council for signing a document requesting the Minister of National Defense to decide on the recognition of the title of Good Lecturer, Good Teacher at the Ministry of National Defense.

5. Certificate of title of Good Teaching Teacher, Good Teaching Teacher at the Ministry of National Defense according to Form 11 in Appendix I to this Circular."

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