What is the administrative fine imposed on entities arbitrarily shifting traffic signs in Vietnam?

“What is the administrative fine imposed on entities arbitrarily shifting traffic signs in Vietnam?” - asked Mr. Van Hiep (Dong Thap)

What is the concept of traffic signs under the Road Traffic Law?

In fact, the law still does not have specific regulations on the concept of traffic signs, however, it can be understood that traffic signs are signs placed on the road to signify and convey information to road users.

Pursuant to the provisions of Clause 1, Article 10 of the Law on Road Traffic 2008, the road signal system includes:

+ Instructions given by persons directing traffic; traffic light signals, road signs, road markings, marker posts or protection walls and barriers.

Thus, traffic signs are under the road signaling system. If there are different forms of signaling in the same area, road users must obey the signals in the following order:

- Instructions given by persons directing traffic;

- Traffic light signals;

- Road signs;

- Road markings and other signs on the road.

Note: In case in a location where there are fixed signs, there are other temporarily installed signsbut 02 signs with different meanings, road users must comply with temporarily installed signs.

What is the administrative fine imposed on entities arbitrarily shifting traffic signs in Vietnam?

Pursuant to Article 17 of Decree 144/2021/ND-CP stipulating violations against regulations on protection for public works or security and order works as follows:

Violations against regulations on protection for public works or security and order works.
1. A fine of from VND 500.000 to VND 1.000.000 shall be imposed for shifting road signs, instruction signs, signboards of agencies and organizations without permission.
2. A fine of from VND 1.000.000 to VND 2.000.000 shall be imposed for any of the following violations:
a) Arbitrarily shifting and dismantling column of telephone, telegraph, lamp-post and fence of state agencies or other public works;
b) Dismantling, demolishing or doing anything else that may damage the signals, instruction signs, signboards of agencies and organizations.
c) Destroying property and kind at a protected area or guard post thereof; climbing or performing other acts that impact on the gate, door, fence of a protected area or guard post thereof without permission.
3. Additional penalties:
a) Confiscate the exhibits and means used for committing administrative violations specified in Clauses 1 and 2 of this Article.
b) Expel foreigners committing the administrative violations specified in Clause 2 of this Article.
4. Remedial measure:
Mandatory restoration of original condition in case of administrative violations specified in Clauses 1 and 2 of this Article.

Thus, according to Clause 1, Article 17 of Decree 144/2021/ND-CP as follows:

- A fine of from VND 500.000 to VND 1.000.000 shall be imposed for shifting road signs, instruction signs, and signboards of agencies and organizations without permission.

Therefore, entities arbitrarily shifting road signs in Vietnam may be fiend from 500,000 VND to 1,000,000 VND.

Besides, they must restore original condition. The exhibits and means used for committing administrative violations shall be confiscated.

Note: the above fine applies only to individuals. In case organizations violate, the fine shall be doubled.

What are some types of prohibitory road signs in Vietnam?

* Prohibited opposite direction

According to National Technical Regulations QCVN 41:2019/BGTVT, the “Prohibited opposite direction” sign has a circular shape, a red background, and a large white dash in the middle. The “Prohibited opposite direction” sign is placed at the beginning of one-way roads, so many people also call them 1-way road signs.

The “Prohibited opposite direction” sign is meant to signal that the section of road ahead prohibits vehicles (motor and rudimentary) from entering in the direction of the sign, except for priority vehicles on duty such as fire engines; military vehicles, police vehicles, convoys led by police cars; ambulance; escort car,... Pedestrians are allowed on sidewalks or curbs.

* Pedestrian-prohibited sign

According to National Technical Regulations QCVN 41:2019/BGTVT, pedestrian traffic signs include the following signs:

- Sign P.112: "Pedestrian prohibited sign" is meant to signal that the road ahead is closed to pedestrians. This sign is placed where the road intersects or in front of a location on the road to be banned, valid on all lanes or valid only on one or several lanes according to road signs.

* Pedestrian Crossing Sign

- Sign W.224: "Pedestrian Crossing Sign" is meant to foreshadow the upcoming crosswalk. When encountering this sign, vehicles must slow down, prioritizing pedestrians. Vehicles are only allowed to run when there is no danger to pedestrians.

* Parking prohibited sign

Pursuant to National Technical Regulations QCVN 41:2019/BGTVT, the parking prohibited sign includes 03 subsigns: Signs P.131a, P.131b, and P.131c.

- Sign P.131a: It is forbidden for vehicles to park on the stretch of road where this sign is installed, except for priority vehicles on duty.

- Signs P.131b: It is forbidden to park on odd days of the month, except for priority vehicles on duty.

- Signs P.131c: It is forbidden to park on even days of the month, except for priority vehicles on priority duty.

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Traffic signs
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